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9th level, with a twist.


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Hi all,

Our GM plans to start up a pseudo-campaign to be run whenever our normal game gets cancelled due to normal players not being available and whatnot.

It's meant as an extremely high-powered campaign with a lot of meta-fun and probably less than average RPing.

We're starting off at 9th level, but with 12th level gold for magic equipment buying. Mundane stuff is just assumed to be had. We're getting a feat per level and the stat generation is 4d8, drop the lowest and reroll ones.

My original idea was a Sorc/Dru/ArcH build, but I'm not sure if that works out the best for starting at 9th level. I have access to the Core 3, all the Complete books, Libris Mortis, and all the Races books sans Eberron.

Any suggestions?

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For a 9th level game I'd go with probably a straight class, or a single class plus a focused PrC.

Split classes are okay, but not optimal.

Potential power houses would be a straight druid focused on wild shaping, a cleric/PrC, or a class that normally requires high stats (Monk, Paladin) for optimal usage.


With that much gold to play with, and stats that high, you could try the MAD characters, like monk/paladins. You are very likely to have great str, con, chr, wis, and dex, after all. And then spend the money on ac enhancing items, a holy weapon, vest of resistance, and stat boosters (maybe a monk's belt).

Bad Paper

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holy crap
I usually play wizards, but looking at the parameters of that campaign, I would play a fighter. You would have, what, like fifteen, twenty feats? +5 everything? jeez, man, you would be a monster


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Donno if you wanted a caster or not, but I would second the MAD ideas. Monk for example is not really a strong class in a balanced campaign. However they are nice in both high magic and low magic campaigns. Low magic allows thier innate abilites to shine. High magic allows them to take advantage of thier wider range of abilities. Add in high stats and you can do pretty well. Lotsa things you can do with a Monk, depending on what you want and what your DM considers ok.

Another thought if you wanted more caster like is a Paladin/Sorc Gish. High Chr, Str and Con can get you a pretty nasty tank with some casting, though paly/sorc isnt the best caster gish. Getting some turning attempts to combine with your high Chr and Divine might is useful but hard to do. Sacred Exorcist is one way, but hard to do by 9th for sorc.

Or mabye go for an Elven Swashbuckler/Champion of Correlian who can use a finessable 2handed courtblade and get Dex + Int + Str to damage and use Str or Dex to hit. Downside to this one is both Dex and Int bonus damage are precision so the target has to be critable.

I do love casters, but they tend to be some of the least stat depdant classes. So you could make a great caster with what your given. And 9th level is when a pure caster is coming into his power. I would say skip the dualcaster classes though, as you said 9th lvl is a bit low for those guys to be good.


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Druid 9.

Seriously, with a feat every level, that fixes the druid's single biggest liability (low feats). It also makes other classes such as fighter, ranger, and even wizard much less attractive, as a good part of their appeal is bonus feats.

A cleric build with this sort of char gen would also be more powerful than normal due to the extra feats. But druids kick butt.

You'll have access to 5th level spells, which is always great. You can wildshape all the time.

Pick up "Craft Wondrous Item" and see if your DM will let you trade XP for half-price items at character creation. You'll probably level back up to 9th within 1 encounter, so its not a big sacrifice.

You should be looking at stuff you can use in any form. That means a Monk's Belt (or Wilding Dragonplate Armor) to fix your AC and a souped up amulet with many powers crammed into it (Deflection Bonus to AC, Nat Armor Bonus to AC, Saving Throw Bonus, Con Bonus +2, Wis Bonus +4). You'll pay a premium for so much power packed into one item, but for a druid its key as you have varying body slots in each form, and almost anything you can shift into can wear an amulet.


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Maybe its just that I've been playing one lately, but this screames "monk" to me.

Go stunning fist AND improved grapple with that many feats. You can also pick up improved natural attack and ability focus (stunning fist). With a monks belt and a few other well picked items, you will nigh on unstoppable. Able to hang in the front line and/or take out anything you that can be stunned, tripped, or grappled.

What about a straight sorcerer? (I know I always say that, but hey I like sorcerers).

A feat per level enables you to get a nice supply of those draconic feats from Complete Arcane - and I'm pretty sure a couple of them improve in power the more draconic feats you have.

You would still have feat slots available for metamagic feats and maybe an extra spell feat or two.

"What this situation calls for is an enlarged, silent, stilled magic missile; coming right up!"

Its a shame you don't have the Book of Exalted Deeds (bought it today so its on my mind) as if you took Vow of Poverty the DM would surely have to give you the benefits of a 12th level VoP character rather than a 9th level one.

I'm pretty sure the ability score benefits the Vow gives will stack with Eagle's Splendour, so you could really have some fun sending those save DCs into the stratosphere. [EDIT no it doesn't; and to think some people say that Vow of Poverty is broken!]

Has anyone in your group got the BoED? Its not as if your DM would rule it out as being overpowered!
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You might consider Warlock. With all those extra feats, you could buy a lot of Extra Invocations. Use your early feats for the ranged attack chain. Also, picking up item creation feats would be painless.

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