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A Dawnforge Legend Storyhour (Chapter 7 started on May 27th)


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Chapter 4 is nearly done, I used the Freeport adventure from Dungeon for a basis and slightly modified it... just a smidge :) hopefully it turns out alright ;)

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Chapter 4 - Part 1

It had been four days since the debacle with the dwarves had passed and Dais was growing somewhat bored, though it did give him time to draw, and practice while Lain recovered from the poison’s damage. It also allowed him time to speak with Thane and learn more about his faith, and the source of his devotion, Alharra. It seemed such an alien concept to put so much faith in something other then the forces of the world and the work of the druids, perhaps even foolish. But Dais had to admit that Thane’s faith had power, and such power had to be respected even if he did not totally understand the purpose behind such power.

At least Thane was in many ways better company then Lain.

Dais sat in the busy square of the main plaza outside of the docks and sketched away, as the populace passed by him. The city of Seaward was a beautiful place, with its organic inspired architecture and plentiful parks and natural designs. The work of the druids shined in every boulevard, and on every street, and the city was as much a work of art as it was a fortress.

Thane sat next to Dais, who was sketching a portrait of an older lowlander woman smiling. The disciple smiled as he looked over his companions shoulder, “That is a gentle smile.”

“This city is filled with many gentle things,” Dais replied as his hands worked over parchment.

“Like our dear friend, Lain,” Thane mused.

“No that woman is as sharp as a goblin’s blade, and twice as deadly,” Dais chuckled.

Thane nodded in agreement, “She means well, she has just had a hard life, I suppose. Rumors abound with talks of civil war between the fey. If such is true, one can only wonder what kind of effect that could have on a young elf, or what life could be like.”

“The elves are at war with each other?” Dais replied.

“Its only rumors of course, who really knows with them elves, thy never really speak much of the happenings of their lands. Oh sure they speak much of their culture and the greatness of their people, but internal affairs,” the disciple sighed, “are kept behind closed doors.”


Thane chuckled, “Forget it, I can see that politics is not an interest for you. Only your precious pictures,” he smirked.

“They help me relax,” Dais trailed off as he watched an altercation brewing across the plaza.

Two young lowlander toughs were molesting a lone stranger. He was not as tall as the lowlander boys, and slender in build, but most striking was the stranger’s red skin, it was crimson like blood and a mane of prickly black hair spilled out from beneath a wide brimmed wicker conical hat. He wore simple red robes, laced with black trim.

One of the boys kicked dirt on the stranger as he sat cross-legged, barely noticing the approaching youths. He dusted himself and slowly stood as they started to curse and berate the strange looking being in Anderlar. Dais scowled and stood, and started walking while Thane oblivious to the altercation carried on about the virtues of Dais’ artwork.

“Red-skin, get off our street!” one of the toughs shouted, his yellow hair pulled back into a bun on the back of his head. The other boy just grinned and tried to kick the stranger, but missed, as the stranger rolled backwards, onto his feet in a graceful display of agility and acrobatics. The movement gave Dais pause, slowing his approach. The yellow haired youth advanced and tried to strike the red skinned stranger, but the stranger was ready and caught the boy’s punch and spun him to the ground, pinning the young thug to the street face first. His companion tried to intervene but Dais grabbed his arm and jerked him back sending the youth tumbling to the ground in a heap.

The stranger glanced up to Dais in a look of surprise, his coal-black eyes furrowing in confusion for a moment before he let the thug go and dusted off his clothes. It was only then that Dais noticed the thin red tail swishing back and forth behind the stranger. The yellow haired youth scrambled to his feet, and ran off, his companion following quickly.

Dais cocked his head at the stranger, “By the Green Man, what manner of being are you?”

“A tiefling,” Thane spat out, as he stepped to Dais’ right.

The tiefling replied to Dais, “Your trueborn companion is correct, I am a tiefling.”

Thane scowled, “Be wary Dais, tieflings are evil, the whole lot of them, it would have been best to leave him to his fate.”

Dais glanced to the normally cheerful disciple, “That is a little harsh, don’t you think?”

“Your companion speaks of the savagery and war the Valhedar Dominion has inflicted upon his people. There is a long-standing stance of enmity between our peoples. I have come to understand this and accept it. But I do not base my judgment of others on the acts of their people, only the acts of the individual,” the tiefling responded with a bow.

Thane glared at the tiefling, “Your kind is only capable of evil, it is in your blood.”

“Enough Thane, calm down, this tiefling has done nothing to us, nothing at all. Lets just go on our way,” Dais turned to the tiefling, “I apologize, we should be…” he trailed off as the yellow haired youth and his companion were back, and this time they had six more friends brandishing clubs. Dais scowled, and glanced to the tiefling, “Looks like he got some friends.”

“Indeed,” the tiefling responded as he clenched his right hand and made a motion with his left hand. A shimmer of light flowed over his form, as he dropped into a defensive stance, “this is not your fight; I shall handle them.”

Dais scowled, “I am not going to leave you here alone to face these thugs,” as he clenched his fists.

The tiefling responded, “I am trained to fight without weapons, are you?”

“Not really, but I can handle myself,” he shrugged.

