A Rather Odd Shovel [Judge: Bront]


"There, there. You know I have the greatest respect for your wizardry," says Keldar, patting his souvenir spell pouch, then fumbling inside it. "But you did say you'd only just figured out the trick of flying, which birds find quite simple. How nice, a bag of nuts. Wait, these are just empty shells! Someone's already been and eaten them all. Why, those cheating, thieving, pointy hatted- Five crowns I paid! I'll be having a word with them, too."

"Anyway, if you're not shaky, I think we should leap headlong off the cliff into the shadows, fall as far as we dare, then float the rest of the way like feathers. If we keep away from the towers of wizardry, then I'm sure we're less likely to be noticed than we would be if we took one of those lifting boxes all the way down a hundred levels. We'd probably meet Turkey on the 40th."

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"Where will we go when we get down? I mean, why are we going down in the first place, instead of, say, going back into the tunnels? Do you have a plan, Keldar?" Tommy seems honestly curious.


"Of course I - well, not as such. But a plan is what we need. Look what happened yesterday! We more or less agreed to divide the cost of a healing wand between us. So did we go straight to a temple and buy one? No! We'd had a difficult day already, but we got it into our heads to hurry off to Urton's house, and got ourselves locked in a cellar. I didn't even know the houses in the cliff face had cellars! Then we had to fight our way out, with only Tarag to heal us and you and Fimble to guide us through the tunnels. Between dogs and arrows and axes, we were lucky we weren't left wandering blind.

"So, here we are. Four of us, against a shadowy group of everyone from street thugs to half the noblemen of the city, and who knows who else. Fingers is running hundreds of miles away and he's still worried that wherever he stops, assassins will find him. And he's right! We know the Archaeologists can reach at least as far away as Grenton. I'm not even sure why we're not running - except that I'm Keldar Warbray, and it wouldn't look good in the inevitable songs.

"Right now, we've smacked them on the nose a little. Since we slept undisturbed last night, they're probably scouring their tunnels, thinking that we're still lost in there somewhere. The last thing we want to do is go straight back in while they're doing that in force. When they find the way we did get out, I daresay they'll ask for us at the inn, and be told we went on to Medibaria, and they'll probably send a few folks that way, and they might lose our trail for a time.

"We should use that time. We need to act smarter. Look, I have more money than I've ever seen in my life weighing down my purse. We all do. That's healing wands and magical hats and whatever baubles you can clever up between you to shorten the odds we're facing. When we go back into the tunnels, if we do - or when we snatch Turkey from his bed, or when we look for damning evidence in the mansion house of the Dunns, I want to be loaded for bugbear."
[sblock=OOC]Keldar is pretty much equipped as he was at 3rd level and he's now nearly 6th. Between the three of us, we're carrying more than 15,000 gp in coins, gems, and disposable loot. I can't think of much sadder than carrying that wealth around in our belt pouches right through this adventure, to finally arrive back at the Red Dragon Inn, craft off-stage, and then sit around with our shiny items, doing nothing with them, probably forever. We only get to play through these levels with these characters once (barring level draining undead and the occasional death!), and it'd be nice to get the most out of them. We should have crafted items over the few days following the sale of the ship before stirring up trouble. Instead - somewhat suspiciously - Fimble hurried us on to Turket's. I'm trying to give IC reasons for taking crafting time, viz. lying low to let the Archaeologists' angry buzz die down, while we prepare for whatever our stage 2 is.[/sblock]

Rae ArdGaoth

Fimble nods in agreement. "I think it's a good idea to keep a low profile. I'd recommend my father's, but as you say, it's probably best we keep my family out of this. They'll be under enough suspicion, with the posters my father has been putting out all these years.

"But I must say one thing. Fingers might be afraid, but... well, they did treat him pretty viciously, so it's possible that he's overreacting. We handled them pretty well in the tunnels, even though they had the better ground. And whatever their goal was in Grenton, they failed spectacularly. Let's not throw caution to the wind, but neither should we head for the Towers just yet."


"Brave heart, Fimble! That's the spirit! Don't let the thought of the murdered priest and the burned apprentice get you down!" says Keldar. "We'll be fine. If we end up at the other side of the world, it'll be because we want to go, not because we've been chased there."

Keldar's eyes turn curiously unfocused for a few moments, then he breaks into song:

"We would have sailed Lake Kithsul
Chasing pirates for our pleasure,
And voyaged to far off Varras'zul,
To claim its hidden treasure;
Past Ravensdale we'd have dropped our sails
To hear the wond'ring joy
Of the splashing folk with silver tails
Who raised me as a boy!
Yet these lands would not suffice:
If it was in our power,
We'd have braved at last the shining ice
That guards the Water Tower.

But they took my ship away from me
And left me longing for the sea.


"It certainly was," Keldar agrees. "Did you ever realise that if you wear your spell pouch thingy right in the middle it looks like you have an enormous - anyway, here we are in the hard rocky lands. Good place for an ambush, for them or us. Good place to hide out till we're ready to jump down, as soon as the shadows are right, no?"


First Post
"Aargh, jump if you want - just tell us what arrangements you want for your funeral before you go!"

"I think Fimble's right - we can handle these grave robbers. Still, some more magical items would be useful in that fight, so why don't we head back to that inn in Fallon, or find another, and settle down to craft them."

"Tommy, I guess we'll need access to the Wizards' Guild for components? Pity I'm not at my forge! Fimble, where's the artisan's level? Perhaps I can persuade one of the resident smiths to let me use his anvil."

"As to how we get down unnoticed, how about taking passage on one of the ships going down and then not drawing attention to ourselves?"

Here he glares at Keldar.

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