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D&D 5E 5E Sunless Citadel - CG


Chandra sighs in relief, not wanting to hurt the young frightened creature. "Poor thing." she says as she steps further in the room.

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Edgar, Paladin 1

The young dragon pushed back against Edgar breaking free, "No not poor thing," yelled Edgar, "Raging beast! Someone get a rope, before it hurts itself, or worse, me! Khul, give me hand pinning it down again."

OOC: ARSE :( I've assumed it broke free and Edgar will attempt to grapple it again

[SBLOCK=Actions and rolls]
Edgar Strength Check: 1D20+3 = [1]+3 = 4
should be +5 not +3, because that would obviously be making a difference :p

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]Passive Perception: 12
AC: 16
Initiative: +0
HP: 8/12 (HD: 1/1d10)

Halberd +5 10ft 1d10+3S
Halberd (Bonus action): +5 5ft 1d4+3B
Shortsword: +5 5ft 1d6+3P
Javelin: +5 30/120 1d6+3P

Devine Sense 2/3
Lay on Hands 0/5[/SBLOCK]


Not knowing what is going on in the other room Davonshaw risks a peek.

Seeing the paladin struggling with the beast he loses all sense and rushes in to help.

OOC: Move to C2
Grapple check - [roll0]

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
OOC: Okay -- we've got two grapple checks going on, neither is operating with advantage. We need to work together. Kuhl will attack this round, and next round, if someone strong wants to grapple, then please take advantage and Kuhl will Help.

As the group swarms around the creature, Kuhl pauses a moment to consider if Meepo could have survived that attack. There is no time to check. Poor thing.

He swings with his staff, to get into a position to help pin the dragon down by grabbing its wings.

OOC: Attack (non-lethal; betting it towards the opening): to hit [roll0]. If a hit, damage = [roll1] bludgeoning (non-lethal).
Bonus action: kick to hit [roll2]. If a hit, damage = [roll3] bludgeoning (non-lethal).

EDIT: Ugh, these rolls!


First Post
Zath'ras glances down the hallway at all the commotion the group is making, he then takes another peek to see if anyone is coming before moving down the hallway to see if they are in need of any assistance. Noticing the condition Meepo is in Zath'ras begins tending to him to see if he can revive him.
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Charwoman Gene

GM: Rolling int save for the paladin DC 5: 1D20 = [11] = 11
He passed.

Edgar remembers that he has 50' of rope from his explorers pack.
The dragon didn't get loose, it just tested you and will now try actively.
Edgar can successfully bind the dragon with a Strength(Athletics) check DC 5 WITH
ADVANTAGE from Dr. Davonshaws re-interpreted aid another action. (Yes I rolled that.)
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Edgar, Paladin 1

Edgar struggles with the dragon as it tests his hold until Dr Devenshaw comes to help. The two of them manage to tie the wyrm up, preventing it from bucking and thrashing. "Now we just need a creative way to get it back. We might be able to loosen it's legs a little so that it will walk in the directing we pull."

OOC: I kind of figured I couldn't hold the dragon AND tie him up. _: 2D20.HIGH(1)+5 = [12, 16]+5 = 21

[SBLOCK=Actions and rolls]


[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]Passive Perception: 12
AC: 16
Initiative: +0
HP: 8/12 (HD: 1/1d10)

Halberd +5 10ft 1d10+3S
Halberd (Bonus action): +5 5ft 1d4+3B
Shortsword: +5 5ft 1d6+3P
Javelin: +5 30/120 1d6+3P

Devine Sense 2/3
Lay on Hands 0/5[/SBLOCK]

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