“Fools,” Thane muttered as he called upon the power of Alharra, and granted her blessing and favor to his companion and the tiefling, “Dais I shall trust your judgment for now, but Alharra forgive me for giving your blessing to a tiefling.”

The group of young men circled the trio, trying to appear as menacing as they could, as the yellow haired youth smugly patted his club in his hands, “Step aside,” he said to Dais and Thane, “our business is with the red-skin.”

“Then you have business with us as well,” Dais challenged.

The yellow-haired thug nodded to his friends, three thugs rushed towards the men waving their clubs and shouting loudly. The first tried to raise his club at Dais, but the lowlander soldier was much quicker and smashed his fist into the boy’s face, sending him sprawling to the ground in a heap!

The second thug swung his club at the tiefling as he shifted his weight, and ducked the first attacker; using his tail to balance himself the tiefling spun and slid from the third thug’s attack in a brilliant show of agility and evasion. The tiefling lashed out with a crippling kick to the gut of the second thug, and then sent him to the ground with a solid open palm strike to the chest. The second lowlander ruffian gulped as he squared off against the skilled tiefling.

Dais turned and swung a punch at the thug, but was not fast enough to evade the thug’s club that crashed into his right shoulder. Dais felt his right shoulder go numb even as his fist collided with the young tough’s jaw sending the youth to the ground in a heap. He stumbled back holding his shoulder grimacing, “You fight like a demon,” he quipped to the tiefling.

“That would be because he is a demon,” Thane interjected.

“I assure you I am no demon, although their essence and blood runs through my veins,” the tiefling replied as he scanned the rest of the youths.

“Hmm,” the yellow haired youth scowled, “you are tough red-skin,” he dropped his club and pulled a dagger from his boot, “but lets see how tough you are now!” He dashed forward and tried to run the tiefling through, his strike would have been true, but some unseen force protected the tiefling from the worst of the blow and the dagger glanced aside as the tiefling retaliated by shifting back on his feet and drawing a well crafted nunchaku from his belt, and whirled it masterfully in his hands. He spun forward on the palms of his feet and struck quickly into the youth’s gut with a lightning fast attack. He spun the nunchaku behind his back and settled into a stance as he circled the yellow haired thug.

The yellow-haired thug lurched to strike again with his dagger when a blood-curdling whistle sounded in the plaza causing him to falter and stay his hand. A tall broad shouldered lowlander dressed in well-crafted chainmail, wearing the standard of the prince strode into the midst of the raucous melee, followed by six armed guards similarly dressed though of obvious lower station.

“Well if it isn’t Harold the Fair, causing more trouble on my streets I see,” the large man spoke in a deep bellowing voice. A dark mustache framed his wide mouth, and short dark hair flanked his angular face. He turned his dark eyes to the tiefling, and shook his head.

“Good morning, Captain Reginald, its always a pleasure to see you,” the boy winced from the pain in his stomach.

Captain Reginald narrowed his eyes, “I can’t say the same, I have half a mind to throw you all in jail for a good fortnight, and then sort this mess out. This is not some uncivilized outpost fighting in the streets is not tolerated, not as long as I have anything to say about it.”

“I apologize Captain,” Dais responded no longer holding his shoulder, as Thane finished applying his divine healing to the injury, repairing the damage done.

“You apologize?” the captain furrowed his brow, “are you the one responsible for this mess?”

“No,” the tiefling spoke softly, “I was passing through and decided to stop here and admire the scenery, when these young thugs accosted me. I had to defend myself, and these men,” he gestured to Dais and Thane, “ came to my aid. None of the boys should be seriously hurt. I as well apologize for causing a scene, although it could not be helped. Harold the Fair and his cronies were bent on teaching us a lesson.”

“Is this true?” Captain Reginald asked Thane and Dais. Both nodded yes in reply, not daring to speak.

Harold the Fair scowled, “We was just having fun, Captain, we didn’t mean any harm by it, honest.”

“Indeed, well lets see how much fun you have in my jail, alright men gather the ones that can’t walk and lets get these boys some plush accommodations for the evening,” the captain smiled ruefully. “Now march!”

The boys straggled ahead of the guards as Harold shot a baleful look to the trio, as he was led away from them. Dais turned to the tiefling, quite surprised at the outcome, “You have a way with words, stranger.”

“The honeyed tongues of the tieflings is legendary in the Kingsmarch, as is the long standing pact between the Valhedar Dominion and the people of Anderland,” Thane spat, “The better to corrupt and beguile…”

“Thane that is enough, this tiefling is obviously not like other tieflings you have dealt with, he seems like a gentle soul to me, he showed great restraint against those boys,” Dais countered.

Thane turned and folded his arms across his chest, “Perhaps.”

Dais sighed, “I apologize for Thane, stranger. My name is Dais, I am from the city of Ironwall, and I must admit I have never met another of your kind before, nor have I ever seen anyone fight like you do.”

“Thank you Dais, and I accept the apology. My name is Osan; I am a student of the Red Fist. I do not fault Thane for his attitude, as I said before there is a long-standing feud between our people it is in our blood and in our past,” Osan bowed.

