A Rather Odd Shovel [Judge: Bront]


OOC: Well, then. That's both front-liners. A shame, since I was very fond of the Keldarites, in their prime. Is there any point trying to limp onward?

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First Post
OOC: I know Rae's been keen to DM a regular group here, so we should wait for him. Having said that, it's been nearly a month since he was online.

These things do go in cycles. The irony for me is that my posting rate (as opposed to my character judging :eek:) has actually picked up lately ... just as other people's has gone downhill.

Maybe we can cobble something together ... but it might be better to cut our losses. Anyway, let's wait for Rae's input.


ooc: I'm happy to wait for Rae, if you guys are. I'm sorry to see Solange and Wik go, but, well, things happen. I think the Keldarites could live again with a different drummer front line, but we'll need a DM too.


Keldar puts the matter of Galwynn's sartorial shortcomings from his mind. He rises from his cross-legged position on the floor and thanks the Gimmons for their hospitality.

"Shall we get started? Back to the ship! We can pick up some of the pirate gear and try to find buyers on the way to, well, I suppose the guards should be our first stop. We might find something in these papers of Urton's that we want to research at the library. Or I can sell the stuff while you talk to them, of course."[sblock=OOC]Loot no one wants: 1 chain shirt, 7 studded leather, 3 MW darkwood heavy shields, 4 MW rapiers, 3 MW mithral longswords, 2 daggers, 4 falchions, MW longbow, assorted jewellery.
Currently held in Keldar's conflicted hands: +1 rapier, MW short sword. Currently worn by Rapture: +1 chain shirt.[/sblock]

Rae ArdGaoth

The ship is still where you moored it. The crew is all ashore, probably recovering from last night's revelry. The first mate alone remained on the ship, he's on the deck, reading the captain's log in the dazzling sunlight, glittering from the falls. He greets you with a lopsided grin and a "Fine days, yes?"

[sblock=OOC: ]So, we're down to Tarag, Keldar, and Tommy? A party of three and a DM is well within the bounds of tradition and reason. I promise to be better about posting from now on, so let's get this show back on the road.

Loot can be sold at half price, as standard. Then you can investigate leads. I'd prefer if you stuck together, so I don't have to keep track of two threads at once.[/sblock]


"Fine days, indeed," Tommy agrees, looking particularly childlike as he rubbernecks in wonder at the light off the falls. "Now, Keldar, are you sure you can talk to these guards without frightening them this time? You remember that poor woman at the architect's guild... she was terrified of you!"

[sblock=ooc]We can run with three if you prefer, Rae, but it looks like there are a lot of characters at loose ends after the MA collapse, and not enough games to go around. If we're ready to kick this into gear again, it might be better for LEW if we could handwave one or two of them in. Assuming the other players don't mind, of course.

btw, great to see you back.[/sblock]


First Post
Having noticed Keldar's ambivalence about the elven captain's magic rapier, Tarag finds an opportunity to go up to him when it's just the two of them and to say, "Keldar, don't be too worried if you want to use that elven lass's sword. You've helped shape your own blade, and so it'll always have a place in your heart. For now, use whatever'll keep you safe - and pretty soon I'll be high enough in the Forge God's favour to enchant the Whybray blade for you."

"Now, by all means, let's get going."

[sblock=OOC]I'm happy to bring in some meatshields new characters.[/sblock]


"Now, Keldar, are you sure you can talk to these guards without frightening them this time? You remember that poor woman at the architect's guild... she was terrified of you!"
"I don't remember anything of the sort," Keldar replies. "What you saw was a woman's heart opening to the trembling realization of hitherto unsuspected possibilities. That happens a lot around me, come to think of it. I'll try to be nice to the guards, if they're nice to me."

"Keldar, don't be too worried if you want to use that elven lass's sword."
"It's not that, Tarag," says Keldar earnestly. "It's, well... this might sound silly, but I think if anyone would understand it would be you. I'm not worried about the - ahem - Warbray rapier. It's in good hands - mine! But this elven blade has been used for evil deeds for who knows how long, and the very last thing it did was take the life of the one who held it. Swords - fine swords - have a kind of spirit, I'm sure you said something of the sort to me before. And this one, I think, is ashamed and mourning. It needs a chance to redeem itself, before we redeem it for gold."
[sblock=OOC][sblock=New crew]Let's not be hasty in finding replacements. There was a rigorous interview process for Tarag ;) The loss of Galwynn and Rapture has wrecked a bunch of long-brewing character development... and I still feel the pain :blush: But Solange might be back some time, if there's still interest. 6 months is a short time in PbP (says the guy who kicked over the "Is LEW in trouble?" hornets' nest!).

I'd have liked Lokin Barn(s)will as a replacement frontliner, especially if Rapture were still here, after their amusing RDI altercation. But his player is absent from enworld. Or Richard Rawen knows several of us (Keldar and Galwynn at least) - and struck up a friendship with the sadly departed Samina. But he's busy with Sylvan Shard. Semabin is a little too similar a build to Keldar, I think.[/sblock][sblock=Loot]Do mithral longswords cost 1015 gp new? If so, not counting the as yet unvalued jewellery, the sale value comes to 2987.5 gp, I think. Anyone want to double check? What's that, paladins? You'd only give your share to charity anyway, so you want us to have it?[/sblock][/sblock]

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