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A Good City campaign


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Does anyone have a good city campaign that can be adapted easily?? I have a PC who has been kidnapped and the party needs to find him in a very large city but I am not very familiar with urban campaigns and need some maps, idea's...general help. Any websites or other resources out there??

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DM Beadle
If you want supplimental material there are many that I have, but my collection tends to be out of print. Currently there are cities avalible from Sword&Sorcery Studios that are reviewed on these boards, like Mithril, or Hallow Faust just to name two. Older suppliments include Waterdeep from Forgotten Realms, Lankhmar (Sp?), City of Greyhawk, , etc. There has been some recent flap about a Lawful Evil city called Invincible Overlord that is supposed to be a good product.

If they are just fleeing to the city and you don't plan to have them spend a huge ammount of time there, then just build something yourself. Otherwise there are lots of products availible... a 3.0 classic would be the Freeport series...

Edit: http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=126025 This thread talks about the Invincible Overlord suppliment.

Second Edit: http://www.enworld.org/reviews.php?do=product&productid=118715 This is a review of Shelzar City of Sin, which I think is a very good prodcut and happens to be on sale forless than $9 here http://secure1.white-wolf.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=137.

Sorry, I don't know how to rename links...
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First Post
I created the world and setting the city is in, and have a general overview of it, but the BBEG's have a base of operations here and the PC's need to find it, then get into the stronghold, explore it and find their companion. I am just worried that the details will be lacking and if I need to map out a whole city. I have the stronghold mapped out but am not sure how the party will find the info they need. The BBEG's are working for an evil king trying to depose the emperor and take over. They are 3 brothers, a fighter, an assassin and a wizard. Most common folk don't even know they exist. The high born and those very close the the emperor know about them. The BBEG's have been foiled in the past by the party (unknowingly) and now they want to eliminate their threat.

I am open to any ideas as how to proceed.


DM Beadle
If it were me, given the little bit of info you have just provided, and assuming that the BBEG's know what their opponents look like and have ample resources at their base of operations, I'd first have them hire out urchins to keep an eye out for the PC's and let the bad boys know when they get into town. Then I'd have the baddies get an NPC close to the group, perhaps a hooker, or even another saavy urchin to gain thier confidance and "help" them in this big unfamiliar town they are now in. Once you have an insider, you can keep the bad guys up to date on the PC's actions and movements, maybe even their plans if they trust the mole enough. From there it shouldn't be hard to set up ambushes, poison attempts, assassinations, etc. Eventually they need to come across someone who knows something about these operatives so that the PC's can get on the trail. Perhaps a servant who learned too much and is now in hiding from the bad guys because they want to kill him for konwing too much learns of the PC's snooping and drops some info their way in the hopes that the PC's take out his former masters. Or perhaps a spy of the King notices the PC's and decides to use them as pawns to get into the bad guys base of operations and arranges the PC's to come across location info... lots of possibilities here.

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