“Osan, I would be honored if you come eat with us, and tell me about your people,” Dais replied with a large smile, “your lands must be filled with wondrous things.”

The tiefling grinned a fittingly devilish grin, “You have no idea,” as he followed Dais.
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First Post
New Character!

Osan Lightbane (Male Tiefling Monk 2 Lawful Neutral): CR 2; STR 12, DEX 16, CON 12, INT 12, WIS 16, CHA 12; HD 2d8 plus 2 (HP 16); BAB +1; FORT +4, REF +6, WILL +6; AC 16 (+3 DEX, +3 WIS), Flat Footed 10, Touch 16; Initiative +3; +4 melee (Masterwork Nunchaku 1d6+1 x2), +4 ranged; Move 30 ft.; Skills- Balance (5) +12, Diplomacy (5) +10, Sense Motive (5) +8, Tumble (5) +8; Feats- Dodge, Stunning Fist, Deflect Arrows; Languages- Common, Valhedrin, Sothren; Racial Talents- Infernal Gift I (Flare & Mage Armor 1 time per day); Racial Transformations- Tail; SQ- Tiefling Traits, Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike, Evasion; Legend Points- 0; Equipment- Masterwork Nunchaku, Red Fist Monk’s Humble Clothes, Wicker Hat, 6 GP

Born in the desert of Zangala, Osan is an anomaly among the tieflings of the Dominion. He was born into a wealthy merchant house, and was groomed to live in the lap of luxury but he did not excel in the arcane arts, and showed little if any hint of the infernal influence in his mindset or actions. He was in short an embarrassment and a potential threat to the families continued status and prosperity.

At the age of fifteen, Osan was shipped off to a monastery deep in the desert away from the family to be forgotten. It was the last time he would ever see his family, and his new life as a Monk of the Red Fist began. A group of ascetics of Zangalan natives who found the tiefling in their midst an oddity, but their teachings welcomed all students and in time, he was fully accepted as a brother in the order. Osan spent the rest of his youth at the order and learned their ways, and now travels to perhaps find meaning in his existence and perhaps make sense of why he was forsaken by his family. He is tall for a tiefling and slim of build. His face is angular with sharp slim black markings on his crimson red skin. Two horns grow on his head, rolling back through his prickly dark hair, and his eyes are coal black. He could be handsome, if eerie and very much touched with the infernal. He dresses in the simple robes of the Red Fist, wears a conical wicker hat, and carries a well-crafted pair of nunchaku on his hip.


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Chapter 4 - Part 2

“Failure Faith, is not a virtue the Black Circle espouses,” the robed figure spoke in the clicking language of the doppelgangers, the cowls of his hood shrouding his face.

“My master, it was not my fault, the humans were incompetent, they were weak, and I will not make that mistake again,” Faith whimpered, lying prostrate before her master in her true form. A slim gray humanoid with an elongated almost cone like head and dark menacing eyes.

“It was your failure to trust the humans with such a task to begin with,” the master spat back, “your reliance on those of one skin, has crippled you. Now we have neither the Light of Korum or chaos between the Greenfalls house and their dwarf allies. It seems I may have put too much stock in your abilities.”

“I can rectify it, I can make things right, I only need a second chance, master, to prove myself before the Black Circle. I will tear the whole of Seaward asunder, there is no limit to my devotion, you have shown me the true path of our kind,” Faith raised her head, waiting for a reply.

“The order has spoken Faith, but,” he clicked loudly, pulling his robe close around him, “if you show true devotion perhaps in time the order may reconsider its decision, but know that continued failure will bring about only a swift death.”

“I will not fail you a second time, my master,” Faith rose to her feet.

“Then listen child, for I have a new task for you,” the master clicked softly.


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Chapter 4 - Part 3

“Wow, I have never heard of such a place, where the sand piles into mountains, and not a drop of rain falls from the sky for months on end, how does one live in such a place?” Dais spoke quickly enthralled by Osan’s tale of his homeland.

“One survives, because they must, the desert is a harsh mistress, but her bounties are sweet for those that are willing to work for it. She is not a forgiving mistress, by any means, but she provides enough to live,” Osan smiled as he ate. He took a draught of water and continued, “You get used to the heat, and rationing of water comes natural over time. You do what you must, and all is well.”

Lain rolled her eyes, “Well we need to find a steady source of income, I mean 250 gold coins may be a king’s ransom to you, but not to me. I have a taste for the finer things in life.”

“I think you have a taste for other people’s money,” Thane quipped.

Lain shrugged, “Only the bad people’s money,” she purred, “there just seem to be so many of them.”

“Indeed,” Thane snorted.

“Well if it is coin you seek, I may have a proposition for you. A saltblood from Seagarden is looking for a crew to head down the Dural River to Ebernath to drop off a shipment of goods before heading onward to Seagarden, transporting another shipment of goods. She is looking for a strong crew and is willing to pay seventy-five gold for the journey to Ebernath, and another seventy-five for the journey to Seagarden.”

“Hmm 150 gold coins for that, what is the catch?” Lain responded.

“I am sure it is honest work,” the tiefling mused.

“Honest, indeed,” Thane scowled, “it sounds like shifty work to me, Dais.”

