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A city full of NPC's ...who wants to help

Stahn Li

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I am trying to create a thieves guild campaign where my PC's are second level and are starting a thieves guild. The whole thing will mostly take place in one city, and the idea is to have the city complete enough so I can just have my PC's run around doing there thing and I will already have some basic idea of how NPC's will react.

So I need a full city of NPC's...well my first goal is simply to have a brief bio of everyone above 4th level.

Anyway I thought I would just put this out here and see if anyone would like to try and come up with a NPC or two. I have no real expectations, just curious to see what will happen.

The unnamed city once was part of a large Nordic nation. The city fell to a more advanced society three years ago. The invading forces continue there conquest but never got past the natives capital. Peace has been negotiated and now the invaders control three major cities, the most important is the port city.

The port city is adjacent to a mountain range with a river flowing into a lake just before the coast. Its current population is 3,000 although the city can hold over 10,0000. The invading nation is now focusing on finding valuable exports to send to the home country. Silver mines are the major export and were a mojor reason for the invasion. Other commodities include wool, furs, timer, whaling, and a local ale that is popular and considered exotic on the main land.

NPC's have been generated for a population of 6,000 since the previous war attracted many high level NPC's. Some natives still are used as laborrers in the city (10% of pop) but are not slaves. While there is some fristion there is little vilence between the remaining natives and the new settlers.

Here are a list of factions and the NPC class level assigned to them



Expert 12
Fighter 12
Bard 12
Paladin 8
Wizard 8
Fighter 7
Rogue 6
Cleric 5
Sorcerer 5
Rouge 5

City Guard

Fighter 12
Barbarian 10
Bard 7
Ranger 6
Fighter 6
Cleric 5
Sorcerer 4

Army: Stationed at the city to ensure nordic nation sticks with peace accord. Some are anxious to return home and they have little current duties.

Fighter 14
Rouge 12
Ranger 11
Expert 7
Ranger 7
Fighter 7
Fighter 6
Cleric 5
Sorcerer 5
Sorcerer 4

New Church: Church of main religion of invaders homeland

Cleric 10
Paladin 6
Paladin 4
Paladin 4

Native Church

Paladin 11
Barbarian 5
Monk 5
Rouge 4

Second Church: Less popular religion of invaders

Cleric 10
Paladin 6

New Thieves Guild: Newly formed guild of mainland thieves looking to control underworld of city

Rouge 7
Barbarian 8
Rouge 6
Expert 6

Native Thieves Guild: Remaining members of the previous thieves guild who think they can make even more money with the new settlers

Rouge 7
Druid 6
Fighter 6
Monk 4
Rouge 4
Sorcerer 4

Brawler Order: Native "Monk" order. Politically disintrested. There fighting style resembles a highly sophisticated and deadly form of wrestling

Monk 10
Monk 8
Monk 4
Monk 4

Beldox Co.: A mining company that competes for minning rights assigned by local magistrate.

Expert 14
Bard 6
Wizard 4
Barbarian 4

Federated Metal Works: Competes with Beldox Co. for minning rights

Expert 7
Rouge 8
Fighter 5
Barbarian 4
Wizard 4

Mage School: Teahes magic to all who are intilligent and dedicated, and of coarse who can pay.

Sorcerer 9
Wizard 5
Druid 6
Wizard 4

Mage Guild: hates mage school, tries to horde magical knowledge amoungst its members

Wizard 10
Sorcerer 7
Fighter 6
Cleric 5
Wizard 5
Wizard 4
Sorcerer 4

Traders Union: Union amongs merchants

Bard 6
Barbarian 5

Native Group: Underground resistance group. Now active attacks or conspiracys yet. Building up a network

Rouge 7
Druid 7
Monk 5
Bard 4

Independent: Have not joined a faction

Druid 12
Expert 6
Monk 4
Bard 4

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First Post
As a side note, Thieves' Quarter was written by the Game Mechanics, and published in print by Green Ronin. It is also available as a PDF at rpgnow.



First Post
There's also a PDF at RPGnow titled "Everybody else." It has stat blocks for ordinary people of all professions. I got it and use it all the time.


Registered User
Army - Expert 7

Name: Ruln Arganath
Gender: Male
Age: 28

Description: Ruln is the invading Army's remaining linguist and native liason. Equal parts scholar, spy and diplomat he is the Army's face to the citizens of the port city. There were Bards and Mages dedicated to such things before, but they were either too valuable to tie up in a 'quiet' town and were re-deployed elsewhere or else had the clout to get home early.

The the truth is that the others have been re-assigned because Ruln has continued to volunteer for service in the port city because he has fallen for the leader of the resistance, a beautiful Rogue named Arrowyn.

Ruln might have become a bard, but his efforts at performance and influence never achieved the near-magical effects that bards seemed to effortlessly produce. His skills are the result of hard work, grit and determination rather than raw talent. He resents and respects bards.

Class skill suggestions:
Speak Language (pick a bunch)
Gather Information
Local History
Sense Motive
Profession: Cartographer


Registered User
Native Resistance - Rogue 7

Name: Arrowyn
Gender: Female
Age: 22

Description: Arrowyn has become the leader of a resistance to the occupation of her city. The daughter of a prominent tradesman she vanished in the fighting and is presumed dead. She, in classic resistance leader style, has hidden her identity and is known only as 'The Falcon.' (or something else suitably resistance-y sounding)

She is bitterly opposed to the existing theives' guild because she knows that they will eagerly profit from her beloved city's suffering and will have no interest in expelling the invaders.

She is unaware that she has been found out by Ruln Arganath, the occupying army's translator and native expert. She is also unaware that he has fallen in love with her.

The players should find that making an enemy of, or otherwise harming, Arrowyn will also make an enemy of Ruln and by extension the Army.
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First Post
Common Grounds 2 by Bard's Productions is also handy for this type of game, the stats are for 3.0, but it is quite handy when you are in a rush, Volume 2 - Guard Towers, Thieves Guilds and Private Clubs deals specifically with thieves guilds.

The Auld Grump

Undead Pete

First Post
Native Thieves' Guild - Rogue 4

Name: Nisshka Guttermouse
Female Halfling
Age: 15
Chaotic Neutral

Despite having a withered left arm and only one eye, this former street urchin has risen in the ranks of the guild. Her frail appearance belies her skills, especially her talents with garrote and whip. Her most prized possession is a ring of cat's grace which she liberated from her first victim, a rival thief who underestimated a scrawny eight-year old. With the ring, her Dexterity is astonishing (22+), making up for her lack of brawn.
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