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Shattered Archon

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Expanded weapons list (is there any other way? ;))
Starting cash... i wouldn't really worry about it, just check your starting equipment with me.
Location is NYC, though an "unspecified" area, so that i can take liberties if i need to. ;)
Equipment - no hard and fast restrictions (besides autofire weapons, of course)
And yes, it would be great if you could post your characters here so i can review them. (I will set up a rogues' gallery thread before we actually start.)


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Cool. :cool:

That works for me. Here comes a 3rd level wannabe psychologist that is going to get into far more trouble then he ever expected. :D But it will be one hell of a ride, I'm sure. No pun intended. ;)


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Sorry its been a while in posting, some real life events have come up but now that they have been dealt with I can create it. Do you want the characters posted here, or do you want them sent to you via email?


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Sorry about my lack of posting. Something came up. I'll be posting my character sheet tomorrow. As it is, I'm working on a few bugs with the sheet.


First Post
John McHenry, Defense Option
Male Police Officer (Officer-3)
Level: 3
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 230 lbs.
Age: 47
Hair: Short, black stubble
Eyes: Bleery brown

10 Str
16 Dex
12 Con
14 Int
12 Wis
10 Cha

Hit Points: 7
Armor Class: 14 (10 base, +1 defense option, +3 Dex, +vest)
Initiative: +3

Defense Option
Fort +4 (Defense, Con)
Ref +2 (Dex)
Will +4 (Defense, Wis)

Base Attack +1 (Melee +1, Ranged +4, Ranged 30' +5)
Glock Model 17 +4/+5 1d10 x3, 9 ammo 20'
Colt M-16 +4/+5

Class Skills: (60 Points)

+4 Gather Informatoin 4
+7 Hide 4
+2 Intimidate 2
+7 Listen 6
+7 Move Silently 4
+9 Open Lock 6
+8 Search 6
+7 Spot 6
+7 Heal 6
+7 Psychoanalysis 6
+7 Drive 4
+6 Sense Motive 6

Weapon Proficiency (Pistol)
Weapon Proficiency (Rifle)
Point Blank Shot

Sanity: 60


Glock Model 17
Shoulder holster
2 extra magazines
40 rounds

Colt M-16
4 extra magazines
80 rounds

Police Baton (club)

Reinforced Vest
Gas Mask
First Aid kit
Pint of Vodka (in flask hidden to look like extra magazine for Glock)
Pint of Whiskey (in two flasks hidden to look like pepper spray canister)
Cigarette lighter
Cell Phone
Pencil and tablet

Police cruiser or beaten-up Honda Accord

John is a bitter, middle-aged police officer. Passed over for promotion several times, he never made, and never will make, Sergeant. He has a sarcastic sense of humor, which never endeared him to his bosses. He also has a love of alcohol - which has almost, but not quite, landed him in serious trouble for drinking on duty.

Earlier, he had been a dedicated officer, eager to serve the community by making it a better place. Two things happened. First, he realized he was, at heart, a coward. He hides from this truth, but in the two situations he was under fire, he reacted badly. He has hardened himself to be brave and steadfast in teh future, and vowed that next time he will stand tall. But he has yet to see. His supervisors, seeing hints of lack of courage, have assigned him to a series of desk jobs that helped eliminate any chance of advancement.

Second, he has seen . . . things. Unexplained killings of the homeless, odd burglaries that don't make any sense, unidentified bodies that never find families. This has made him think the world is a darker and more dangerous place than he thought . . .

Back on patrol for a weekend because of budget cuts, no partner will put up with John for long. He now drives in his police cruiser by himself . . .

Voidrunner's Codex

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