“But it sounds like quite the adventure as well, and truth be told I have never been to Ebernath or Seagarden. I am sold, where do I sign up?” Dais answered.

“Your idiocy is only matched by your glaring lack of common sense,” Lain sighed, “if idiot boy is going, then count me in. Besides someone has to be there to protect him from himself.” Thane just nodded in agreement.

Nearly an hour later and many districts over the party of disparate adventurers were standing in the docks overlooking the Goldspring Sea. The sea itself was a deep blue, with flecks of gold dancing amidst its waves that twinkled in the afternoon sunlight. Osan paused in front of an old tavern where a salty sailor sat in a chair by the door eyeing the group suspiciously.

Osan opened the door and motioned the party inside, “Please in here.”

Inside the squat rectangular room were many sailors, and thugs sitting around wooden tables playing card and dice games. Several bottles of rum lay on the tables, and the men drank generously. The serving wenches were burly women with thick curving builds and dresses that accentuated their more bountiful features, but with tough attitudes to match.

Seated at one table near the center of the room was a woman adorned with several tribal tattoos along her arms, and a stylized sun tattoo on her tanned face. She wore her dark hair long, and she had an exotic look with slightly slanted eyes and pouting generous lips which curled into a mischievous smile as she slammed down another hand of cards, shouting loudly in a foreign tongue.

The men roared in anguish as they lost more of their hard earned silver coins to the exotic sailor. She in turned smiled seductively, and played with the coins on her fingers, before glancing up to the approaching party, that looked horribly out of place in the salty dive. The woman leaned back in her chair kicking her leather boots up on the table, and spoke in accented Common, “The tiefling returns, and with friends no less, a stout crew for the Radical Dream, or hapless fools not fit to sail the seas with Captain Celeste!” she shouted loudly.

Osan smiled, “They are interested in work, Captain.”

“Really,” she let her chair lean forward, and then stood moving closer to Dais and his companions. She paused looking at Lain, “An elf? And a strange one at that, skin is darker then the night itself,” she smiled.

Lain bristled, “You’re one to talk,” she sneered.

“Ahh the elf has fire in her heart, I like her already,” she glanced over to Thane. The disciple visibly gulped trying not to look upon the Captain’s more lovely endowments and failing miserably.

“Relax,” the Captain purred softly, “I won’t bite you, unless you like that sort of thing,” she winked, “a little scared but I am in need of men, so I suppose I can use him.”

Thane nodded slowly, “Thank you.”

The Captain moved to Dais and grinned. She placed her hands around his head and pulled him into a deep kiss. His eyes grew wide, as he struggled against her lips but failed as he resigned himself to the Captain’s passion. She pulled back and sized him up, “I can definitely use this one, a strong back, solid arm and frame, you can be my first mate,” she winked. Lain couldn’t help but narrow her eyes at the conniving captain, although she didn’t quite understand why.

Dais sputtered, “Uh, thank you, do we need a contract?”

“Of course, and we can work all that out, now I will pay seventy-five coins for the journey to Ebernath, and then another seventy-five more for the trip to Seagarden. You don’t ask questions about my business, you do as told, and you work hard and we will not have any problems, agreed?” she smiled wickedly as she tightened the red bandanna around her long curly dark hair.

“Sure,” Dais replied.

“Then welcome aboard the Radical Dream, First Mate…” Captain Celeste let the words trail off.

“Dais of Ironwall, son of Hunder at your service,” Dais replied.

“Dais, I like that name, so manly, and strong,” she grinned, “and the rest of you?”

“Thane Madrigal, servant of Alharra the Dawn Bearer,” Thane replied with a bow of his head.

Lain kept her eyes narrowed at the saltblood captain, “Lain.”


First Post
Second New Character!

Ayala Celeste (Female Saltblood Bard 2 Chaotic Neutral): CR 2; STR 10, DEX 16, CON 10, INT 12, WIS 10, CHA 18; HD 2d6 (HP 10); BAB +1; FORT +0, REF +6, WILL +3; AC 16 (+3 DEX, +3 Armor), Flat Footed 13, Touch 13; Initiative +3; Attack +1 melee (Rapier 1d6 18-20/x2), +4 ranged (Shortbow 1d6 x3); Move 30 ft.; Skills- Appraise (5) +6, Diplomacy (5) +9, Gather Information (4) +8, Knowledge Geography (5) +6, Perform Sing (5) +9, Profession Sailor (5) +5, Sleight of Hand (4) +7, Swim (3) +8, Use Magic Device (4) +8; Feats- Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot; Languages- Common, Dorlian, Anderlar; Racial Talents- Boisterous; Racial Transformations- Agile; SQ- Saltblood Traits, Bard Spells, Spell DC 14 + spell level, Bardic Knowledge +3, Bardic Music ( Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1); Legend Points- 0; Equipment- Masterwork Studded Leather, Shortbow, 20 arrows, Rapier, Buckler, Travel Supplies, Radical Dream (Her Father’s Ship), Pouch of Spell Components

Spells Known- 0th (3), Detect Magic, Know Direction, Ghost Sound, Message, Read Magic; 1st (1), Charm Person, Sleep

Ayala I the captain of the daring and intrepid Zanzibar Celeste, a heroic sea captain from Seagarden and legendary explorer. But that was years ago before her father a living legend, disappeared on the seas, leaving his family without a father, and her mother without her loving husband. All that was found of him was his legendary ship the Radical Dream, sailing aimlessly along the waves, with no sign of her father. Ayala took command of the ship and now runs a profitable merchant business with it, but wishes to one day perhaps see her own legend on the seas and perhaps find her father, if he still lives.

