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6 months later: impressions of 4e

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Why not? Is the way I put it not insulting enough?;)

I think you should accept that 4e appeals to some people who are 3e "system masters", with considerable experience using 3e to produce a range of different campaigns/play experiences.

ie me and my group.

And me and my groups, both of which have players with 20+ years of D&D experience and have players who can whip up characters that make hardened DMs cry into thier beverage of choice (one player is credited with breaking Unknown Armies). One group has gone with 4th ed, the other is heading towards C&C. This does not belittle anyones choice to stay with 3.x and or pathfinder or any other D20 system.

There is no perfect system for everyone, 4e will appeal to some, 3.x to others and osric/C&C to others none of them are doing it wrong. There are players who refuse to touch any form of D&D and prefer to play other systems and genres, none of them are doing it wrong either. Not even Larpers or SCA gamers are doing it wrong. Wargamers are not doing it wrong either. Whether MMO players are doing it wrong is debateable ;), but chances are they are also not doing it wrong.

Different is not wrong. Different is different. Different is AWESOME!

That is all



First Post
The best way to sum up my impressions of 4E is that it is WotC's Vista.

Funny you mention that because in our gaming group we compared 3E vs 4E as Windows vs Mac, 4E is more streamlined and easier for new players(at least we think) some people hate it while others love it. And for many in my gaming group this is the closest comparison we can come up with :)

Funny you mention that because in our gaming group we compared 3E vs 4E as Windows vs Mac, 4E is more streamlined and easier for new players(at least we think) some people hate it while others love it. And for many in my gaming group this is the closest comparison we can come up with :)

4E= Vista PC
Moldvay Basic= Mac :) Streamlined and easier for new players.


That may be true but with 4E you get way more pop-ups:

"This rule/power is ridiculous. Allow? Deny?"
I turn all those notifications off. The user experience is better that way.

(besides, I haven't found a rule yet in 4e that can't be narrated in such as way as to be completely congruent w/the source material; ie action fantasy fiction/film)

I turn all those notifications off. The user experience is better that way.

(besides, I haven't found a rule yet in 4e that can't be narrated in such as way as to be completely congruent w/the source material; ie action fantasy fiction/film)

Oh yes of course. Don't think to hard about the OS.

The computer is your friend.

Trust the computer.........

Hey, wait a sec!! :p


First Post
This thread was interesting at the beginning (for 4 pages or so)...

I don't know why people insist in twisting the theme of a thread into "Which is better 3.5 or 4e". If you need to write on that topic than go to the pertinent thread and post there.

The question was what are your impressions ofter 6 (7 ;)) months of 4e play. If your not going to answer the quesstion, elaborate it, add to it and offer something constructive, be it negative or positive, then keep it to yourself.

The most annoying thing is as time goes on the same familiar names are always the same ones that twist a thread around to another incredibly boring episode of which is a better game system.

I was going to give my own personal impression but I'm so annoyed right now I can't be bothered quite frankly.

This said, I really enjoyed all the post in the first part of the thread. Lots of good stuff both the criticism and the praise. Pity that some enjoy writing the sound of their own voice, whether what they want to write was what was being discussed or not.


I agree. Much like 4e, Vista is easier to use, prettier, more stable, and more user friendly. Thanks WotC! :)
You do realize that Vista is actually so poor that Microsoft advised partners not to advertise it anymore (I was present at one such meeting) and, in an unprecedented move, bundled Vista FPP with XP downgrade rights?

Vista is crap. If people who work for Microsoft say it's crap, and Microsoft's partners say it's crap, then there is really no argument otherwise. One of the reasons Win 7 is being promoted so aggressively is to make people forget about the Vista fiasco. And no wonder, since 7 is faster, more stable, and less annoying than Vista - and it's a freaking beta.


First Post
You do realize that Vista is actually so poor that Microsoft advised partners not to advertise it anymore (I was present at one such meeting) and, in an unprecedented move, bundled Vista FPP with XP downgrade rights?

Vista is crap. If people who work for Microsoft say it's crap, and Microsoft's partners say it's crap, then there is really no argument otherwise. One of the reasons Win 7 is being promoted so aggressively is to make people forget about the Vista fiasco. And no wonder, since 7 is faster, more stable, and less annoying than Vista - and it's a freaking beta.

I've heard some horror stories about people using Vista, but I've been using it for two years, and NEVER had a problem. No crashes, no glitches, no loss of speed, nothing at all. I've been using my computer for tons of stuff- photo editing for publication in journals, data crunching, computer gaming, powerpoint composition, tons of word processing. I'm not a programmer, so I haven't played with the code, but from my user standpoint, its been a MUCH better OS than Windows XP, which routinely crashed on me doing the same things.

(And I won't even get into the horror stories of fighting Macs all the way through grad school and having them routinely crash and lose data. I lost big chunks of my dissertation on Macs TWICE, and hundreds of hours worth of photo editing and spreadsheet data. Every Mac I've every used has been consistently buggy and unstable. I HATE Macs).
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