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D&D 5E A new Wild Magic please add constructive comments, will reply


Wild Magic Surge

Starting when you choose this origin at 1st level, your spellcasting can unleash surges of untamed magic. Each time you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher, you gain a Wild Die. This die is a d4. When you reach the same number of Wild dice as your spellcasting bonus you immediately enter a Wild Magic Surge, roll your Wild Dice and then a D20 on the Wild Magic Surge table using the Wild Dice total to fuel the magical effect. Some effects may require saving throws, in this case use your Sorcerer spell save DC. Wild surges cannot overlap on the same turn.

Tapping Into Chaos

Starting at 1st level you can manipulate the forces of chance and chaos to gain a modicum of control over the surges of your Wild Magic. As a bonus action you gain a Wild Die and must immediately go into a Wild Magic Surge using the available Wild Dice (even if it’s less than your spellcasting bonus). When you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table you can roll twice and use either number. This regain use of this feature after a long rest.

Bend Luck

At 6th level, you have the ability to twist fate using your wild magic. When another creature you can see makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can use your reaction and spend up to 3 sorcery points affording you 1D4 per a spent point and apply the number rolled as a bonus or penalty (your choice) to the creature's roll. You can do so after the creature rolls but before any effects of the roll occur.

Potent surge

At 14th level you learn how to empower your surges. When a fully charged Wild Magic Surge happens add two additional Wild Dice to the rolls.

Spell Bombardment

Beginning at 18th level, the harmful energy of your spells intensifies. When you roll damage for a spell and roll the highest number possible on any of the dice, choose one of those dice, roll it again and add that roll to the damage. You can use the feature only once per turn

1. Your spellcasting or surge has become uncontrollable, exploding immediately. You take your total Wild Dice in force damage.

2. The ground around you shatters and breaks in your given range and is now considered difficult terrain.

1-5 (5ft radius) 6-10 (10ft radius) 11-15 (15ft radius) 16-20 (20ft radius)

3. Wispy flames surround your body. The flames don’t harm you or your possessions, and they shed bright light out to 10 feet and dim light for an additional 10 feet. While the flames are present, any creature within 5 feet of you that hits you with a melee attack takes your total Wild Dice in fire damage. This effect ends at the beginning of your next turn.

4. Wild power pulsates from your surge and strikes out in a 20 ft line coming from you. Anyone caught in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes your total Wild Dice in force damage on a failed save and half as much damage on a successful one.

5. Frost spreads along the ground, locking down any creature within your range. At the start of its turn, any creature within range must make a strength saving throw or have its movement reduced to zero. This effect ends at the beginning of your next turn.

1-5 (5ft radius) 6-10 (10ft radius) 11-15 (15ft radius) 16-20 (20ft radius)

6. Your Wild Magic enters your body healing wounds and invigorating you. Regain your total Wild Dice worth of hit points.

7. A rupture of radiant light comes out from you. Any creature that starts its turn within range must make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded. This effect ends at the beginning of your next turn.

1-5 (5ft radius) 6-10 (10ft radius) 11-15 (15ft radius) 16-20 (20ft radius)

8. Your power is too much, add another Wild Die to your collective and reroll on this table.

9. The arcane energy you possess starts to spark dangerously in different colors. You only have a moment to rid yourself of it. At a point within 10 feet that you can see, you create a 5-foot radius explosion. Anyone caught in the explosion must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes your total Wild Dice in force damage on a failed save and half as much damage on a successful one.

10. Water encases you in a translucent orb giving you protection from afar. Subtract the Wild Dice total from any ranged attack made at you during this effect. This effect ends at the beginning of your next turn.

11. Swirling winds lift you, giving you a fly speed equal to your walking speed plus your Wild Dice total. This effect ends at the beginning of your next turn.

1-5 (5ft feet) 6-10 (10ft feet) 11-15 (15ft feet) 16-20 (20ft feet)

12. Power lashes from your surge and strikes out at a single target you choose within 30 feet taking twice your total Wild Dice in force damage. But due to the violent nature of the surge you take force damage equal to the original Wild Dice total.

13. Your magic forms a protective barrier for an ally. Choose a creature within 30 feet that you can see and give them your total Wild Dice in temporary hit points.

14. Dark shadows break fourth and fill any creature within your given range with dread and misery, sapping their will to continue. All creatures in range at the start of their turn must make a charisma saving throw or subtract a D4 from all attack rolls and saving throws. This effect ends at the beginning of your next turn.

1-5 (5ft radius) 6-10 (10ft radius) 11-15 (15ft radius) 16-20 (20ft radius)

15. Your force of will spreads to your allies through your surge. Choose up to six creatures within 30ft. Each of them is granted a die that is decided by your total Wild Dice. They may use the Wild Die to add to an attack roll, ability check, or damage roll. If the die is not expended by the end of the player's turn it disappears.

1-5 (D4) 6-10 (D6) 11-15 (D8) 16-20 (D10)

16. You feel your surge come emanating out in a 15-foot cone coming from you. Anyone caught in the range of the surge must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes your total Wild Dice in force damage on a failed save and half as much damage on a successful one.

17. Raging thunder crashes out of you. Any creature in your given range at the start of their turn must make a constitution saving throw or be pushed 10 feet away. The sound of the blast can be heard from 100 feet away.

1-5 (5ft radius) 6-10 (10ft radius) 11-15 (15ft radius) 16-20 (20ft radius)

18. Your arcane energy sputters inside of you coming out in small bursts as you try and regain control. The number of bursts you create is equal to your collective Wild Dice you're surging with and each burst collides with a creature you can see within 30ft, requiring no attack roll. Each hit deals the number rolled on the Wild Die in force damage. All strike simultaneously and you can direct them to hit one creature or several.

19. Lightning crackles out from you in all directions. Any creature that starts its turn within range must make a Dexterity saving throw or lose their Reaction.This effect ends at the beginning of your next turn.

1-5 (5ft radius) 6-10 (10ft radius) 11-15 (15ft radius) 16-20 (20ft radius)

20. Pulling raw energy from the weave you regain half the total Wild Dice (rounded down) in Sorcery Points up to your maximum.

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Victoria Rules
One quick thought: only having 20 possible outcomes on your WMS table means that before long there'll be a lot of repetition, which kind of defeats the purpose of wild magic. Make it bigger. WAY bigger! :)

I use a table with close to 300 possibilities (with a few "make something up" results in there as well) and even with that I see a surprising amount of repetition over the long run.


One quick thought: only having 20 possible outcomes on your WMS table means that before long there'll be a lot of repetition, which kind of defeats the purpose of wild magic. Make it bigger. WAY bigger! :)

I use a table with close to 300 possibilities (with a few "make something up" results in there as well) and even with that I see a surprising amount of repetition over the long run.
Thank you! Do you have a link to that table?

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