Ayala has a lithe curvaceous frame with exotic eyes, and pouting lips. She is as beautiful as she is charismatic and charming. She dresses in a thin gauzy shirt, which leans off one shoulder, exposing her tanned and tattooed flesh, and she is very free with her desires and emotions and tends to act before she thinks. She is not particularly moral, and seems to do as she wishes, and is not very consistent in her actions or emotions, and tends to be careless with others as well.


First Post
Chapter 4 - Part 4

The Radical Dream was a slim, knife like craft. It was only about forty feet in length with a dark hull, and a script of Dorlian that proudly displayed the name of the sleek water vessel. There was ample room below deck to rest and much of the lower deck was reserved fro the cargo which was sealed tight inside crates, that had strange magical wards glimmering on their exterior. The vessel was organic in style, and had large red and blue sails that billowed in the wind that whipped over the Goldspring Sea.

Captain Celeste already possessed three sailors, all of them saltbloods and each of them an accomplished and trained sailor. The party on the other hand knew very little about the travails of the sea, and were hired it seemed mainly for protection against the dangers of the water.

Gus was the eldest of the three sailors and also doubled as the cook for the ship, though his cooking abilities were dubious at best. He was a thick-bodied man with a baldhead, and tattoos covering his body from head to toe. In particular he had a gold tooth in the front of his mouth that gleamed whenever he smiled. The rest of the sailors took their lead from him when Captain Celeste was not around.

The quietest of the three sailors was Hon, a tall and thin male with a permanent limp in his stride. An old wound from a nasty scuffle with a band of cutthroat pirates on the open seas. Hon had survived but his injury would haunt him for life, much too poor to afford the magical healing needed to fully repair the damage. He kept to himself, and usually spent much of his time cleaning the ship, and making sure everything was ship shape and rarely seemed to rest.

The youngest of the three sailors was a young saltblood girl by the moniker of Rat. She never seemed to stop talking and was curious about everything, and looked up to Captain Celeste with total reverence and respect. The girl despite her youth was able bodied and well versed in the ways of the sea, and was nimble enough to manage herself in the rigging day and night. She was never without her smile, and was always willing to lend a hand, despite Gus’ accounts of her laziness.

The journey down the Dural River was in many ways a dull yet fascinating journey. The river spans several hundreds of miles through Anderland towards the Parthian Sea and the magical city of Ebernath. Along the riverbanks several small townships and villages, nestled along its bountiful banks, provide trade, shelter, and services for the many travelers making their way to and from the city of Seaward.

Despite the soft breeze that seemed to permeate the river, the Radical Dream raced along the river, it was certainly a fast ship. Thane admitted that the ship was possessed of magic that perhaps enabled it such great speed, but he could not discern how such a thing was done, though he was quick to admit that the methods were obviously arcane in nature and not divine. When questioned Captain Celeste would laugh, and smile beguilingly, and jest that the ship was the legendary craft of Zanzibar Celeste, one of the greatest sailors to have ever lived. That answer seemed sufficient for the time being and the days passed along the river.

Dais spent much of his time, sketching the banks of the river, giving Captain Celeste a wide berth, although he did not fear her, he did not feel totally comfortable around the alluring and charming saltblood. She had a way with her words and body language that stirred his heart, and more then once he had to stop himself from daydreaming about the exotic ship captain. Thane teased the young soldier, and the two were quickly growing to be fast friends, and constant companions on the journey.

Lain was miserable for much of the trip, she was never used to the rigors of travel by water, and she learned early on that she did not have the stomach for the travel. In time she learned to cope, but it was a miserable first few days for the young night elf, and even more so as her hapless and foolish lowlander companion continued to swoon for the trashy and conniving saltblood harlot that paraded herself about as the ‘captain’. It was enough to make her sick once more, and so she kept to herself, it was better that way. Although she had come to enjoy making light of Dais and his foolishness, he was such a stupid and naïve human that he alternately entertained her and annoyed her immensely.

Another night fell on the eighth day of travel and the Radical Dream was sailing on the open waters of he Parthian Sea. Lain was standing on the deck watching the dark waters, as the moon hung full in the air, content to be alone with her thoughts as a misty wind of salt washed over the deck. There was so much water, it amazed her that such a thing could be, and yet here she was at sea, far from her ancestral lands of the Sildanyr Forests, and the brutal war that enveloped her people. Unfurled in her hands was the sketch that Dais had made the first night they had met.

“Pardon Lain, perhaps you would enjoy the company of a tiefling?” Osan spoke softly as he walked towards the railing his conical wicker hat now pulled back to rest on his back, his prickly hair glistening in the moonlight, revealing his slim angular red face, and the various dark markings upon it.

