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A cold intellect...

Cold Ken

Some look at the glistening expanses of snow and ice and see hardship. Others are entranced by the beauty and majesty. I see the potential... - Jergen Tam the Northdrawn

Every snowflake, every ice floe, every rain of sleet holds great power. Crystals are not limited to rocks buried deep underground, but are in great abundance in every northern clime. Gems of beauty that rival any bit of earth, snow and ice have within them fantastic possibilities in every facet of their graceful forms.

Cold ken have come to understand this power, and daily hike through lands filled with the scintillating accumulation. As they walk the ice crystals beneath their very feet shifts and alters itself into more logical patterns alike to the makings of the brain itself. Through these connections with these crystals the Cold Ken learns a discipline that druids themselves find difficult to comprehend.

Cold ken are generally psionic explorers living alongside glaciers or in vast snowfields and icebergs deep within the frostfell. Just by their traipsing through the cold they gain new insight into the power waiting to be tapped. Some even come together and construct glistening structures to channel and focus the crystals of vast areas. These areas are always freezing but a haven to wanderers lost in the arctics, for few dare attack the Cold Ken and his guests in their focal dens.
Hit Dice: d6

To qualify to become a Cold Ken, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Skills: Concentration 9 ranks, Craft (Ice Sculpture) 4 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 5, Knowledge (psionics) 5
Feats: Imprint Stone, Psicrystal Affinity (Hero)
Psionics: Ability to manifest 3rd-level powers.

[B]Level  BAB   Fort Ref Will  Special                                      Powers Known[/b]
1st    +0    +2   +0  +2    Deepblue, Ice Crystal                        -
2nd    +1    +3   +0  +3    Skater's Poise, Clear Headed                 +1 level of existing manifesting class
3rd    +1    +3   +1  +3    Cold Command                                 +1 level of existing manifesting class
4th    +2    +4   +1  +4    Arctic Mind, Frostfelt                       -
5th    +2    +4   +1  +4    Crystal Clarity, Resistance to cold 5        +1 level of existing manifesting class
6th    +3    +5   +2  +5    Preservation of the Ice                      +1 level of existing manifesting class 
7th    +3    +5   +2  +5    Decree of Cold Blood, Resistance to cold 10  -        
8th    +4    +6   +2  +6    True Ken                                     +1 level of existing manifesting class
9th    +4    +6   +3  +6    Blizzard Meld, Resistance to cold 15         +1 level of existing manifesting class
10th   +5    +7   +3  +7    Glacial Enrapture                            -

Class Skills
Balance (Dex), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (nature/psionics) (Int), Psicraft (Int), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis)
Skill points at each level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Cold Ken gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Powers Known: At every level indicated on the table, the character gains additional power points per day and access to new powers as if he had also gained a level in whatever manifesting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain most other benefits a character of that class would have gained (bonus feats, metapsionic or item creation feats, and so on). This essentially means that he adds the level of Cold Ken to the level of whatever manifesting class the character has, then determines power points per day, powers known, psicrystal special abilities, and manifester level accordingly. If a character had more than one manifesting class before he became a Cold Ken, he must decide to which class he adds the new level of Cold Ken for the purpose of determining power points per day, powers known, and manifester level.

Deepblue (Ex):
In the hands of a Cold Ken a weapon of blue ice gains the properties of deep crystal and may channel psionic energy into it.

Ice Crystal (Ps):
At first level a Cold Ken's psicrystal becomes numbingly cold to the touch, freezing moisture out of the air to build a layer of ice, forming connections with the fractal crystals of the frozen substance itself. The psicrystal alters and arranges the crystals to form a protective barrier of blue ice about itself and melds with the new material.

The psicrystal gains 20 additional hit points, a +10 bonus to its natural armor, and immunity to cold.

Skater's Poise (Ps):
While psionically focused a Cold Ken may move on snow, ice, or any other frozen substance without any penalty to speed or chance of slipping and may even use the Run action.

Clear Headed (Ex):
Freezing temperatures seem to crystalize a Cold Ken's thought processes. When in areas below freezing a Cold Ken gains a +2 Circumstance bonus to Intelligence. If exposed to unearthly temperatures (-50 or colder) this bonus raises to +3.

Chill Command (Ex):
If a cold ken makes a successful touch attack he can cause a matrix of ice crystals to grow within the body of the target. This deals 1d4 cold damage a minute unless they succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half Cold Ken's class level + Int modifier halves for a minimum of 1 point), but also interacts with the target's nervous system. For one minute per prestige level a Cold Ken may use the psionic suggestion power, able to make a new suggestion every minute. Every minute the target may make a new Will save to resist the suggestion (DC as above).

