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A Rose In The Wind: A Saga of the Halmae -- Updated June 19, 2014


Hold the Peppers
Waitaminute.... am I remembering the Sheh from Welcome to the Helmae? Were they the undead behind the kingdom of skeletons thing? (I loved the kingdom of skeletons - skeletons farming and skeletal chickens!)

Ellinor is correct. The Sheh are another tribe of the Goh'na-li. The tribe near Bountiful was an unnamed tribe. I will say that they are not the same tribe as the Sheh, but the story of what happened to them is a pretty common story from that time in Sovereign history.

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Thank you all for these wonderful Stories! I've finally caught up with reading first WttH and now A Rose. Incredibly deep and detailed, entertaining and addictive... After spending every spare minute (and some that weren't) of this last week reading like one possessed, I now have to join the legions of Halmae fans waiting for an update...:)


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The rose in the wind is very informative story and i have read and saved its pdf file from the shared link and read its 18 chapters.


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Fajitas couldn't run last weekend, so Jonrog1 kindly stepped in to DM for us. Now, I adore Savina, but I do have to admit it was a really nice change of pace to be able to say something like

"I lean out of the chopper and lay down some ****** suppressing fire with the flamethrower."

I'm sure we'll get back to moral dilemmas and subtle political machinations soon.


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I take it that wasn't Savina blazing away from the chopper? Not a crossover adventure? Dang. ;)

(What game system was it?)

Not a crossover, though it would have been spectacular to see Savina use a flamethrower. I'll hold out hope. :heh:

This one was Savage Worlds.


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Standing next to Tavi in Lord Ono's office, Kormick exhaled in a long, annoyed sigh. "So the Tide know that we're holding one of their own in custody. And if they gain access to our prisoner, no doubt they'll find out what we’re doing and bring that information straight back to the Mother Superior, who will then crush the entire enterprise irrevocably under the heel of her boot."

"If it's any consolation, I imagine they'll also kill the prisoner," said Ono.

"Okay… I'm trying… I think… No. I'm not at all consoled by that."

"Nor am I," said Ono. "I have my most trusted men guarding him and will advise them to be vigilant, but beyond that, I think we—and by 'we' I mean 'you'—must find a way to learn more about what the Tide are up to. I can give you a few names of known Tidesmen our limited surveillance has uncovered." He picked up a sheet. "Let's see. We've got Shen, chief butler to Lady Oroko Yumi, an important Peer. Dai, an arcanist, runs The Establishment Purveying the Most Wondrous of All Crafts. And Junichi, the innkeeper at the Inn of Agreeable Company. I know you're all busy trying to secure meetings with the other Rings of the Circle, but keep an eye on these troublemakers. In fact, I recommend that you try to gain the confidence of one of them."

"With your permission, I'll handle that, gentlefolk," said Arden suddenly, softly, from the back of the room. "I can get close to them... if you'll let me do it my way."

DM’S NOTE: This scene, of course, unlocked a new skill challenge in the Skill Cascade:

One character only may work their way inside the Tide to learn the details of their plans.



"It was a sycamore," Kormick declared. "A murderous sycamore."

He stared impressively across the table at the two clerks from the Ring of Lands: a man, who was nodding and writing notes, and a woman, who was staring back skeptically. Kormick was hoping that the story of his adventures in the Ketkath would give him an opening to make discreet inquiries about Lord Tanaka, the leader of Lands.

"Syc…a…more," muttered the writer, as he finished a sentence. "Indeed. I had an unconfirmed report of a pod of hostile hollies marauding somewhat east of there last year. You witnessed this sycamore attack personally?"

"No, I didn't witness it personally," said Kormick. "I was personally bludgeoned."

"A sycamore," said the woman, "is a deeply rooted tree. Deeply rooted trees do not attack people. It was undoubtedly predatory vines."

"I know a tree when I see one," said Kormick.

"Do you."

"A tree," said Kormick, "is not a vine."

She glared at him. Kormick glared back.

"Kormick-san spent a month in the Ketkath," the man reminded his partner, glancing between them anxiously. "His information about the orbs, the derro, and the quickrock is all very credible. And it was very good of him to come here to make a report on his experiences with the region's natural phenomena.”

“We don’t need his help," the woman tossed back.

"I should have gone straight to your boss," said Kormick. "I imagine Lord Tanaka would respect an upstanding observer when he sees one."

The woman stifled a snide laugh.

"Or… would he?" asked Kormick.

"It's simply that Lord Tanaka is very busy," said the man, clutching his pen too tightly. "He has other things on his mind besides taking down these detailed reports."

"Other things like dancing girls and exotic mushrooms," said the woman. "But I’m sure he'd hear you out at one of his parties if you have enough gold—"

"Hush!" begged her partner.

So the head of Lands is dissolute and bribe-able, thought Kormick. Scoring a meeting with Lord Tanaka had just gotten a lot more fun.

"I’m surprised that such a well-regulated a city as Cauldron has dancing girls and whatnot," he said.

