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5th Edition Warforged Rework

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I'm not so sure about that. You are right that it's a barbarian feature, but it's far from stepping on its toes. Stepping on the Barbarian's toes would be giving the Chargers resistances to damage. But, the size is a concern, weight not so much, since they're made of metal and are quite dense.

That's my point... it's not just a barbarian class feature, it's a MAJOR feature of a barbarian. It's too powerful to give to a race, unless it can add to taking that class, like Savage Attacks for the half-orc, Powerful Build, Unyielding Resistance, etc. Composite plating is too powerful(it works better to just give them the bonus to AC, as this is easier to balance and actually STRENGTHENS Unarmored Defense in the long run).

The only thing I can really say is that in testing, it didn't prove to be unbalancing. Not only that, but the flavor synergy is there. They're made of sterner stuff. Their bodily composition and durability directly increases their resistance to attacks. They're just as much about dodging attacks as they are about absorbing them.


The only thing I can really say is that in testing, it didn't prove to be unbalancing. Not only that, but the flavor synergy is there. They're made of sterner stuff. Their bodily composition and durability directly increases their resistance to attacks. They're just as much about dodging attacks as they are about absorbing them.
The Warforged used in the game I play that has them is very similar to this (although the different types didn't have size differences). For the tough body type effect, their racial made enemies have "disadvantage" on damage rolls when dealing physical damage, i.e. roll the damage twice and take the lesser. Worked out pretty well balance-wise, not game-breaking but significant enough to be noticed.


The Commando is absolutely worthless and offers no flavor for why anyone should pick it.

The Charger is ridiculously overpowered offering way too many benefits to the same classes. The reason why the Mountain Dwarf offers +2 Strength is because its proficiency in armor is useless to all classes to whom Strength is remotely beneficial. Not because one should get two points of strength even when all their other benefits would make a Fighter or Paladin more badass than other races'.

The Scout one is also pretty terrible. Small is disadvantage. Speed of 25 is a disadvantage... so for two disadvantages, the power it gets over the other kinds is to move through the squares of medium or larger creatures? Pretty underwhelming.


Takes too much away from other classes, barb and monk with unarmored defense and unarmed attacks. Reduction in healing is nerf to working as a team. Stats for charger are too high. No real benefit to scout. Commando is lack luster.

UA warforged is closer to the mark for a balanced approach.

Alright, first and foremost, I've had some time to consider your feedback. TheHobgoblin, if you dislike how my design looks, that's fine, at the very least, offer ideas of how to help rebalance it, what to replace or change. Next, Inconnunom, you are correct in that it uses features from classes, but monstrous races since the Aaroakra have been using Unarmed Strikes and it's far from an issue, especially because it's little more than a backup weapon that doesn't get stronger. The Unarmored Defense is merely a means of making them actually feel like they are made of something tougher than the ordinary person. They aren't just harder to hit, but their bodies make them harder to harm. They don't just reflect blows, but their ability to mitigate incoming damage directly stems from how well they're made, how sturdy they are, and how tough their parts are. They aren't only ducking and weaving, but some of the blows that would hit them are instead absorbed by their armor and doesn't deal them meaningful damage (I.E. Armor Class). This is the basis of the game, they're just better at the "Mitigating damage" portion of it than most.

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