A Rather Odd Shovel [Judge: Bront]

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[sblock=OOC]Relevant rules: A successful saving throw against an illusion reveals it to be false, but a figment or phantasm remains as a translucent outline.

A failed saving throw indicates that a character fails to notice something is amiss. A character faced with proof that an illusion isn’t real needs no saving throw. If any viewer successfully disbelieves an illusion and communicates this fact to others, each such viewer gains a saving throw with a +4 bonus.[/sblock]

Rae ArdGaoth

[sblock=OOC]So "translucent outline" I take to mean that it can be seen through without penalty.

I'm going on a week long trip starting tomorrow morning. I'll still have internet, though not necessarily good internet, and I might not be able to update the map easily. We'll see how it goes, but expect delays on my part for about 7 days.

We're waiting on Tarag, I believe.[/sblock]


Tommy drops his wand, calling "Fimble, take over on this, will you?" He moves through the remains of the illusory wall himself and casts, conjuring magical grease all over Turket's doorstep.

[sblock=ooc]Drop wand in N1. Move to J2. Cast grease in I10 - J11 if possible. If that's not possible I don't mind, as long as Turket's in the area. Reflex DC 16.

Waiting on Rae for the save.


As Keldar sees Turket's footing become uncertain, he moves up beside Tarag and drives his blade in under Turket's ribs. On the other side of the room, Fimble snatches up the discarded wand and...[sblock=OOC]Keldar moves to J9 or K10, depending on the Grease placement, and attacks: 1d20+9=25, 1d6+3=5, sneak attack +1d6=5 if it applies. If Turket remains conscious, Fimble then fires magic missiles, for 3d4+3=10.[/sblock]
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Turket cannot dodge Tarag's strongly swung morning star. Quick on his feet, even in Tommy's grease, he manages to stay upright.[sblock=OOC]Turket's Reflex save 24.
Enworld won't load for Rae at the moment. He asked me to post this partial update.[/sblock]

Rae ArdGaoth

[sblock=Rules]I believe Tommy's range is only 35', yes? So he needs to move to J3 just to cast it over I9-J10. I moved him to J3.

Also, Keldar can't move to K10, since Tarag is there. I moved him to K9 instead.[/sblock]

Turket manages to stay upright in spite of Tarag's brawn and Tommy's grease. Keldar's blade gives him great pause, and the magic missiles from the wand in Fimble's hands send arcs of arcane lightning shooting out his finger tips.

Turket looks to be on the edge of oblivion. He stumbles through the now open door and turns around slowly, an incredibly dark look in his deep, black eyes... (5' step south)

Waiting on confirmation of adjustments from covaithe and Trouvere in sblock above before completing Turket's turn.


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