“I don’t care,” she rolled her eyes, “what do you want?” as she tucked the parchment away.

“I only came to enjoy the moonlight, I find that the nighttime to be much more natural then the light,” the tiefling replied.

“Why aren’t you with the others?” Lain replied with little civility.

“Dais is sharing Captain Celeste’s bed, and Thane is hardly pleasant company. The sailors are resting and only Hon is about, and he does not talk much to begin with,” Osan replied watching the waters of the sea.

Lain clenched her fists, “Oh…”

“Perhaps I am disturbing you, I apologize,” Osan bowed, and started to walk away.

“No stay, Osan. I am not mad at you, I am not really mad at anyone, I guess,” she sighed, “well maybe one or two people,” she grinned.

“Dais does not know what he is getting into, if it makes you feel any better, he is swept up in the euphoria of the moment. He is young, and inexperienced in the ways of the world, or the ways of dangerous women,” the tiefling smiled.

“Like I care about him, all he has brought me is trouble, and he cost me the biggest score of my life.”

“But you are still here,” Osan pointed out.

“I have my reasons,” she stammered.

“Excuses are not reasons.”

“Oh and what makes you so wise,” she quipped, “You act like you know me, well get a clue. You don’t know anything about me.”

“True but I do know that the reason why you are staying, and the reason you are so angry right now, are both one and the same. But as you said, I know nothing about you, I only know what I see,” Osan mused.

Lain went silent and turned to look out over the sea before furrowing her brow, “Do you see that light out there, it looks like it is moving…”

Osan turned his eyes to the sea, “I don’t see…”

“Incoming! Incoming!” Hon shouted loudly from the crow’s nest.

Lain scowled, “I hate being right all the time.”


First Post
Chapter 4 - Part 5

After several minutes the crew was assembled on the deck, although Dais and Captain Celeste were the last two to arrive and both looked a little disheveled. Captain Celeste shouted to Hon, “What do you see?”

“I see a single ship, Captain, it looks deserted, just drifting on the waves, I can’t make out much more then that in this blasted moonlight!” Hon shouted back.

“Hmm, pull up alongside Gus, a drifting ship may have some extra loot to lace our pockets with,” the saltblood captain grinned.

“There could be people alive on that ship as well, that may need help,” Dais added.

Thane nodded, “There could be, but it looks like all life has abandoned this ship. Perhaps we should not be so hasty to loot this ghost ship.”

“I am the Captain and I say we board it, lets not have me repeat myself,” Captain Celeste commanded, “Gus, you stay here. Rat and Hon follow his lead, the rest of you come with me.”

The party gathered as the ship came into view, scrawled in Common on the side of the ship was the name, ‘Brinewolf’.

Dais glanced to Captain Celeste, “Brinewolf?”

“Never heard of it, mate, but from the looks of it, looks like a mighty raucous occurred on this ship,” she gestured to the tattered sails and the state of disarray on the deck.

Lain paused for a moment, “I hear movement.” She drew the scimitar she had claimed from the assassin and raised it to the ready.

“As do I,” Osan whispered, while Thane simply nodded in agreement.

The door to the bottom hold of the Brinewolf burst open as raving hooting sailors rushed towards Captain Celeste and her crew. The saltblood captain shouted loudly, “Aye mates time to earn yer keep!”

The first of the crazed sailors leapt onto the Radical Dream only to meet the flashing blade of Lain as she tried to skewer the madman. Her strike went wide, as her eyes met the crazed bloodshot eyes of the frenzied man. Thane was quick to react by chanting quickly and invoking the divine strength of Alharra, adding her blessing to his companion’s resolve and prowess.

Dais though had better luck then Lain as he met a charging sailor with his shield and then cut the man down with a vicious strike from his longsword. The sailor stumbled back in a gurgling scream, falling on his back. Osan once again invoked the infernal gifts in his blood and wrapped his body in a protective field of arcane force. He then drew his nunchaku and spun it skillfully as he ducked a clumsy rapier jab.

Captain Celeste hung back and intoned a soft slow song, with her rich sultry voice. Her voice though was laced with arcane power; she finished the note by tossing a pinch of sand into the air. The warrior facing Lain and three of his fellows succumbed to the enchanting tones of the song and collapsed into enchanted sleep.

Lain smirked, “Interesting trick…” she intoned as she parried another frenzied sailor with her scimitar.

Thane scowled, as he drew his heavy mace and waded into the melee, raising his shield, but his obvious lack of martial training was showing as he clumsily missed his target. The sailor scowled and stabbed his blade into Thane’s thigh with a gleeful crazed toothless grin.

Thane shouted as he watched a whirling blade take the head of the crazed sailor. He glanced over his shoulder to see Dais spinning about looking for more attackers. The lowlander used his shield to great effect protecting himself from harm as two of the sailors tried to overwhelm the young soldier. Spinning like a crimson whirlwind, Osan crashed into the sailor on Dais’ right, delivering a powerful stunning blow with his ebon handled nunchaku.

Lain maneuvered to Dais’ left bearing a nasty slash on her cheek, and chopped the other sailor down with a fierce strike into his vitals. He collapsed in a spray of blood. While Captain Celeste knocked an arrow to her shortbow and put the final standing sailor out of his misery.

