A New Pathfinder Monster Creation System From Owen Stephens

You may know Owen KC Stephens from his work at WotC, Paizo, Green Ronin, or Rogue Genius Games. He's up there in the top tier of Pathfinder RPG designers, and he's currently running a Kickstarter for a new monster creation system for the the game. "In the theme of the popular Rogue Genius Games Talented series, the Talented Bestiary presents new rules for monster construction—taking it out of the realm of guess and check, and making every monster easily customizable. The simple streamlined process allows virtually anyone to produce full monster stat-blocks completely compatible with the Pathfinder system." This new book is called The Genius Guide to The Talented Bestiary, and knowing my love of sharing exclusive previews with you folks, I've been sent along a sneak preview of a sample monster from the guide -- the Dream Slime!

You may know Owen KC Stephens from his work at WotC, Paizo, Green Ronin, or Rogue Genius Games. He's up there in the top tier of Pathfinder RPG designers, and he's currently running a Kickstarter for a new monster creation system for the the game. "In the theme of the popular Rogue Genius Games Talented series, the Talented Bestiary presents new rules for monster construction—taking it out of the realm of guess and check, and making every monster easily customizable. The simple streamlined process allows virtually anyone to produce full monster stat-blocks completely compatible with the Pathfinder system." This new book is called The Genius Guide to The Talented Bestiary, and knowing my love of sharing exclusive previews with you folks, I've been sent along a sneak preview of a sample monster from the guide -- the Dream Slime!

You'll find the Kickstarter here (or click on the image below). We're looking at 200 new monsters and the new monster creation rules, coming in at about 400 pages. For $20 you get the PDF, or for $30 you get the ability to buy a print-on-demand copy of the book at cost (about $19). If I understand correctly, that means for $39 you get a PDF and the 400-page colour hardcover book.

The monster creation system itself is a point-buy system based on challenge rating, with every ability from the official Pathfinder Bestiaries assigned points. Other authors include Steven T Helt, Stephen Rowe, Dan Dillon, and Tim Hitchcock.

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BJ Hensley

If you happen to live close to where DTRPG prints or know someone there I suppose that might be possible but otherwise shipping runs around 4 dollars for the US.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
DTRPG has a UK printer, as well as a US one. It gets sent from whichever is closer. Europe is fine. Australasia tends to suffer, though.

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