"Plainly you've never heard of the Eighth Ring," the woman said. She was showing off now. "At least that’s what they call themselves. They’re organized crime. Thieves and miscreants. My friend bought a ruby necklace from them once, cheap—and it was probably stolen."

She sat back, arms crossed defiantly, daring him to be unimpressed.

"Imagine that," said Kormick, well satisfied. Lands didn't merely have a corrupt leader—the city of Cauldron had an entire criminal underworld. Suddenly, for the first time in the Sovereignty, he felt right at home.

DM’S NOTE: This scene also unlocked a new challenge:

Work to connect with the criminal underworld in Cauldron by joining the Eighths.

It also provided some details on one of the previously available challenges:

Acquire an invitation to one of Lord Tanaka’s “Indulgence Parties” to arrange to speak with him in private.



Twiggy was taking an afternoon off from her Go lessons, at Tavi's request. Tavi had scheduled a meeting with diplomats at Borders later in the week to discuss the incident with Mariela—hoping, of course, to make a good impression and be invited to meet with the Head of Borders, Lord Endo. Twiggy's job today was to do some advance scouting: to see what she could learn about Endo, and, in Tavi's words, "to remind them that there's more to the di Raprezzi family than Mariela."

Twiggy had privately thought that she was an ironic choice for such a mission. Out loud, she had asked, "So you want me to carry a message there, or…?"

"No," Tavi had answered. "You're a member of the family, and you know all about our teleport network. Borders oversees international trade agreements, so all you have to do is remind them how glad they are that we've created such a network."

He hadn't seemed to think this was a big deal, but as Twiggy took a deep breath, straightened her finest cloak on her shoulders, and marched into the entryway of the Borders House, she felt the true weight of what he had said. Today I'm not just representing the family, she thought. Today I am family.

"I am Lady Chelesta of the di Raprezzis," she told the functionary at the front desk. His eyes widened, and he quickly called another functionary, whose eyes also widened. Twiggy squelched an urge to backpedal and explain that she was actually a servant of the di Raprezzis.

"This way, Lady Chelesta-san," said this second functionary, escorting her into an office. "I admit, I'm surprised by your visit. I don't see your name in our appointment books. Under Lord Endo's leadership, I assure you, we take great care to record all appointments properly."

Twiggy translated his skeptical but polite words for Acorn: He's never heard of me.

More importantly, this Lord Endo likes things done properly and precisely! added Acorn. I like the sound of him.

"Oh, this is just an informal visit," Twiggy told the man, with as much cool confidence as she could muster. "I have worked closely with our family's teleport circles—" when I helped a daughter of the family run away from home—"and I thought I would stop in to let you know of some small technological refinements."

The man leaned forward, pen in hand. "When a di Raprezzi speaks of refinements in teleportation magic, of course the Ring of Borders will listen," he said.

Twiggy launched into a complicated explanation of feather placement. She didn't think he followed every word, but by the end, he was impressed. Her job was done.



Mena, continuing her mission to visit all the Ehktian churches in Cauldron, pushed her way through the doors of the Questors' headquarters. The building felt less like a temple and more like a tavern: a fire burned on the hearth, fanged heads of the Ketkath's more exotic beasts were mounted on the stone walls, and a cluster of Questors—both Peninsular and Sovereign—were drinking rice wine at a trestle table in the center of the room. Their heads jerked up as she entered.

Mena paused just inside the door, her hand on her sword, her flail across her back, and let her armor whisper to itself for a moment. Distantly, she was aware that she looked impressive, which was good; inside, she felt unsettled. She was having too much fun visiting all these Ehktians. And I wasn't put on this earth to have fun.

The burliest Questor stood up eagerly.

"What challenge do you bring, stranger?" he boomed.

"I'm Brother Spark, of the Keepers, and lately also of the Inquisition here in Cauldron. I've just come out of the Ketkath and have also recently pitted my mind and body against malefactors in Hillside District," Mena answered. "I wonder if you'd like to hear of my adventures."

A girl with spiky hair jumped to her feet, raced to a cabinet on the far wall, and withdrew a wide scroll, ink, and a quill.

"A heathen Inquisitor?" asked the burly man, as the other Questors buzzed with interest. The man sloshed wine into a cup and shoved it into Mena's hand. The girl raced back to the table.

"Tell us everything," she said breathlessly, unfurling the scroll and dipping the pen so fast that she flung a droplet of red ink, like blood, onto the surface.

The scroll was a map, dotted with red Xs. Mena smiled in recognition—despite the voice in her head that cried, You're a Defier now! These cannot be your friends!—and began to tell her tale.




Tavi stood next to Nyoko and Rose, back straight, not moving a muscle. He wore new finery that Savina had arranged to have specially made for him in the Hennan style, as well as his ceremonial wakazashi. He carried a small silk-wrapped package—a delicately carved netsuke kimono accessory that Nyoko had helped him commission from a local artisan.