Arctic Mind (Ps):
At 4th level a Cold Ken can create a kinetic field once per day which cools the moisture in the air and freezes it, forming an arctic haze that follows the Cold Ken wherever he goes. A bank of fog composed entirely of tiny ice crystals billows out from about him in a 40-foot radius and 20 feet high. The fog obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature 5 feet away has concealment (20% miss-chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss-chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). This cold cloud lasts 10 minutes per prestige level. He may generate the field twice per day at 6th level, and thrice at 8th.

Frostfelt (Ps):
A Cold Ken gains Tremorsense out to 60 feet when in contact with ice or snow as he resonates with their crystal patterns.

Crystal Clarity (Ps):
When a Cold Ken would gain his bonus to Intelligence he may, once per day, truly open his mind to the cold around him. He gains an additional +2 bonus to intelligence for a total of +4, or +5 in areas of unearthly cold. However, this is extraordinarily painful and the Cold Ken takes 1d4 points of nonlethal damage every minute that cannot be healed until he ceases to expose his mind.

At 8th level he takes only half damage from this ability, for a minimum of 1 point.

Resistance to Cold (Su):
At 5th level a Cold Ken gains resistance to cold 5. This increases to +10 at 7th level, and +15 at 9th level. This does not protect him from damage while using his Crystal Clear ability.

Preservation of the Ice (Ex):
At 6th level, a Cold Ken learns both suspend life and crystalize. These powers are in addition to any powers the Cold Ken normally learns by advancing a level.

The cold ken treats these powers as if they were 4th-level powers on his class list. This means, among other things, that manifesting these powers costs 7 power points. (If the character does not have a high enough manifester level to manifest 4th-level powers the character cannot manifest these powers until he has attained the required manifester level.)

Decree of Cold Blood (Ps):
At 7th level a Cold Ken may use an advanced form of Chill Command. His touch deals 1d8 points of cold damage per minute and unless the target makes a successful Will save he acts as if the target of the psionic dominate power. The Cold Ken may only dominate one target at a time, but it affects any living creature that contains internal fluids. He may dominate for one minute per prestige level.

True Ken (Ex):
Once per day a Cold Ken may use Hypercognition. If in direct contact with snow or ice or in temperatures below freezing he may use it one additional time per day. He also gains a +20 bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks for a minute as he becomes intimately connected with his natural surroundings.

Blizzard Meld (Ps):
At 9th level a Cold Ken forms mental connections even with ice crystals in the air, be they snow or merely the frozen moisture in the wind. While in falling snows, sleet, or other freezing moisture, or in areas below freezing, a Cold Ken gains the blindsight ability out to 40 feet, including within his own Arctic Mind haze.

In these conditions, a Cold Ken may also manifest any power he knows with the range of touch on any subject within 40 feet as a ranged touch attack. Saves still apply as normal.

Glacial Enrapture (Ps):
At 10th level a Cold Ken has learned to shape the crystalline nature of ice and gains 3 points in Craft (Ice Sculpture). With a successful DC 30 Craft (Ice Sculpture) roll, he can mentally manipulate the ice crystals of an area to form into an intricate shape that he may imbue with his own psionic energy. Those who come near this sculpture have a chance of contracting Fractal Dementia.

Fractal Dementia
Spread by mental contact with infected psionic beings or by visual means mentioned below; mental contact or visual; DC = Half Cold Ken's class level + Int modifier; incubation 1d4 rounds (visual) or 1d4 days (mental contact); damage fractal dementia.

Fractal dementia is linked to the mind's need to find patterns and shapes. Almost everyone at some time has been momentarily intrigued by the shape of an object or a particularly interesting pattern. A Cold Ken's constructions are literally mesmerizing, more so to individuals of particular mental might. Their minds see more than a pattern, they view a fascinating enigma whose solution is right on the brink of being understood. Perhaps it could be solved if they just concentrated enough they think.
Captivated by this puzzle they no longer care for such unimportant things as drink, food or even simple comfort. For the disease causes the mind to spiral internally, seeking with infinite anticipation the end of the riddle. But there is no known end, or if there is an end, it dwells so deep that once within, it is nigh impossible to pull oneself out. Those who make contact with the mind of an infected individual suddenly receive a clear image of the fractal and must make the same saves or contract the disease as well.

