A new AL DM with lots of mistakes [Need Advice]


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First time posting here. I just started DMing and Playing for the D&D Adventurer's League this month after the Season 7 Launch. Before, I only DMed homebrew games and a bit of hardcover adventures and stayed as far as possible from organized play. But after first DMing for it (begrudgingly), I was hooked, and while I've been reading rules and other things related to it, I had failed to read some of the more important things that led me to have these mistakes.

I just read the AL FAQs a few minutes ago, and I'm reeling from these mistakes I made:

- I awarded 1.2k EXP as indicated in Giant Diplomacy (DDAL05-10). The FAQ showed that the Errata was made to make it award 640/850 instead.
- I ran Giant Diplomacy twice, and I let one player join both times.

With this, I don't know what to do. Do I ret-con anything? I'd really love official rulings if possible.

PS. I also have questions regarding Lost Mines of Phandelver:

-What is the level range of the adventure? Is it 1-4 or 1-5?
-Are the following items: Staff of Defense (from Glasstaff), Lightbringer and Dragonguard (from Forge of Spells), and Spider Staff (from Nezznar) AL Legal?

Thank you in advance.

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Rotten DM
I ran Giant Diplomacy twice, and I let one player join both times. if the player ran a different pc no problem. If the same pc ask the player to remove the xp.
Ask the players to correct the xp on their logsheets for 5-10. (note I have to get the updated errata for myself).


First Post
For Lost Mine items, if they are significantly different from or not included in the DMG, and they do not have a listed rarity (which Lost Mine never provides due to how early it was written), then they are considered the Unique rarity, meaning they cannot be traded or awarded by DM Quest. This includes Staff of Defense and Spider Staff. They're still legal to give out to players in the course of the adventure though. The one exception is if you have official item certificates to give out for Lost Mine, which is only possible if you're DMing at a store that has been receiving them since 5e launched and still has some (very rare to find those now).

Based on the AL Content Catalog, Lost Mine of Phandelver is considered a level 1-4 adventure. That said, it's treated as a hardcover, so as long as a player enters Lost Mine at level 1-4 and doesn't play another hardcover, then they can keep playing even if they level up to 5 or higher.


First Post
For Lost Mine items, if they are significantly different from or not included in the DMG, and they do not have a listed rarity (which Lost Mine never provides due to how early it was written), then they are considered the Unique rarity, meaning they cannot be traded or awarded by DM Quest. This includes Staff of Defense and Spider Staff. They're still legal to give out to players in the course of the adventure though. The one exception is if you have official item certificates to give out for Lost Mine, which is only possible if you're DMing at a store that has been receiving them since 5e launched and still has some (very rare to find those now).

Based on the AL Content Catalog, Lost Mine of Phandelver is considered a level 1-4 adventure. That said, it's treated as a hardcover, so as long as a player enters Lost Mine at level 1-4 and doesn't play another hardcover, then they can keep playing even if they level up to 5 or higher.

I thought D&D AL doesn't need certificates for magic items anymore?


First Post
I thought D&D AL doesn't need certificates for magic items anymore?
AL has never needed certs for magic items. However, Lost Mine of Phandelver doesn't have rarity listed for most of its magic items in the adventure itself (and they're not found in the DMG either). Hence, those items are Unique and untradeable. However, the certs for Lost Mine do list rarities for those items, so if you have a cert for one of those items, you can still trade them.

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