They were standing opposite a stone desk where, shortly, a high-level Borders diplomat would appear. Twiggy's suspicion that Lord Endo was an exceedingly upright man who ran an exceedingly upright Ring had been confirmed by Nyoko's subtle research among her Adept colleagues. Lord Endo was supposed to be scrupulous, fair, determined—and utterly without a sense of humor. In this meeting with the man's immediate subordinate, Tavi was determined to remember everything he'd learned about Sovereign etiquette.

Taaaaaviiiiiiii, I'm booorrrred.

Phoebe was perched on his shoulder, on her very best behavior, but even at her very best, she was still a hummingbird.

Whisper is giving me that look again, Tavi. Let me go poke Whisper. Please just one little poke.

Tavi stole a glance sideways and saw his sister's familiar curled in the crook of her arm. As far as he could tell, the pseudo-dragon was staring calmly out the room's window.

Whisper isn't looking at you, Pheebs.

He was so. At least, he was thinking about looking at me. I think. Anyway what does it matter? Just one teeny tiny poke? Oh wow are those flowers outside the window? FLOWERS, TAVI!!!

The door at the far end of the room opened and a round-faced man entered. He bowed. Tavi, Rose, and Nyoko bowed.

Tavi spoke first. "I come on behalf of my family to offer apologies for the incident involving my aunt, Mariela di Raprezzi. The matter was an internal family affair, and we greatly appreciate your discretion in handling it as diplomatically as you did. I believe the most honored Sensei Chiharu expressed our feelings best when she wrote, 'I, wretched and sorrowful, walk the burning ways of shame, exiled from hope, unless the one who sits resolute upon the rock extends the hand of forgiveness.'"

Tavi distinctly heard Nyoko let out the breath she'd been holding as he finished reciting the quotation. She had coached him on that particular point in great detail, and her concern that he would misspeak had been palpable.

The man stared at him unreadably for a moment longer—and then extended his hand.

Tavi took it solemnly. The man bowed over their joined hands. Tavi bowed back.

And with that, the man broke into a wide grin. "Never have I been so pleased to be in the diplomatic corps as I am today!" he said. "To hear Chiharu herself in the mouth of a heathen! Beautifully declaimed, young man. I am Hisao, and it's a pleasure to meet you."

"I bear a gift for Lord Endo," said Tavi, extending the silk-wrapped package. "If it's possible, I would request the great honor of a meeting with him, as well, in order to reiterate how truly sorry my family is."

Hisao took the package and nodded. "He is a man busy with many duties," he said, "but I will make sure that he receives this—and your request with it."

"I thank you."

"It is my honor."

"No, it is mine."

They bowed again. The meeting had gone as well as Tavi could have hoped. Peripherally, he was aware of Rose's amusement at all the foreign formality, Nyoko's pride, and—

Wheeeeeeeeee! Bow again, Tavi! Riding your shoulder is actually fun when you do that! Do it again! Bow deeper!



In the dark predawn hours, wearing only the light shift she slept in, Arden slipped barefoot into a storeroom in the Inn's basement. She had a plan for reaching out to the Tide, and the plan amused her.

Except the first step. The first step was not amusing. It was going to hurt.

She glanced around the storeroom, assuring herself that she was alone. Then she raised a fine narrow belt that she'd borrowed from Savina's collection and without giving herself a moment to hesitate, lashed it across her back. Not hard enough. She struck again. It was difficult to get the belt to land properly, and she needed this to look good. She switched her angle slightly and tried again, and this time the belt bit into her back and stung. Memories came with it and stung, too: the nameless brutes in the mine, Unssa from the farm, the first time long ago in Dar Und.

There were tears in her eyes by the time she decided she'd left enough fresh marks to be convincing. Wincing a little already and knowing that in a few hours she would be stiff with soreness, she had to smile a little at herself. What kind of life am I living, that this strikes me as sensible?, she thought. Gods, I'm a little broken, aren't I. Just a little…


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"Okay… I'm trying… I think… No. I'm not at all consoled by that."

"I know a tree when I see one," said Kormick.

"I have worked closely with our family's teleport circles—" when I helped a daughter of the family run away from home—"

Mena paused just inside the door, her hand on her sword, her flail across her back, and let her armor whisper to itself for a moment.

Wheeeeeeeeee! Bow again, Tavi! Riding your shoulder is actually fun when you do that! Do it again! Bow deeper!

What kind of life am I living, that this strikes me as sensible?

Just great! :) My first live update and it is wonderful...

Thanks for sharing this!

"Imagine that," said Kormick, well satisfied. Lands didn't merely have a corrupt leader—the city of Cauldron had an entire criminal underworld. Suddenly, for the first time in the Sovereignty, he felt right at home.

Awesome! I laughed out loud at this line. Thanks for another great update!


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Thank you, Kuritaki and Cerebral Paladin! It's always extra fun to hear exactly which descriptions and lines are a hit.

We're all swamped with work, so that's why updates have slowed down a little. Lots more to come, though. :)

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