A Rather Odd Shovel [Judge: Bront]

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OOC: I'm happy to keep going. Shall we go to the guard office first? It'll be good to have some leads, even if they are coded. Then we can go to the library.

I'm happy to do it the other way around but I'll take a lead just so that we can get things moving again. (I can always edit the IC post if people disagree.)

IC: "Right," says Tarag, "now that we've got that settled, let's get going. First stop, to sell this booty and split the proceeds. Then off to the Guard's clerical office."

He bundles the gear into a canvas sack ("Fine thing, being on a boat. All sorts of handy things on board.") then after nodding to the First Mate, he heads off down the gangplank again.

Rae ArdGaoth

After spending the morning haggling with clerks and merchants, you manage to get some gold in exchange for the pirates' old possessions. (All items are sold at standard half price.)

The Guard's clerical office is somewhat difficult to locate. It turns out to be on the crater's base level, near the entrance to the Fallon College of Wizardry. It's an unremarkable building, and incredibly old looking, but still sturdy.

Upon entering beneath a worn stone archway, you are greeted by a tired looking old man, writing at a desk. Behind him are shelves and shelves of parchments, all organized according to some standard, and two old wooden doors with massive locks.

The man looks up at you, then looks around. "Ah. Um." He pauses, then sets down his quill and sighs. "What can I help you with?"


First Post
"We're here on behalf of Fimbus Leyron Aukits Macklerey Gimmons the Second, gemcutter extraordinaire, and citizen of Fallon. We're following up a lead we have on a certain James Urton, architect, of shady reputation, who is not only suspected of attempted robbery in Orussus but also of similar practices here in your fair city."

"Master Fimbus tells us that Urton disappeared after being accused of bribing a city official for access to the sewer system. Apparently, some coded notes were found in Urton's home. We were advised that we could see them for ourselves, if we came here."

"My name is Tarag, son of Azagindulad, of the Clan Durvinn, smith and priest of Chennet'. My colleagues will introduce themselves."


"We think Urton may be connected with a group of thieves called the Archaeologists, who, if they exist at all, have been responsible for many other burglaries in Fallon," Tommy adds helpfully.

Rae ArdGaoth

The tired old clerk sighs again. "Yes, yes, I was told I might need to pull that file for someone soon. Well, let's see what I've got, shall we?" Pushing up on the desk with no small effort, the old man gets out of his chair, which creaks almost as much as his bones do. Shuffling over to the shelves, he scans the parchments and little markers, looking for something. Finally, he finds it: an envelope, with a key. He reaches into his shirt and pulls out a necklace on which hang two large keys. "Just a moment."

Using one of the keys, he opens the right door and disappears for a moment. He comes back with a book. "Here it is." He sets it down on the desk and turns to lock the large door, and finally returns the key to its place on the shelves.

Seating himself, he continues, "Normally I wouldn't just let you take evidence like this. But according to the file, we haven't been able to glean a single scrap from that silly book. So I'm going to tell you to bring it back, but I honestly... don't care if you do or not." He stares for a moment, then shrugs and picks up his quill. "Anything else?"


First Post
Tarag takes the book from the clerk, glances at it without opening it, and asks, "So this was the only evidence the investigators found at Urton's home? Thank you. We'll return it when we're done with it."

With that he nods, and turns to the door, indicating to the others that they should let the old man get back to ... whatever it was that he was doing when they arrived.


Despite the thrill of mysterious books with coded messages to decipher, Tommy lingers a moment. "Thank you very much for your time, sir. May I ask, how long ago did this business with Urton and the bribery accusations take place? And, uh, who was it that told you we'd be coming by for a look at the evidence?"

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