D&D 5E 5E Sunless Citadel - CG


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Ara High Elf Wizard

"I want to go with you. Unfortunately, I am ill equipped for an extended stay in the Wilderness, and I am short on funds." Ara confesses in an embarrassed tone "If someone could loan me a few gold for a waterskin and some rations and I can purchase them here and be ready to leave."

OOC: Foolish me. I went in debt to get this gear (short sword, longbow, familiar) and forgot to toss in a waterskin and few days of rations

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First Post
Ara, High Elf Wizard

"Many thanks Edward. I will repay you at the first opportunity." Ara takes the two gold offered by Edward and purchases a water skin and 3 days of rations. Ara shoulders his pack and follows Edward out of the shop.

OOC: Charwoman Gene, I thought this was the simplest way to deal with my lack of foresight in taking a scholar's pack w/o waterskin and rations. Please let me know if you want to play it differently.


First Post
Following Edgar out of the shop and waiting until his friend is done at the well Tordak roughly drops a bucket of water over his head and squeezes out any excess from his beard while declaring "Good teh go!" Shouldering his pack and refilling his waterskin in the process, he checks his mace at his belt ensuring it's snugly attached. "Can't say I be unhappy with not putting off going sooner rather then later anyway" he says with a lopsided grin while gripping the end of his stogie in his teeth.

Charwoman Gene

You all head out on the old road. After a few hours, you come to the ravine where this rumored citadel is said to exist. The Old Road passes to the east of a narrow ravine. At the road's closest approach to the cleft, several broken pillars jut from the earth where the ravine widens. Two of the pillars stand straight, but most lean atop sloped earth. Others are broken, and several have apparently fallen into the dark depths. A few similar pillars are visible on the opposite side of the ravine.
A sturdy, knotted rope is tied to one of the leaning pillars on this side of the ravine.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"This looks interesting," says Kuhl, as he loosens his belt and wraps his walking stick twice before reattaching it to his waist.

He turns to the Cleric. "Mr Ironhammer. Are you able to say a prayer and ask for Guidance as we cross?" He turns to the others. "One can always benefit from divine assistance."

He approaches the ropes, tests them, and prepares to attempt to cross. "Maybe someone can steady this for me, too."

OOC: Assuming this is an Acrobatics test, Kuhl is proficient (+5), and maybe with someone steadying it that will give advantage. If additionally Tordak can cast Guidance (couldn't see your spell selection in the RG, obeliske), we might all be okay!


First Post
Ara, High Elf Wizard 1

"I appreciate your enthusiasm Kuhl. If you are willing to wait a minute, I can have my familiar take a look at what is on the other end of the rope." Ara states.

Ara mumbles a few words and waves his hand. Who, Ara's Owl familiar, appears in the sky. Who gazes around the terrain at the other end of the rope.

Interesting. Dismissing and causing the familiar to re-appear costs an action, but there is nothing about whether there is a Verbal or Somatic component to the action. I will assume that the action require a Verbal and Somatic component.

I am not quite sure from the description whether the rope goes down into the ravine or runs from one side to a pillar on the other side. Either way, Who is looking at what is at the other the other end of the rope.

Who Perception on rope. Adv Keen Hearing and Eyesight.: 1D20+3 = [14]+3 = 17
1D20+3 = [10]+3 = 13


Charwoman Gene

The rope is hanging down into the ravine. Who can see a ledge about 50 feet down where the rope stops. The floor is covered in rocky debris, sand and small animal bones.


Edgar, Paladin 1

"Anything down there to worry about? Edgar asked the wizard.

OOC: Assuming nothing is reported Edgar will offer to go first.

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 12
AC: 16
Initiative: +0
HP: 12/12 (HD: 1/1d10)

Halberd +5 10ft 1d10+3S
Halberd (Bonus action): +5 5ft 1d4+3B
Shortsword: +5 5ft 1d6+3P
Javelin: +5 30/120 1d6+3P

Devine Sense 3/3
Lay on Hands 5/5[/SBLOCK]


First Post
Ara, High Elf Wizard 1

Ara answers Edward "A ledge with bones. Bones means creatures and a rope means intelligent creatures." after a pause "Unless the rope was left by the last party."

In a lower but audible tone of voice Ara mutters "Roped decent to ledge/cave. This is where my tactics instructor would spring an ambush. Except he would do it when we were on the way back up with a group of nasties behind us." Ara sighs and finishes with "Sweat more, bleed less."

To the party, Ara replies in a louder tone "Edward, Kuhl; I will let you choose who goes first. However, I would suggest Edward as Kuhl can probably drop and help if you get ambushed."
He continues, "Who, my familiar, will check out the ledge and what might be lurking in the cave that I expect is on the ledge. I will take up the rear, providing assistance to those descending on the rope and coming down last. As well, I will try and keep an eye on the topside."

Who will check the ledge and the cave that Ara and he expect to see off the ledge. Ara will inspect the rope as well as the ravine face. What condition is the rope in? Will it hold the weight of more than one party members? How long has it been out here? Also, Alvyn is inspecting the ravine face. Could he get down and up the ravine face without the rope (+5 Acrobatics)?


I missed Who's +3 Perception in the roller - so actually 22. Who has Darkvision 120'.
Who Inspecting possible cave : 2D20.HIGH(1) = [6, 19] = 19

Ara checking rope and ravine face: 1D20+3 = [3]+3 = 6


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