A Rather Odd Shovel [Judge: Bront]


"Where to start?" muses Keldar. "I don't suppose we have time to hear the 'tale full true of the tower of Thyrin', as cast into alliterative verse by one of the great poets of Orussus, do we? Oh well, I daresay we don't."

"Suffice it to say, then, that of a time we, the Keldarites, charged with the deliverance of the wizard of Grenton, found ourselves at the top of his tower surrounded by ever increasing numbers of creatures of living flame. Within a silver summoning circle, a being of elemental water circled restlessly. Seconds after our arrival, Galwynn lay helpless, senseless and dying. Again. It was up to me. Again. I drew myself up to my full six feet, set free the water elemental and called upon my powers of persuasion and command. Together, we fought the fire creatures and prevailed. Then I sent my friend - Sploshy, his name was - back to his watery home."

"I took a moment to heal Galwynn, gave Tommy some advice on the correct use of scrolls, and then levered open the melted door behind which Thyrin sheltered."

"And so there he was! He was extremely relieved to see us. It was then that he pointed out what I had suspected - that two charred marks on the floor were all that was left of two thieves who had attempted to rob him."

"A short while later, acting on information obtained from the landlady of the local tavern, where I had had a small singing triumph the evening before, we went in search of the thieves' camp. It couldn't remain hidden for long. They had dug a tunnel from a small wood right to Thyrin's tower, but had been thwarted by finding solid foundations instead of a basement. Leaving their belongings below, they went to their doom."

Keldar takes a breath. "Would anyone like to continue the tale?"

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As Keldar launches into his account Tarag snorts loudly and says, "Keldarites? Bollocks! Keldar here believes that if he says a thing long enough and loud enough then people will believe him, no matter how fanciful and fallacious it is. The sad thing is, that he's probably right - because nobody else is desperate enough to expend the time and energy and breath it would take to set the record straight at every turn! Including me."

Then, addressing himself to conveying the story at hand, he adds to Keldar's account.

"It was clear that the thieves had laid their hands on a plan of the tower, and had hoped to tunnel in. What they didn't realize was that Thyrin hadn't followed the plan when building. So we're looking for the architect who drew up the original plans - who turns out to have been expelled from the Architects' Guild in Orussus for shady practices. But what brought us here, though, thanks to your son, was what we found in the tunnel at the base of the tower. It was a very distinctive shovel. This one, in fact."

OOC: Who has the shovel at the moment? Is it Keldar? Whoever it is, this is their cue!


Keldar slips his backpack from his shoulders and undoes the ties, waving a hand about and singing a rising scale to underline this moment long-awaited by Fimbus. A sudden breeze swirls in the room, sweeping back his hair and making his cloak flutter dramatically for a moment.

"Odd," he says. "Does that happen often, up this high?" He thrusts a hand into the pack and pulls out... his bedroll.

"Oh, right. Galwynn has the shovel. Sorry."[sblock=OOC][sblock=Spellcraft DC 15]Keldar's somehow reproduced the somatic component of prestidigitation![/sblock][/sblock]


Tommy's eyes widen at Keldar's gesture, but he does not comment on it. When the shovel is produced, he takes up the story.

"Fimble identified the tower's plans as being in the Fallonese style, and he recognized the shovel at once. I understand it ties in to a theft of your family's property?"

ooc: Tommy can't fail spellcraft 15.

Rae ArdGaoth

Fimbus Sr. grips his chair tightly as the shovel is produced. He stands, then sits, then stands again and takes the shovel gingerly, examining it closely. He looks at Fimble, who is grinning, and back at the shovel. "Decades ago, I found a shovel like this. Everything my father owned was stolen from me, and in its place was left a shovel. Just like this one. And this seal... identical! I've spent my whole life looking for another clue to the theft. I... I had given up hope." His eyes are wide with wonder as he examines the shovel, tracing the seal of intricately woven lines.

"As I'm sure you know, there is a reward posted for anyone who shows me a shovel exactly like this one. You've all earned that already, I'll arrange it shortly. But if you were willing to investigate this further... You already have a name to go with this shovel? An architect, you say? I will help you find him! And I will pay you for your efforts. I've waited far too long to let this opportunity for justice slip through my fingers.

"So, will you do this for me? Will you press this until you can press no longer, and bring this thief, or thieves, to justice?"
His eyes, once filled with wonder, are now filled with passion.


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Tarag is moved by Fimbus' emotion. He nods his head briskly, once, and stands straight, rock solid in his conviction.

"We will."


"Well, of course we will, sir," says Tommy, moved by the gnome's excitement but slightly guilty. "But, er, you know that we're already being paid, right? Thyrin has hired us to, well, at least find out about the thieves. And I can't imagine that we would learn what there is to know about them and not act to set things right. I mean, I don't want to turn down your generous offer, but I don't want to deceive you either." He avoids Keldar's eyes as his little speech trails off into inaudible murmurs.


"That's true! I'm surprised you didn't mention it, Tarag," says Keldar, rearranging his cloak. "Of course, rewards mean little to one such as Keldar! We'll press together until we can press no longer - won't we, Rapture? - and, well, strictly, finding the Shovel is an entirely different matter from looking for Thyrin's thieves, now that I think of it." Keldar sounds slightly plaintive.

"We have more than one name to offer. The architect goes by the curious name of James, James Urton." Keldar's voice booms unnaturally deep and forebodingly resonant. He blinks and clears his throat. "Ahem, excuse me. We also can tell you that the seal on the Shovel is the mark of a centuries old ring of thieves known as the Archaeologists. Hrmrm... I'm sorry, I think perhaps I'm coming down with a cold. If you look closely, perhaps you'll be able to tell whether it's made up of the insignia of several noble houses overlain. We've heard it might be."

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