Dais lowered his blade, and immediately turned to Lain, “Your hurt.”

“I will live, Thane, after your done healing yourself, could you find it in your divine wisdom to heal me?” Lain smirked as blood dribbled down her face.

“My pleasure,” Thane replied as he finished sealing the wound in his leg, “just a moment.”

Dais glanced and saw Captain Celeste preparing to ram her rapier through the neck of a sleeping sailor. Horrified he flashed his blade quickly and knocked her blade aside off the mark.

“What are you doing?” Captain Celeste hissed.

“I can’t let you do that Ayala,” Dais replied keeping his blade raised, “they are no longer a threat, we need to tie them up and turn them over to the Ebernath guard upon our arrival. I am sure villains such as this must be wanted by someone. But I won’t let you just execute them in cold blood.”

Ayala fumed, “I told you call me Captain Celeste in public, first mate,” she narrowed her eyes but did not wish to cross swords with the larger and much more skilled lowlander soldier. “Fine, Rat tie these cretins up tight, and its your head if one of them escapes!” she shrieked loudly, never taking her eyes off Dais.

Dais lowered his blade, “I am sorry Captain, but we can’t lower ourselves to their level, lest we become them.”

Lain smirked, her hand clenched tight around her scimitar, waiting to see if the saltblood would give her a reason to cut her down. She sighed somewhat disappointed at how quickly it had diffused, but she knew she would have to keep an eye on the saltblood captain, for Dais’ sake. The boy was a fool, and had just made an enemy without even realizing it.

Ayala lessened her anger and a smile formed across her lips, “Now that that is settled, we can set to looting the ship…”

“Captain, I see another light on the waters, and this be no ship! My eyes must be playing tricks with me captain, but it looks like a glowing man walking on the waters of the sea!” Hon shouted down to the gathered crew.


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Chapter 4 - Part 6

The crew turned to the approaching light, as a soft moaning filtered out over the crashing of the waves. The light moved swiftly over the water as if it floated, until it disappeared beneath the ship.

A figure rose up through the deck, a ghostly pale blue image of a man. He was of saltblood stock, and now that he stood amongst the crew, many more details came to light. His clothes were of noble bearing, a rich crimson coat, over a thin white shirt and black breeches. Over his feet were finely polished boots. The right side of his face was rife with tattoos, tribal markings for the most part. His hair was dark and curly, and the slight slant in his eyes gave him an exotic gaze, as he scanned the crew with his ebon eyes. Around his neck he wore a gold chain, upon which a blue amulet hung. The markings on the amulet marked the ghostly man as a worshipper of the Old Man of the Sea, an ancient spirit that was said to give favor to sailors in need. In less savory circles the immortal was often referred to as the ‘Pirate God’.

The ghostly man smiled and bowed his head, speaking in accented Common, “Good evening to you all, Captain Ned Fletcher at your service. The late Captain Ned Fletcher,” the spirit corrected himself.

Ayala gulped, “A spirit of the sea, this be a bad omen…”

“I assure you, I bring you a wondrous opportunity,” the spirit turned to Captain Celeste, “I was the master of the Stingray, never a finer ship sailed the waters,” he smiled wistfully. “But now my fine ship flounders at the bottom of the sea, along with much of my crew. We ran afoul of fish-men, blasted nasty creatures,” the spirit clenched his fist.

“That does not explain why you have come to haunt us, Captain Fletcher,” Thane questioned the floating spirit.

“Aye, well let me get right to the point then, shall I? The Stingray was carrying a great treasure, when she met her fate at the bottom of the sea. Chief amongst them was a gem called the Eye of the Sea Dragon, which I had sworn to return to the Temple of the Old Man of the Sea in Ebernath. Until that oath is carried out I shall be cursed to wander this world for all eternity, mates. In my current state, I can’t possibly retrieve the Eye on my own. But with your help, I am sure we can retrieve the Eye and return it to Ebernath, what say you?”

Captain Celeste mulled over the request, “What other treasure besides this eye, are we looking at mate?”

“Whatever you can salvage from the Stingray is yours, all I care about is returning the Eye of the Sea Dragon to Ebernath where it belongs. By the Old Man of the Sea, if you help me, it will be well worth your efforts, I was quite the privateer in my day, and liberated much booty from nefarious pirates,” the spirit grinned.

“Privateer?” Dais asked.

“A fancy way of saying pirate, mate,” Captain Celeste grinned, “my father Zanzibar Celeste was a ‘privateer’.”

“Captain Zanzibar Celeste?” the ghostly captain grinned wide, “then I am most fortunate, never a finer sailor sailed the waters then Captain Celeste. The man is said to have wrestled the secrets of the sea from the Old Man himself. Sailed to the edge of the world and back, and had a secret treasure cache so vast, one’s family could live in opulence for a hundred life times.”

“Wow your father sounds like quite the man,” Dais responded with a look of wonder.

“That was my father,” Captain Celeste, “no man could live up to his reputation, and many have died trying,” she shrugged, “Captain Ned Fletcher, we have ourselves an accord, lead the way to the Stingray!”


