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A pseudo-scientific explanation of magic

Yair said:
Actually, Canis, that is a cool option I really like.
Can't take any credit for it. Stole it from Dunsany's Pegana books. ;)

I strongly disagree about science being subject to change. No significant physical fact (as opposed to physical theory!) has been disproved, ever - rules are refined, not thrown out without concern for complimentarity. And, for that matter, no quantum physicist has been able to dispute a fundumental physical theory for about 30 years (well, except a small refinement some 7 years ago).
Oh, I was being hyperbolic, of course. Even recklessly so, perhaps :) But when you break it down far enough there are fewer scientific facts than we like to think and a lot more theories. We just can't observe at the level necessary to move things into the realm of fact.

That's the story of my professional life, actually. :\

And I agree with Andor that magic CAN be based will and hence unscientific, but in a roleplaying game it usually ain't.
That's a function of needing to keep the game rules-based, and is actually the most irritating disconnect between fantasy games and fantasy literature, IMO.

btw, The_Universe IS the dream of a sleeping god, and he's just upset I blew his cover :p

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Unattainable Ideal
Canis said:
That's a function of needing to keep the game rules-based, and is actually the most irritating disconnect between fantasy games and fantasy literature, IMO.
That nail just got done hit right smack on the head.

That's exactly why I tend to run custom-built magic systems in my campaigns -- so that I can basically MAKE UP how magic works and change it at my whim and have WHATEVER THE HECK I WANT happen. Yeah, I know it's kind of a mess, and totally unfair to my players, and frankly, I'm finding the closing season of Barsoom very difficult to make as exciting as I want it to be because of that, but that is why I've done it.

Now I know. Thanks!


I need to post to my blog more often, so I used this thread as inspiration for a posting. You can find said (incomplete) posting at Pseudo-Scientific Magick. Comments are welcome, either in this thread or at the blog.

N.B.: the post is (at present) a work in progress. Once done (which could take awhile) I'll offer it to Morrus for 'publication' in ENWorld's article section. That said, I hope you enjoy.

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