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A little too familiar between friends


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This past game day, I told one of my fellow players, "You can't do that, sweety."

To make things worse, the player is male (as am I, if you don't know). And his girlfriend was sitting between the two of us.

I often call my wife, my pre-school son, and my small dog "sweety". It is a term of endearment that I pass around liberally at my home. (I think I picked up the habit from my wife.) But I don't think I have ever called anyone else that. Ever.

That was an uncomfortable moment. But in hindsight, damn, that is funny.


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that's okay Honey :p

people in my old stompin ground would throw around Hun alot. short for Honey but pronounced with an accent so it sounded like Hun.


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Different people use different phrases that they think are harmless. There's a woman I know who always calls me "love" and it really struck me dumbfounded the first time she said it. But she uses it for most people and didn't think twice. So, it happens and its not that big of deal as long as you just mention it and either ask them to stop , give them a wierd look, or just wink at him with a coy smile. :D


Yeah, people have funny names for each other. Most of my gamers have taken to calling me 'You mother #%$@ing @$%-licking #*@$-sucking piece of @&%$!'

I think its cute.

The funniest thing along these lines that ever occured during one of my games: My wife plays amongst one of my groups. During one session, I asked "Love, could you grab me some more paper towels?" One of my other players, a female, was closer to the towels. She reached over, grabbed them and tossed them to me while my back was to the group (getting figures out for the next battle). When the towels landed in my chair (and without me knowing who threw them), I said, "Thanks, Sweatheart."

The entire room went silent. I didn't notice because I was trying to figure out whether to use a griffon or a pegasus to represent the hippogriff that I had not yet added to my collection.

When I finally turned around, everyone was staring at me, my wife or the girl that threw the paper towels.

The girl that threw the towels had a smirk on her face that could have been interpreted as either, 'You let the cat out of the bag', or 'You just got yourself in trouble.'

My wife had a look on her face that said that I was in T R O U B L E.

I had a look on my face like I was an idiot, because I had no idea what I'd done wrong.

When the tosser finally said, "I tossed you the towels ... and don't call me Sweatheart," I figured out what had happenned. Everyone had a good laugh. Except my wife.

I took her out to a real nice dinner after the game.


jgsugden said:
The funniest thing along these lines that ever occured during one of my games...

My wife had a look on her face that said that I was in T R O U B L E.


Everyone had a good laugh. Except my wife.

I took her out to a real nice dinner after the game.

Wow! Sounds more like you needed to take her out for an operation to get that funny bone put back in :p


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The only person I ever really talk to on the phone is my wife - she calls me at work 2-3 times a day.

So a few weeks ago I'm at home on the phone with a good mutual female friend of ours - in fact, now she's a member of our gaming group. As I hang up, I say, "Ok. Love you. Buhbye."

My wife looks up from where she's sitting and says, "You know, you could never get away with having an affair. You're too stupid." (or something similar. I may be paraphrasing for comedic effect. She said it affectionate-like, so it wasn't really an insult.)

And boy did I feel stupid. What was my friend thinking? Did she think I made an incompetant pass at her? Did she blow it off as me being stupid? Turns out she interpreted it as positively as possible - she said if she'd been quicker on the uptake she would have said she loved me too. But as a friendly, sisterly kind of love. She knows I'm faithful to my wife and all, and was assuming I wasn't being stupid.

Turns out later that this was shakey territory, though, since she'd recently managed to finally get rid of a "friend" who had become totally obsessed with her, to the point of religious adoration, trying to break her up with her other friends so he could have more time with her, and other psycho tendencies. She easily could have flipped out, thinking another good friend was crossing the line, especially since it was so soon after the psycho guy.

All's well though.

Lord Ravinous

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Ugh, that reminds me of this one guy that always comes to my friend's parents' parties. He calls me sweetie and hun and rubs my back and shoulders, creeps me out. He's like "Ya havin' a good time hun?" and rubs my back and junk, then im like "um......I guess" then walk a way very quickly.

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