Any being with an Intelligence of 4 or higher who looks upon the fractal from within 5 feet must make an initial will save (DC mentioned above) to keep from contracting the disease. Even if they make the save they become Dazed for 1 round. If they fail, they become Fascinated by the pattern. Even if moved away and no longer in sight of the fractal, an infected creature dwells upon the mystery of the pattern and it fills their thoughts so as they cannot achieve Psionic Focus or cast spells/manifest powers requiring concentration. Each day of their incubation period they may attempt a new save to keep from becoming enthralled. If they can hold off being enthralled through the incubation period the dementia fades away. Normal disease healing spells will remove the condition while in its incubation stage. If they fail every save their mind turns completely within itself and they are considered permanently helpless. Only psychic chirurgery, bend reality, reality revision, or other similar powerful abilities can bring the subject out of themselves.

The Cold Ken is vaguely aware of any creature who has succumbed to Fractal Dementia and may use Mind Switch for a duration of 10 minutes per Prestige level once per day to have full control over the helpless body, which costs no XP and allows no Will save. The Cold Ken and victim of Fractal Dementia must both be on the same planet or plane (if in an extraplanar setting).


Cold Ken Lore
Characters who have ranks in Knowledge (Psionics) can learn more about the Cold Ken. When a character makes a successful skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs. Those with 5 or more ranks in Knowledge (nature) get a +2 bonus to the check.

Knowledge (Psionics)

DC 10 - The Cold Ken follow a special discipline that allows them to psionically interact with the crystalline nature of snow and ice.
DC 14 - Cold Ken are said to be so in tune with the resonance of crystals that they never slip on ice and can sense beings in contact with it.
DC 18 - A cold ken thoroughly enjoys a a bracing chill, saying their thoughts are clearer and their minds better functioning the colder it is around them. Many seem hardly bothered by even the most frigid temperatures in fact.
DC 22 - The touch of a cold ken is something that must be avoided. They are capable of freezing the fluids in one's body into ice which allows them to influence the being.
DC 26 - Cold Ken are capable of pulling the heat right out of the air, surrounding themselves in a chill fog. Those within the fog are at the mercy of the cold ken's strange powers even if they are well away from him.
DC 30 - The mightiest of Cold Ken can sculpt ice into shapes and patterns so alluring one may become entranced by their sheer beauty. Those affected do not eat, sleep or drink, merely drinking in the site of it until they die of neglect. Even those pulled away find it hard to forget the memory of the experience and become trapped within their own mind.

Sample Cold Ken

Jergen Tam
Male Glacier Dwarf Psion (egoist) 6/Cold Ken 5
Medium Humanoid
Hit Dice: 6d4+18 + 5d6+15 (65 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 10 (), touch, flat-footed
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+6
Attack: Blue ice iceaxe +6 melee (1d6+2/x4)
Full Attack: Blue ice iceaxe +6 melee (1d6+2/x4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Arctic mind, chill command, psionics
Special Qualities: Clear headed, cold tolerant, darkvision 60 ft., deepblue, frostfelt, ice crystal, ice cunning, resistance to cold 5, skater's poise
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +3, Will +11
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 22, Wis 15, Cha 8
Skills: Autohypnosis +16, Balance +9, Climb +6, Concentration +17, Craft (ice sculpture) +15, Knowledge (nature) +16, Knowledge (psionics) +20, Survival +8, Use Psionic Device +4
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Imprint Stone, Psicrystal Affinity (hero), Psicrystal Containment
Challenge Rating: 11
Possessions: +4 blue ice shirt, +2 blue ice iceaxe, 10 power stones (major), clear spindle ioun stone, scarlet and blue sphere ioun stone
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +0


Arctic Mind (Ps):
Jergen Tam can create a kinetic field once per day which cools the moisture in the air and freezes it, forming an arctic haze that follows him wherever he goes. A bank of fog composed entirely of tiny ice crystals billows out from about him in a 40-foot radius and 20 feet high. The fog obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature 5 feet away has concealment (20% miss-chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment (50% miss-chance, and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). This cold cloud lasts 50 minutes.

Chill Command (Ex):
If Jergen Tam makes a successful touch attack he can cause a matrix of ice crystals to grow within the body of the target. This deals 1d4 cold damage a minute unless they succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 17 halves for a minimum of 1 point), but also interacts with the target's nervous system. For 5 minutes a Cold Ken may use the psionic suggestion power, able to make a new suggestion every minute. Every minute the target may make a new Will save to resist the suggestion (DC as above).

Clear Headed (Ex):
When in areas below freezing Jergen Tam gains a +2 Circumstance bonus to Intelligence (already factored into the stat block). If exposed to unearthly temperatures (-50 or colder) this bonus raises to +3.

