A public service massage


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I watched this today and truly it is funnier than even the Tina Fey send-up. Unfortunately, it is for real. Can anyone say, "How do I pad my resume?" This woman could conceivably be a heart beat away from the Presidency of the United States! I have to say, though, that my darker side laughed uproariously at this video:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nokTjEdaUGg"]YouTube - Palin On Foreign Policy[/ame]
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I don't know how to post vids, but in her recent interview with Katie Couric, Couric asked her a question about the bailout.

COURIC: Why isn't it better, Governor Palin, to spend $700 billion helping middle-class families who are struggling with health care, housing, gas and groceries; allow them to spend more and put more money into the economy instead of helping these big financial institutions that played a role in creating this mess?

PALIN: That's why I say I, like every American I'm speaking with, were ill about this position that we have been put in where it is the taxpayers looking to bail out. But ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health-care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy, helping the—it's got to be all about job creation, too, shoring up our economy and putting it back on the right track. So health-care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans. And trade, we've got to see trade as opportunity, not as a competitive, scary thing. But one in five jobs being created in the trade sector today, we've got to look at that as more opportunity. All those things under the umbrella of job creation. This bailout is a part of that.

Is it me, or is that gibberish? "So...reducing taxes...has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans."


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Yes, this was the bit that Tina Fey made fun of on SNL. What is so funny is that Tina hardly changed the dialogue at all. She used Palin's own words in the parody and it got huge laughs.

Obama is pulling ahead in polls across the country. I will stand by my prediction: Landslide. Granted, this is a very optimistic prediction, but I really think Obama will win handily.


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I would be surprised if it's a landslide. I would hate to see Obama be elected. I'm not keen on either candidate. I'm not comfortable with the idea of liking one person just because I hate another. I don't like the way either candidate is running their campaign. I hear a lot of air coming from the camps. There isn't much substance. It's not unlike the economy; full of holes and uncertainty.

However, I am a conservative at heart and I can't see the Obama campaign fixing anything. I can see Obama making my taxes go up. With McCain I feel I have a slightly better chance of this not happening.

When anyone talks about the middle-class struggling I just shake me head. You're talking about one of if not the most rich middle-class population in the world. You know the one I'm talking about, the middle-class who buys their kids cell phones, three separate video game systems and drives 80 miles round trip just to eat dinner.

Yeah, the poor middle-class needs a baill-out too.....

This whole country needs a reality check. It's true that gas, health care costs and food prices are increasing. But who's fault is that? Why is it "people don't have the money"? With exceptions, most people cause their own money problems. Show me a middle-class family and I'll wager you nine times out of ten they've got way too much bad debt and poor spending habits. Probably six out of ten lower-class family's are the same.

No more soap box from me. Just so you know, I am guilty too. I think I'm different because I'll take the blame for my poor choices and mistakes. I don't believe it's up to the government to make my life easier. In fact, I am 100% certain that if I leave it up to the government (no matter who is running it) that I am worse off than if I take care of my own life.


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I suppose I don't make myself clear. I was saying that taxes are sure to go up with Obama and that I feel I have a slight chance of them not going up with McCain. Another way of saying that is that I almost certainly will have increased taxes regardless. Ideologically speaking, I have a better chance with Republicans. Strictly speaking, it is the lifeblood of a politician to collect and spend taxes, or "revenue" as they fondly refer to the cash they take.

Frankly, I don't care what either candidate says about taxes. Taxes will go up. It's been a trend. I consider taxes to be all things tax. It's not all about these two. Everything we consume is taxed in myriad ways. Gas tax, cable tax, phone tax, death tax, etc. There are special taxes when you rent a hotel room, when you use your phone, so on and so on.

I am taxed enough.

If I could know one thing in politics, it would be the actual percentage of campaign promises kept. Common sense demands that someone not in an office, that has to work with Congress and Senate, cannot possibly keep all promises. Therefore to see a campaign promise is to take with a heap of salt.

Given the bailout, who really thinks anyone is getting lower taxes, regardless of link? I didn't bother reading the links either. Whatever is promised has nothing to do with the reality of politics.


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To be fair, I checked the first link. First of all, it's "Obamataxcut.com" which is a clue as to the point of the "study". Second, it is a sham. It's based on guesswork. No one knows, despite plan details, what any tax cut may be, assuming there is one realized from either candidate.

I checked both think tanks and found both are suggested to be liberal-leaning.

Brookings Institution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Urban Institute was founded by Lyndon B Johnson, and saw a decline during the Reagan years due to it's liberalism.

At this next link-
AP Uses Liberal Think Tank Study to Advance Obama Tax Push | NewsBusters.org

the seemingly conservative author pokes holes in the "tax cut" information. As pointed out, the two think tanks are only nonpartisan in the sense that they don't answer to a political master. The ideology of either is up to the folks that run them. Academitian's are more often than not liberal in mind-set. Go figure.

Going back to the original reply, I fully expect my taxes to go up regardless of the outcome of the election. I simply feel I have the best chance with McCain.


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Academitian's are more often than not liberal in mind-set. Go figure.

Go figure? I don't understand what you mean - that it is obvious that if a person has more education and a more intellectually informed view (an academecian), then that person is more likely to be broad-minded and less apt to favor tradition (conservatism) over new ideas? It sounds like you think this is a bad thing. Seriously, if the educated favor liberalism, then doesn't it follow (on some level) that liberalism is the more intelligent path?

(To me, if the more educated and informed people lean liberal, then that makes me want to lean in that direction as well. Not much point in agreeing with the uneducated and uninformed, right?)

You say you "feel" you have the best shot with McCain, but do you have any evidence? McCain has admitted to having a poor grasp of economics, but you feel you have a better shot with him? Sarah Palin can string together a coherent thought no better than Bush, and ...

I had to laugh a bit when you said, "I didn't bother reading the links either." A lot of conservatives (esp. Bush, I think) don't bother to read actual information before making decisions either. No offense meant, but that struck me as funny - and a wonderfully conservative thing to say. :D
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Palin Opens Up On Controversial Issues, VP Candidate Speaks Frankly With Katie Couric About Feminism, Homosexuality, Abortion And The Environment - CBS News

She can't even give a specific answer to the name of a newspaper or magazine she might have read! She has read them all!

Couric: And when it comes to establishing your worldview, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this to stay informed and to understand the world?

Palin: I've read most of them, again with a great appreciation for the
press, for the media.

Couric: What, specifically?

Palin: Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me all
these years.

Couric: Can you name a few?

Palin: I have a vast variety of sources where we get our news, too. Alaska isn't a foreign country, where it's kind of suggested, "Wow, how could you keep in touch with what the rest of Washington, D.C., may be thinking when you live up there in Alaska?" Believe me, Alaska is like a microcosm of

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