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A new addition to the abomination family

Medium Outsider (Chaotic)
HD: 24d8+192 (384 hp)
Init: +10
Speed: 140 ft
AC: 39 (+6 Dex, +14 natural, +8 deflection, +1 Weapon Supremacy)
BAB/Grp: +24/+37
Attack: Blade +47 melee (3d6+28 plus 1d10 chaos, 17-20/x2+1d6)
Full Attack: 4 Blades +47 melee (3d6+28 plus 1d10 chaos, 17-20/x2+1d6)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
SA: Bonus feats, enhanced blades, flames of chaos, spell-like abilities, summon bladrabere
SQ: Abomination traits, DR 15/epic and lawful and 10/bludgeoning, fast healing 10, immune to critical hits, fire and chaos damage, regeneration 10, SR 39
Saves: Fort +22, Ref +20, Will +20
Abilities: Str 37, Dex 22, Con 27, Int 18, Wis 23, Cha 26
Skills: Bluff +35, Concentration +35, Escape Artist +33, Hide +33, Jump +48, Knowledge (planes) +31, Move Silently +33, Listen +33, Search +31, Sense Motive +33, Spot +33, Tumble +33
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (blade), Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Weapon Specialization (blade), Flay Foe, Powerful Charge, Melee Weapon Mastery (slashing), Greater Weapon Focus (blade), Improved Sunder, Greater Weapon Specialization (blade), Improved Critical (blade), Slashing Flurry, Cleave, Overpowering Attack, Weapon Supremacy (blade), Great Cleave, Overwhelming Critical (blade), Epic Weapon Focus (blade), Devastating Citical (blade, DC 35), Epic Weapon Specialization (blade)
Environment: The Outer Planes
Organization: Solitary or pair
Alignment: Usually chaotic neutral (sometimes chaotic evil)
Challenge Rating: 24
Treasure: None
Advancement: 25-48 HD (Large), 49-72 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: -

Standing just under eight feet, this vaguely humanoid creature resembles a skeleton with too many bones, such that it appears no skinnier than an average orc. Flames of all colors rage across its body and obscure its face entirely, and its four arms end in long, body blades.

Bladrabere are the offspring of deities of chaos, war, and destruction. They are locked away beneath planar battlefields, where they wait to be released so that they may cut the multiverse to pieces. Occasionally, a demonic general may intentionally free a bladrabere to gain a powerful tool against a rival, or even to send it against the devils in the Blood War, but it is impossible to keep one of these abominations under control or long, and more often than not it promptly slaughters the one who freed it.


After buffing themselves with spell-like abilities, bladraberes close to melee as quickly as they can (and that's pretty quickly), where opponents are shredded by their bony blades and incinerated by the chaos that surrounds them. Weapons that bypass their regeneration are chopped once and left to burn away. If a spellcaster is present, the bladrabere will attempt to block it out of the fight with prismatic wall. Should that not work, the bladrabere will summon one of its kin as a placeholder and bombard the spellcaster with dispellings. Bladraberes only run from combat if death is inevitable.

A bladrabere's blades count as epic, adamantine, and chaotic weapons for purposes of overcoming damage reduction and ignoring hardness.

Bonus Feats (Ex): A bladrabere gains bonus feats as if it were a fighter.

Enhanced Blades (Su): A bladrabere's blades count as +7 weapons.

Flames of Chaos (Su): Chaotic energy burns across a bladrabere's body. Any creature or object damaged by a bladrabere suffers 1d10 points of chaos damage and must make a Reflex save (DC 30) or be ignited by the flames of chaos. Each round, the victim suffers 1d10 points of chaos damage for every full round the flame has burned, to a maximum of 10d10 damage per round. This manifests itself as multicolored flames burning the victim's body, although it is not a fire effect. Heal, remove curse, limited wish, wish, and miracle all dispel the flames of chaos, though they do not heal any damage. Dispel chaos suppresses the flames for 1 round and resets their damage to 1d10. Against inanimate objects, the flames of chaos will only burn 1 cubic foot.HD of the bladrabere.

Regeneration (Ex): A bladrabere takes normal damage from weapons that are both epic and lawful, and from weapons that have struck the bladrabere in melee at least four times since the beginning of the previous round.

Spell-like abilities (CL 24th): at will--celerity, chaos hammer, fly, greater dispel magic, haste, slashing dispel, wall of fire; 3/day--cloak of chaos, greater mirror image, prismatic wall; 1/day; greater celerity. Save DCs 18+ spell level.

Summon Bladrabere (Sp): Once per day a bladrabere can summon another of its kind. This is the equivalent of a 16th-level spell.
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the Jester said:
OK, so what are celerity, greater celerity and slashing dispel??

This looks quite useful for my epic game..... ;)
They're spells from PHB2. Celerity and Greater Celerity allow you to take extra actions now at the expense of later, and Slashing Dispel's name says it all.

Voidrunner's Codex

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