Crystal Clarity (Ps):
When Jergen Tam would gain his bonus to Intelligence he may, once per day, truly open his mind to the cold around him. He gains an additional +2 bonus to intelligence for a total of +4, or +5 in areas of unearthly cold. However, this is extraordinarily painful and he takes 1d4 points of nonlethal damage every minute that cannot be healed until he ceases to expose his mind.

Deepblue (Ex):
In the hands of Jergen Tam a weapon of blue ice gains the properties of deep crystal and he may channel psionic energy into it.

Frostfelt (Ps):
Jergan Tam has Tremorsense out to 60 feet when in contact with ice or snow as he resonates with their crystal patterns.

Ice Crystal (Ps):
Jergen Tam's psicrystal gains 20 additional hit points, a +10 bonus to its natural armor, and immunity to cold.

Ice Cunning: This ability grants Jergen Tam a +2 racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual construction or hazards in ice and snow. This includes traps of ice or snow, and natural or supernatural hazards such as thin ice or blood snow. If Jergen Tam merely comes within 10 feet of unusual ice construction or hazards he can make a Search check as if he were actively searching, and he can use Search to find ice or snow traps as a rogue can. This ability replaces a dwarf's stonecunning.

Psionics: Manifester level 8th. (Power Points per day = 78; Save DC 15 + power level):
1st - Control Flames, Matter Agitation, Psionic Grease, Skate, Vigor
2nd - Body Equilibrium, Psionic Identify, Sustenance, Swarm of Crystals
3rd - Body Adjustment, Energy Bolt, Energy Retort, Solicit Psicrystal
4th - Energy Adaption, Mindwipe, Power Leech, Psionic Freedom of Movement

Skater's Poise (Ps):
While psionically focused Jergen Tam may move on snow, ice, or any other frozen substance without any penalty to speed or chance of slipping, and may even use the Run action.

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Penguin Herder
Just FYI... [sblock]

Tropical Dream Barbie hates Cold Ken.[/sblock]

Cheers, -- N


Penguin Herder
Okay, looking through the benefits, I don't see anything worth losing four manifester levels.

Some things will be annoying -- how do you adjudicate bonus power points when the Circumstance bonus to Int goes away? -- how do you adjudicate how many NPCs per day walking past a glacial sculpture disease pattern fall victim? -- what is the Ice Sculpture skill? -- does a Warforged care about non-lethal damage?

I'd suggest you just give a +1 circumstance bonus to power DCs, instead of a +2 Int bonus, because that's the main (non-abusable) effect anyway.

With the poor BAB, poor HD, and presumption of Psion levels leading in, why is the Deep Crystal emulation valued so highly? It's not like this dude is ever going to be in melee by choice.

Chill Command -- how does it work on Cold creatures, or creatures who resist cold damaage?

Cheers, -- N

Okay, looking through the benefits, I don't see anything worth losing four manifester levels.
Had meant there to only be three lost.

Nifft said:
Just FYI... [sblock]

Tropical Dream Barbie hates Cold Ken.[/sblock]

Cheers, -- N

Btw, for those who don't know...

knowledge, understanding, or cognizance; mental perception
to know, have knowledge of or about, or be acquainted with

Some things will be annoying -- how do you adjudicate bonus power points when the Circumstance bonus to Int goes away?
How do you adjudicate it when you get a bonus from and then lose a magic item?

how do you adjudicate how many NPCs per day walking past a glacial sculpture disease pattern fall victim?
That'd be up to the DM. As it usually only works in areas of cold likely not many.

what is the Ice Sculpture skill?
Craft (ice sculpture) as mentioned in the text. Basically the carving and working of ice. Could be a statue, could be stairways or arches.

does a Warforged care about non-lethal damage?
I don't recall. Haven't had much to do with Eberron.

I'd suggest you just give a +1 circumstance bonus to power DCs, instead of a +2 Int bonus, because that's the main (non-abusable) effect anyway.
Except its supposed to give them better mental faculties. +2 to int gives a lot more benefits, and helps with losing manifest levels.

With the poor BAB, poor HD, and presumption of Psion levels leading in, why is the Deep Crystal emulation valued so highly? It's not like this dude is ever going to be in melee by choice.
I... didn't really think I was valuing it highly. The main ability at first level is the psicrystal which is very much pumped up in toughness.

Chill Command -- how does it work on Cold creatures, or creatures who resist cold damaage?
It still works on them, it just doesn't deal damage. He's still however constructing a crystalline neural nexus to interact with them.

Voidrunner's Codex

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