First Post
Chapter 5 - Part 1

Dais and Ayala descended beneath the crystal clear waters, over the watery grave of the Stingray. Finding the crash site was quite easy, with Captain Fletcher guiding them to a deserted island about two days travel outside Ebernath. A volcano dominated the island, though the good late captain assured the crew it was inactive and dormant.

Dais wore only his loose fitting gray breeches, and carried his dagger with him, feeling that his movements would be too restricted to use his customary longsword. His chestnut brown hair floated in the water in his eyes, an he began to see the wisdom behind Ayala’s crimson bandana that held hr dark curly hair back from her tanned an tattooed face. As Dais was finding out, Ayala had little modesty and he was not even sure that the garments Ayala wore could even be considered clothing, but they sufficed in making her look even more desirable then normal. A distraction he wished he could avoid.

The Stingray itself looked remarkably intact despite the water damage that had begun to set, the ship had definitely been quite the ship. The ship’s black and red flag waved in the water, and several schools of fish lazily darted about the ship moving with the slight current. The sea floor was colorful and filled with several stretches of coral and seaweed that swayed in the currents like an otherworldly forest, streams of light filtering from above creating quite the backdrop. Dais had to force himself to stay focused on the task at hand, not hard as he gazed at Ayala’s slim form gliding down towards the wreck of the Stingray.

Thankfully the still calm water, made it easier for the duo to see as they made their way to the captain’s cabin. Following the directions of the late Captain Fletcher, the duo was supposed to find his cabin first and then search it for potions of water breathing to aid in hunting down the fish-men that brought the ship down. Ayala glided quickly through the water but found that the lowlander was quite adept at swimming and she found herself admiring Dais’ movements in the water as he swam towards the door of the captain’s cabin, a dagger tucked into his breeches.

Ayala drifted in the water, as Dais worked to pull the door open. She turned about in the water and noticed that the schools of the fish had drifted away and there was an eerie calm in the water that unnerved her. She squinted her eyes as a silhouette formed amidst the seaweed, darting quickly in and out of the shadows. She turned to tap on Dais bare shoulder, just as he wrenched the door off its hinges, twisting iron and splintering wood. Dais glanced to Ayala and shrugged, as she pointed to the seaweed. He squinted his eyes, straining to see and just shrugged. Ayala scowled and looked back and saw nothing as well, she looked around quickly, and even more worried as she tried to make sense of what she thought she saw.

Dais turned away and swam into the cabin looking for the nautical map that covered the hidden chamber where the potions could be found. Ayala shrugged and floated into the room, she glanced over her shoulder casually over her shoulder only to see a large darting shape with a single dorsal fin charging at her. She swam aside quickly and cried loudly swallowing water in fear, as she tried to warn Dais.

Dais turned only to feel the impact of the tiger shark into his chest knocking the air from his lungs as he struggled to reach for his dagger. The shark slammed Dais through the wooden wall, but the lowlander recovered quickly from the blow and finally drew his dagger and spun away from the shark as it circled for another pass. Several cuts on Dais’ back stung as the salt in the water danced over his now bleeding wounds, only adding to the ferocity of the shark as it darted for another pass!

Its mouth opened wide exposing several rows of jagged teeth, capable of rending flesh from bone, and maiming most normal men in a single bloody chomp. Dais evaded the attack swimming back struggling for any air, and finding none as he tried to find which was up as the water fluttered and obscured his vision. The shark sensing Dais’ confusion pressed the attack, and prepared to strike once more, when Ayala descended on the shark stabbing her rapier into its back, barely having enough strength to pierce its hide.

Dais spun and brought his dagger into the shark’s underbelly drawing another spray of blood into the water. The shark thrashed and swam quickly upward dragging Dais with it. The shark changed directions quickly, throwing the lowlander into a bed of swaying kelp, as he desperately searched for the surface. Ayala kicked her feet and reached the surface breaking the surface with a deep breath as she looked around for the Radical Dream.

Dais caught sight of light and swam towards it quickly. His mind burning with pain as he struggled to maintain his consciousness feeling pain course through his body in sharp waves of pain. He crested the waves, and drew a deep haggard breath. He glanced around and saw Ayala swimming towards the Radical Dream. Once he aught another breath he started to swim towards it, only to see the tiger shark circle back beneath him and rush towards him. He knew there was no way he could beat the shark back to the Radical Dream and dove under the water, as the shark charged once more.

He braced himself for the impact and tried to wrap his arms around the head of the shark, but the shark’ toothy maw was much larger then he expected and Dais watched in horror as the tiger shark clamped down on his left, rending flesh and chipping bone! Dais used all his willpower not to scream and instead tried to focus on finding his dagger still imbedded in the shark’s flesh. He reached out though the rushing water, blood, and obscuring bubbles and clamped his hand around the dagger’s hilt. He ripped it free, as the tiger shark drug him deeper into the water. He could feel his consciousness fading as he focused on one burning thought.

Dais gritted his teeth and jabbed the dagger into the shark’s flesh through the bottom of its head, and up into the predator’s brain. He twisted the dagger with force and ripped more flesh, as the jaws relaxed and he slipped free into welcoming darkness and mind releasing peace…

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