A Night at the Four Seasons (DM: renau1g, Judge:Ozymandias79)


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HA! *Kauldron retorts to the topic at hand, then shakes his head as he returns to the front of the group and begins marching down the road whether people follow him or not. Idly puffing away upon his cigar, and humming a low tune to himself.*

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The group continues their discussion on the nature of the divine as the procession moves through the forest. After the wolf attack the group is on edge, ready for trouble, but nothing appears. The sky filling with the brilliance of the sunset as the orb descends below the horizon.

The village, or rather hamlet, of Huntingdonshire is a small, closely built community, the locations in rather close proximity to each other. Behind each house is a little corral of cattle, sheep, and pack animals. Shamus' face lights up at the sight, he turns to you "Ah friends, let me welcome you to our humble home, I was afraid we weren't gunna be makin' it afore dark." he says, out of breath after the journey.

He says "So...what you think we should be doin'?" he asks.


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Damen's smile widens at the shifter's words. Friends help you protect what you have, my dear Imperia. Is that not the the way your Empire works? You fight, you die, you sacrifice for them? And they repay you by letting you join? Sounds friendly to me.

"That's not friendship, really," Kaeysari says. "That's more of a contract. At least it is when both sides hold up their end. Friendship, you don't really need or expect anything in return, but you get it anyway. Like with me and Papolstaanas. We don't look like we've got a lot in common, but we're still friends. Isn't that right... hey, Papolstaanas, are you okay?"


First Post
*Kauldron pauses in his tracks, and turns abouts as Shamus asks the question at hand.*

Well lad, we need to start gathering information. Like whom might be upset enough in this hamlet to send others to steal livestock. Or perhaps there is someone rather new to the area and has been staying here. Investigation is word of the hour. Plus we all know where investigations need to start right?

*He grins under his masked helm.*

Why the tavern of course! To the tavern!

*He chuckles and turns about once again. Continuing along the way into the town.*

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Kaeysari considers Phoenix's words.

"That's a strange view of the gods," she says. "I don't see them as hoarding, although they are hard to understand sometimes. Besides, if all you can trust is the power you take for yourself, how can you ever have any friends?"

"The gods never answered a single of my prayers. I decided if they were ignoring me, I'd return the favor." Her usual faint smile returns, with no evidence of humor n her eye. "As for friends, I've never met someone that wasn't just into it for their angle. The best you can hope for is companions that won't stab you in the back before the contract is completed."

He says "So...what you think we should be doin'?" he asks.

"I think we should head to the barn and see what evidence we can discover."


First Post
"The barn is probably our best bet," Kaeysari says. "If you could show us where it is, we can take a look around. There might be something you missed."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
"As for friends, I've never met someone that wasn't just into it for their angle. The best you can hope for is companions that won't stab you in the back before the contract is completed."
Enlightened self interest. That is what makes the world go around. That and amiable compansionship.His eyes twinkle a moment as he responds to Phoenix.

When Shamus asks what to do next, Damen only half listens while he takes in the village. A look at the barn will do good, but someone should have a listen around town. And lead the tin can back to the scene of the crime after he's had a few.He laughs a little and follows Kauldron towards town.


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*He grins under his masked helm.*

Why the tavern of course! To the tavern!

*He chuckles and turns about once again. Continuing along the way into the town.*

Shamus looks at the goblin with his head askew, As I toldja in Daunton, we ain't got no fancy tavern like y'all got with that there Hanged Man." he says

"I think we should head to the barn and see what evidence we can discover."

"The barn is probably our best bet," Kaeysari says. "If you could show us where it is, we can take a look around. There might be something you missed."

Aye that we ken do. Ok, follow me" he says, the sun passing below the horizon, candle or lamps sputter on in homes, which quickly shutter their thatch-roof homes. "Ah don't be minding them. They scared is all, well that and they not used to folks such as yerselves just prancing in through town" Shamus says, leading the way to the largest structure in the community. A wooden structure rises above the single-storied homes. "We all figured it'd be smarter ta share one big place rather than all waste time buildin our own, y'know." the man says, gesturing to the barn door. "So we bar the big doors at night, and lock all windows and doors too. We be at a loss for how someone can git in here." Shamus continues, removing his hat and scratching his head.

He pulls a key from his pocket and unlocks the door, pushing open the wooden portal and gestures for you to enter.




First Post
"Friendship, you don't really need or expect anything in return, but you get it anyway. Like with me and Papolstaanas. We don't look like we've got a lot in common, but we're still friends. Isn't that right... hey, Papolstaanas, are you okay?"
Papolstaanas starts out of his reverie. "Huh? Well, um--"

Fortunately, the group arrives in the village soon after, and Papolstaanas is saved the necessity of making any further reply. He immediately walks into the barn after Shamus opens the door.

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