A Keep On The Borderlands: Arrival


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"Well...not to speak for the Sergeant," Arcata said, "But I think he was just trying to say that the people in the keep had all died. When he gave a more detailed account, he let us know that he hadn't been back since he and his men escaped...so we're not sure if the keep is still held. We're planning for the worst though."

She looks at Greggory. "You mentioned a banner they flew as well. A clawed fist of some kind, wasn't it? If beastmen are so feral, it seems unlikely they'd use a banner with that kind of symbol on it. It makes me wonder who's giving the commands."

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The half-orc shrugged at Arcata's explanation of events. "Don't know that sign. I will go see tonight. Count the beastmen. Will be back before people are ready to go tomorrow."

With that, Sh'aah rose from his squatting position and resumed his search for water. Surely even the soldiers could have found something by now. After water I need to repack. Shouldn't need everything, and it will be faster and quieter on foot. Leave the horse here. Need my bow...axe...little food and water. Should be enough. Wonder what the clouds are doing tonight?

OOC: I may not be available for the next few days... and I really do intend him to run off solo for the evening (tiredness is just fine) to the keep and back again - if physically possible. Seems like something he'd do, plus he's reasonably capable of it for now. Dunno how it should be played out (seems selfish keeping it in the IC thread).


Once he has finished with his repairs, Comoray says a short blessing of Velshionne and then goes to take council with Arcata and Bastien.

" Might there be anything I can do for you, Lady Ducat, before I turn to administering the spiritual needs of the soldiers? " he asks. " I assume that you have been discussing your plans for when we reach Fort Key-11. If there is any insight I can afford you, I do so happily. "

OOC: As Brother Comoray undoubtedly has the highest skill in Profession (Soldier) of anyone in the party, I imagine he is probably familiar with basic military formations and tactics.


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Greggory seems to respect Bastion's military bearing, but the fact that he is playing babysitter for the noble whelp makes him a bit suspicious of his abilities.

You may be right Bastion. Ambushing a hunting party might be a better way to catch the enemy unaware, as well as maybe getting us a few prisoners to interrogate. Broken down caravans are much more tempting targets for bandits, maybe not so much beastmen. There are a few game trails here, to the east of the fortress in some of the heavier woods. Although I caution again, we don't know if the creatures took up residence or just moved on at this point.

Greggory nods to lady Arcata, confirming her statement.

Yes, but a figure of speach.

Greggory stands up and folds his campaign seat. Stretching his legs as he does so.

Well....I consider my dinner paid in full. If there isn't anything else Lady Arcata, my men and I are going to get some sleep. It isn't every day I get to sleep defended by a nobles honor guard. I leave the course of action in your capable hands.


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Further down the hill, Sh'aah followed his instincts to fresh water. The soldiers had managed to find it as well - which was well and good. At least they wouldn't die of thirst if he didn't come back tonight. Filling his waterskin at the stream, he heard again the tingle of the metal links of his armour and was reminded how unhelpful such a thing would be on his scouting mission. Should leave armour behind. Too heavy. Too noisy. Not helpful.

Rising up after drinking his fill and filling the lizard hide that served as his water skin, Sh'aah almost jogged back to his gear such was his eagerness to get ready. Rifling through all his worldly possessions, the ranger selected his gear with care. On one side he placed things he definitely didn't want - the spear, most of his dried rations, rope, grapping hook. None of it would be helpful tonight. On the other side, he placed things he wanted - his prized double axe, bow, chalk, caltrops and healing potion. Lastly, he scratched his head trying to work out what to do with the remaining equipment. Should take cold-iron arrows. Doesn't sound like Beastmen...probably Fairies controlling them. Might need to kill one...easier with these. Bag of goo...I don't know. Heavy...shouldn't be close enough to need it. Handy though... No. Leave it.

Finally, he unbuckled his chain shirt and threw it in the pile with the spear. It would be easy enough to go bare chested all night, winter was mostly past. Repacking his backpack with the much more limited selection he was cheered by the thought of going at his own quick pace, and off-road. Before setting off he grabbed a strip of dried venison to munch on, then shouldered his gear and set off in a straight line for the keep. Road goes the long way, keeps to valleys. Faster in a straight line. Less Beastmen too. I think...


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Arcata nods at Greggory. "Thank you, Sergeant, for your information and counsel. Whatever happens, you can be sure that you'll have a chance to strike back at the creatures that took the Keep."

She then nods at the priest and moves over, making a place for him at the fire.

"Please sit, Brother. I should have been more explicit in inviting you to join us before...you are always welcome to join these meetings of policy and planning. As for the current dilemma, I think we've done what can be done for now. Sh'aah has volunteered to scout the Keep tonight and report back in the morning with word of whatever waits within the walls. Until we have that report, it's hard to plan more than general strategies."

"You've been spending time with the men though, Brother. How is morale? If we call on them to fight to retake the keep, will they do so with fortitude?"


Brother Comoray nods politely as he sits down. Rubbing his hands together, he puts his hands out to the fire to warm them.

" I believe that you can trust in your men, Lady Ducat, " says the priest as he looks into the flames. He turns his heard to look at her, and adds, " I do not know that you could say that spirits are high, per se. After all, it was not good fortune that brings most of us here. But I believe they are, for the most part, determined to see this through. The blessings of Velshionne give them strength to go on when their courage might otherwise falter. "

Turning back to the flames, he says quietly, " Yes, I do not think their spirits will be tested too strongly until we know of how we have fared in battle. "


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Greggory lays a rough spun blanket down by the fire and attempts to get the first decent night's sleep he's had in weeks.

Dr Simon

Sh'aah's Journey

Sh'aah travels through the night for a couple of hours, at a brisk jog over the rolling hill country near the fort. Eventually he comes within sight of the fort. There are no signs that the beastmen have any patrols out, but there is firelight coming from within the fort. Possibly there is movement atop the palisade as well.


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Coming in sight of the fort, and mindful of the open ground that all forts need around them, the Ranger pauses and squats in a spot with a clear view to the structures. He waits until his thighs begin to ache - roughly half an hour - to satisfy himself that there are no creatures moving between him and the fort.

Don't know how to get close enough without getting caught. Be smart Sh'aah! Not stupid. Patient hunter is a good hunter.

Mindful of the moonlight and open ground, Sh'aah decides to head to his left in an arc and climb the hill. Always liked hills better. Good views. Less fairies. Maybe see over the wall. Count the fires.

He sets off, far more cautiously than the first leg, and more mindful of all the various factors that a prey can use to detect a hunter. Movement of grass against the wind, smell carrying downwind, and even carelessness with rolling stones and breakable sticks on the ground. All these things can give away an otherwise good position if a hunter is careless.

OOC: Moving stealthily (Stealth +7 with no armour, +8 in "hilly and rocky terrain") to the left hill. Intending to climb the hill (if no creatures on it!) and get line of sight over the pallisade.

Nice pic! Hand drawn?

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