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Pathfinder 1E A Pathfinder Game & 13 Bullets to Happiness. (Online. Maptool. Voice and Video.)

Full Bleed

I've got a low-level (1-3) Pathfinder game (the evolution of D&D 3.5) going that has just cut its second player (of 5) in 2 months due to unreliability. So now we're a group of three "reliable" players on an apparent grail quest to find a few more.
Schedule: Saturdays, 7 PM to 11:30 PM EST. (2 to 3 Sessions a month.)​
BIO: In brief, I got my first real taste of D&D in the early 80’s. Started GM'ing shortly after that, and have pretty much been a GM 95% of the time since. AD&D is where my strength lies, though I ran a good AD&D/3.5 fusion game for a couple years before taking a break from gaming and coming back into it with Pathfinder. This is the first 100% 3e based game I've ever run, so I don't claim to be a master. And, when in doubt, I fall back on my old-skool influences and sensibilities.

TOOLS: We're using Maptool and TokBox (for voice and video). And soon, we'll be able to run iTabletop on the side for mood music, fun sound effects/clips, and other multimedia should we choose. All of which is free.

My goal is to simulate the tabletop face-to-face feel, so voice, video, broadband, and a headset w/mic are required.

I'm looking for players that:
1) Take some responsibility for the flow of the game. I'm not a nazi GM that cracks his whip to keep people on task so that we "can accomplish something." If we're joking and having fun I'm not going to step on that. I look at gaming as a social event first. If people want to chat (within reason) I'm cool with it. I'll gently nudge things on track, but we're all adults and can take responsibility for our own contributions toward a game's focus. Players can respectfully nudge things along as well as a GM can (without getting childish about it) and I expect others to be respectful of those desires. We are, after all, there to game. I have a general rule that says that during every 4.5 hour session there should be 1-3 combats with the rest of the time being for role-playing and OOC banter if that's what the players want.​
I'm looking for players that:
2) Aren't rules lawyers. I don't claim to know or apply every rule as written. Major disputes should be handled after a game, till then, the GM's interpretation should stand.​
I'm looking for players that:
3) Understand that it's not a GM vs Players game. My goal is to challenge myself and the players, not defeat them. I "win" by being entertained and entertaining, not by wiping a group out. That said, I'm all about the suspension of disbelief. Threats are real and are not always level appropriate (so be prepared to do something other than attempting to destroy everything you encounter.) Characters can die. Be clever. Persistent. Work as a team. And every dragon's soft spot can be found (sooner or later.)​
I'm looking for players that:
4) Are ok with a principally "Core" game. I'm largely a "classicist." I'm all about character's being special in some way (I don't even use a point-buy system because I could care less if players have high stats). And I'll help any player pursue a path that helps them become something unique. But the four-horned tiefling and his unicorn mount have no place in my games, unless he's being put into the ground by the party for being an abomination. ;)
I'm looking for players that:
5) Put the team ahead of themselves. I am perfectly happy to give each player a single significant role-playing thread that exists outside the game's central arcs, but it is primarily a game of teamwork and team-building. I’m willing to do some pre or after-hours 1-on-1 to develop side-stories, but I expect that when the group is together that we’ll be functioning as a group.​
I'm looking for players that:
6) Want to develop their characters more in-game than out. If a player's actions are primarily decided by "what their history says they would do" then they aren't allowing for very much development. A character's history should be no more a defining factor than the actual events laid before them. It is one thing to have a history, and quite another to be actually making it.​
I'm looking for players that:
7) Recognize that characters "Advance" in more ways than XP and Levels indicate. I prefer a low-magic world with a low to mid XP pace. Level will come about once every 4-6 sessions (maybe slower at the upper end.) Adventure and advancement comes regardless. The game and its characters are always evolving.​
I'm looking for players that:
8) Are mature enough for a rated R game. The bad guys in the game aren't likely to shake their fist at you and say, "Curses, I'll get you for that!!" They might, however, comment rudely about your mother and threaten to do unnatural things to your eye-socket if they get a hold of you. They won't all do that, mind you, but some creatures are pretty foul.​
I'm looking for players that:
9) Are reliable. We expect to receive a confirmation of a player’s “intent to play” 3 days before scheduled games. This is for everyone’s benefit. If a game isn’t going to happen, everyone should have time to make other plans. Stuff happens and people can’t always live up to their intentions, but dependable people can stand behind their commitments more often than not.​
I’m looking for players that:
10) See 4e as a suspect evolution of the game. If you love 4e then, “Move along. There is nothing to see here.”​
I’m looking for players that:
11) Love the game but have some perspective in real-life too. If you’ve really got the time and inclination to play in 3 RPG’s a week, then this probably won’t be the game for you.​
I'm looking for players that:
12) Aren't Evil. Some moral ambiguity (neutrality) is acceptable, but evil characters tend to be disruptive and self-centered. Both of which have little place in a group-focused game.​
I’m looking for players that:
13) Have read this far and given playing in this kind of game some serious consideration before taking the plunge.​
Got questions? Let’s talk. Drop me a PM and we’ll see where things go.
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First Post

I have never played an online game but am currently seeking one eagerly.

I meet 100% of the qualifications you set out in your post. As long as there is a game schedule I would be an extremely reliable attendent. I would like to play at least once a week or up to three times a month. Not too concerned with frequentcey as much as I am concerned with group cohesion with players and characters. I understand as a individual that if I do not fit a group, or that the group does not fit me.

The only draw back is that Im only vaugely familiar with Pathfinder as my whole dnd carreer so far has consisted of 3.0 and 3.5. I've seen very few changes other than streamlining and it seemed like the basics were all the same. What I have seen of 4.0 and Pathfinder leads me to believe that Pathfinder is the superior version. Hence, why im interested in this post.

I have mostly run games my roleplaying carreer starting off with Vampire: The Masquerade 2nd Ed. and moving into DnD at the release of 3.0. I have sampled various other roleplaying games as a player but my strongest interest is in simply playing a 3x of DnD (am a huge fan of eberron).

I am familiar with only maptools (only a little) and skype but am sure that I can obtain and utalize any other online gaming tools that would be required of me.

I will be checking this post and I also can be contacted at Nikroesis @ hotmail.com

Disclaimer: Sorry for the spelling, its 5 am here.


First Post
I also would like to request to play. I love getting to interact with other people and the dm. Its always an honor to do so. Hopefully I can be requested for a backup position. Thank you.

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