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A Bunch More Magic Items

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On page 37-38, Horn Tusk Armor doesn't make sense.

Horn Tusk Armor
Armor (hide), uncommon
If you fall to 0 hit points and don't instantly while wearing this armor and not incapacitated, you can use your reaction to make a single melee weapon attack.

the Jester

On page 37-38, Horn Tusk Armor doesn't make sense.

Horn Tusk Armor
Armor (hide), uncommon
If you fall to 0 hit points and don't instantly while wearing this armor and not incapacitated, you can use your reaction to make a single melee weapon attack.

Huh. I'm not sure what you mean. For clarity, here's the way it is intended to work.

Say I'm wearing horn tusk armor and have 10 hps and a maximum of 30 hps. If I get hit, one of the following happens.
  1. If I am incapacitated- say, because a ghoul paralyzed me- I just have to suck it up.
  2. If I suffer fewer than 10 points of damage, I also just have to suck it up, since it doesn't reduce me to 0 hps.
  3. If I suffer between 10 and 39 points of damage (and wasn't already incapacitated), I can use my reaction to make a single melee weapon attack.
  4. If I suffer 40 or more points of damage, I'm killed outright, and don't get to use my reaction.

If you don't mind, could you tell me what part of the language seems unclear?

EDIT: OHH!! I just realized that I left out the word "die" after don't instantly! D'oh!!

the Jester

Okay- and clearly this means I'm insane- I've started to tackle the 2e Encyclopedia Magica series. I'm on "Axe", and there are a few things that have struck me as I have done the early part of volume I (and thumbed through the others).

  • God damn are there a lot of duplicates. Not just "arrow of slaying" v. 1 through 4, but like four different magic arrows that are all basically the same, with tiny differences and slightly different names.
  • Holy cow are there a lot of weird, adventure-specific items in there! Tons are tied to specific settings, modules, etc. Some are even tied deeply into plots, such that you can't really tell what the item does or is for without the original source. Others are useless outside of their specific setting- Spelljammer stuff, I'm lookin' at you.
  • There are a shockingly large number of magic items that belong to gods listed. Look, there's Brihaspati's axe! Any god in any version of DDG or LL seems to have any mentioned items listed. Lots of stuff from across all the settings here, too. These really seem like page filler to me, but then, I don't think I've ever been in a game where a pc had Mjolnir, and I know that stuff happens, so....
  • I'm amazed at how many items, especially from early D&D, refer to the real world in one way or another.
  • There are a lot of really lame items.

I'm thinking I'm converting somewhere around 50% of these items overall (the ones that haven't already seen an update, anyhow). Maybe less? Anyway, I'm working on them.

Li Shenron

I'm not sure what book I'm converting the items in next; maybe the stuff in the 3e Book of Vile Darkness? The magic items from the 1e Unearthed Arcana? Perhaps the 4e Adventurer's Vault or Mordenkainen's Magnificent Emporium?

Any suggestions/requests?

I would be interested in 5e conversions of 3e Weapons of Legacy.


I'm thinking I'm converting somewhere around 50% of these items overall (the ones that haven't already seen an update, anyhow). Maybe less? Anyway, I'm working on them.

I know what you mean. I convert items, monsters, and spells from AD&D era Dragon Magazines and I only do about half of them.

the Jester

Okay, I just uploaded a newer version of the document; it's now about 126 pages and includes everything in EM vol. 1 that struck me as worth converting. There may come other things later if they are just perfectly suited for inclusion in my game, but the basics are covered. Turned out to be a lot less than 50% conversion rate, though- there are so many duplicates, unique "so-and-so"'s items, etc.

the Jester

Just want to say this rocks; I will definitely use this as a resource

Excellent! Glad to hear it!

I've sadly run into a snag. After finishing up converting what I'm bothering with from Encyclopedia Magica vol. 2 and 3, I've discovered that I don't know where my copy of vol. 4 is! This has turned into a bit of a frustrating thing- I'm very disorganized in most ways, but my gaming stuff is largely on one large set of shelves that's right behind me. The other 3 volumes are there, together, where they go; and I remember looking through vol. 4... I dunno, within the last 18 months sometime. So I know it's around somewhere, but damned if I can find it.

Grim times. I may actually have to clean my room.

Meantime, I'm doing what I like from the 3e Sword & Sorcery supplement Relics and Rituals. Most of it is too world-specific, but there are a number of cool gems in there!

EDIT: Oh yeah, I've also merged my first volume of magic items into it. Some of you may have missed that one. The next time I update the pdf, it will have the whole mix in there (though no tables yet; those won't be updated until I'm about ready to print the next version for my own campaign's use) and be nearly- or maybe more than- 200 pages.

EDIT 2: Aha, found it!! EMv4, here I come!
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