A Keep On The Borderlands: Arrival

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(OOC - On that note, not sure what's up with Sha'ah and Arcata. I was gonna let you update us before I posted again, but now I'm wondering if you're waiting on us to post before you update us. :))

Dr Simon

OOC: Not with my notes at the moment, I'll need to check on initiative. I think it might be Bastian up next, though. Pretty sure the beastmen go last.

I've been moving Sh'aah and Arcata round in horse-sized double-moves (100 ft.) but thinking about it the horses are likely moving at run speed, so it should be more. I'll update the map tomorrow.


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Sorry I decided to post to keep things moving, but tried to do it in a way that didn't rely on initiative order[/sblock]

Dr Simon

Greggory cuts down the beastman next to him and moves forwards to bolster the front line of troops.

Used that attack on Beastman #1 (small one), which was the last within the invading lines, plus I've updated Sh'aah and Arcata's position to allow for a Runx3 speed for their horses. Note that Arcata, Sh'aah and Bastian are all one horseback, so their "grid size" is 1x2 squares effectively.

I'd not added Aracta and Sh'aah into the initiative order as they were seperate from the rest of the group. Just to recap, here's the order:

Brother Comoray
Dulat Troops
Penal Legion Troops

So Greggory's last action was in turn. Bastian is next in the initiative order for those inside the fort.


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First Post
Bastian Sangue, human cavalier

Not wanting his men to face the clearly more resilient foe, and hoping that taking down the leader might weaken the morale of the followers, Bastian urges Bulwark forward at a charge, taking a swing at the leading beast monstrosity with his greatsword.

[sblock=ooc]Charge attack the leader. I'm just now realizing the icon size may indicate it's actually Large, which I think negates the high ground modifier I factored into the attack. So, only an 18 if he doesn't get that advantage.[/sblock]
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Dr Simon

Bastian charges at the giant skurg, cutting a long slice across its torso. In fury it slams its huge axe down onto Bastian, which clangs against his armour and nearly knocks him from the saddle.

The front line of beastmen run forwards whilst their comrades edge closer more warily. The Dulat frontlines, bolstered by Gregg, hold as two of the beastmen are cut down. On the right-hand flank the Dulat soldier pinned against the fence fends off a series of axe blows from his opponent.

Bastian's attack hits.
Skurj attacks Bastian, miss
Beastman #3 moves forwards to, provoking an AoO from Bastion (miss) and readied attack from Dulat #3, hits for 7 damage. Down.
Beastman #5 charges Dulat #5, provokes readied attack which hits for 5 damage. Down.
Beastman #10 charges Dulat #2, provokes readied attack (miss) and in its own attack is a (miss).

Other beastmen move only.

Initiative order next round:
Dulat soldiers
Penal Legion soldiers

Map forthcoming

Dr Simon

OOC: Map at last. I've added the beastmen and skurgs that were gathering along the southern wall as well.


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Brother Comoray raises his sword and shouts, " For Velshionne! " as he charges one of the beastmen near Bastian at the front line.

[sblock=OOC]At least I think there is enough space to charge Beastman #2. If not, then I guess it is just a double move.[/sblock]

Dr Simon

Comoray charges into the fray and cuts the beastman before him near in twain with his sword. The Dulat troops take up his cry.

"For Velshionne!" they shout. "Velshionne and Dulat!"

Comoray bastard sword charge B2, 14+8=22, hit for 1d10+2=10 damage, dead.

Next up, the Dulat troops.


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