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A Rose In The Wind: A Saga of the Halmae -- Updated June 19, 2014


Now that was a nice fight to read. Very satisfying reading about Mariela being trounced :)

I also have to thank you for the idea I've gotten from this story hour: When I conclude the current DnD campaign I'm running, the next one I've got planned will take place in the same setting, but a generation or two down the line.

Of course, this rather hinges on my current party actually managing to save the world...

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First Post
SO fun to read all the comments, everyone! Thanks!!

Now that was a nice fight to read. Very satisfying reading about Mariela being trounced :)

I'll second what WisdomLikeSilence said... this was a particularly entertaining (and tense) fight largely because the emotional stakes felt so high for a number of the players. Even those of us with less of a direct character-based stake in this conflict found it incredibly dramatic to watch Twiggy, Tavi, and Savina take Mariela on in their various ways, PLUS we had to figure out whether/how we should stick our noses into this familial conflict without getting ourselves in too much trouble.

I also have to thank you for the idea I've gotten from this story hour: When I conclude the current DnD campaign I'm running, the next one I've got planned will take place in the same setting, but a generation or two down the line.

Of course, this rather hinges on my current party actually managing to save the world...

Just don't let them save the world perfectly... ;) It's the tiny, so very well-intentioned imperfections that can be the seeds of the next campaign... I think Fajitas and/or spyscribe will back me up on that?



It would be five days’ travel to High Pass Village—the estate of the couple to be married—and Mariela had delayed them by nearly a day. She never makes anything easy, thought Twiggy.

They pushed hard on their first day of travel, and the exertion kept Twiggy from dwelling too much on matters of Hennan hierarchy. It seemed to have the same effect on Mena and Arden, who chatted amiably when Mena took Kormick’s place at the reins. It seemed they were trading stories like old friends. Indeed, things were looking up. As the sun set, they had almost reached a Sovereign way-station. They might be able to make up the lost time if they kept going at this rate.

As they made camp for the evening and Arden pulled out the cookpot, Savina pulled Twiggy aside.

“Twiggy,” she began, “I need your help.”

Savina, asking for my help? Twiggy thought. Perhaps the hierarchy is breaking down faster than I thought.

“It’s Arden,” Savina continued. “I am afraid that she may be…that she may require a reminder of her place. She is…overstepping. At first, that night when Mena washed the dishes, I began to be concerned, but it has grown worse. Today, they are sharing duties, and in the market yesterday, Arden was downright defiant.”

“Oh?” was all Twiggy could think to say.

“Ordinarily, you understand, this is the sort of thing I would talk to the Butler about. But out here, we have no Butler. As Rose’s lady-in-waiting, you are the next best thing. I was hoping you could have a word with her.”

Twiggy smiled. There was a time when being compared to the Butler would have seemed quite the honor. Now, it seemed insufficient. “Certainly, I will talk with her. But if I may…” Twiggy took a deep breath. “Dame Mena has been a great teacher, not only to Rose and Tavi, but also to me. One of the things that she taught us is that inequality breeds resentment. As she explains it, inequality is a tool of Sedellus to sow doubt among people, and from there, evil may grow.”

Savina looked puzzled.

“What I mean to say is that Arden works very hard for us, and has risked her life for us. The more she is treated as an equal, as part of the group, the more she will feel invested in our well-being, and the more she will be willing to risk. That can only be a good thing for our safety, and Rose’s.”

“Hmm,” said Savina. It seemed to Twiggy that she had raised something to which Savina had never given much thought. But if this was a matter of stepping out of one’s place…Twiggy was way outside her place.

“But of course, I will talk to her. Right away.”

Savina nodded and turned away. Twiggy sighed.

Chelesta, all of Dame Mena’s stuff about inequality sounds pretty silly when you say it out loud, Acorn chimed in.

Twiggy sighed again.


Excerpts from the notebook of Jan Kormick:

May 18
Terrain: Well-kept Sovereign roadway. Day 2 of travel to the District of the Rich Hillsides Terraced for Growth, aka Hillside District.


It seems we have left the family drama and the ensuing violence behind, for the moment, and we have resumed our travel to the Hillside District in our role as Inquisitors. Savina is intent on getting there as quickly as possible, and I cannot blame the girl—this Nishi character is abusing his authority in the most repugnant way. This man must be taught a lesson: authority should be abused only in the right situations. One with authority must learn to tell the difference.

On the road, we are shunned by fellow travelers, who cower at the sight of our gray Inquisitors’ robes. In Dar Und, there is seldom a difference between respect and fear. Here, I find I would rather be respected. Curious.

Speaking of respect, Arden has become quiet again. I liked it better when she was talking, if you call a few words a day talking. She had a sense of humor, believe it or not. Now she’s back to mystery. Best to know what your murder-slave is thinking, I say.

May 21
Day 5 on well-kept Sovereign roads. Hills by the road are terraced for agriculture.

We have crossed a river now and are approaching High Pass Village, the home of the couple to be married. We should arrive there this afternoon.

A peasant approached us today, standing tall and not kowtowing. Apparently this simply is not done among Sovereign peasants, and Nyoko was quite scandalized. Come to learn that as Inquisitors, our power includes the execution of insufficiently subordinate peasants. Without question, in matters of power, the one with the hammer does all the agreeing for everyone…but there is power, and there is power. Where is the proportionality?

It turns out the peasant had good reason to be angry, although not at us, specifically—his daughter was ordered to take place in this wedding-night business. She (quite sensibly) chose to postpone her wedding rather than participate. Lord Nishi—he’s the one we’re after—apparently sent his guards to bring her. They either did not know or did not care that the wedding had been postponed, and when she refused to go with them they executed her. The previous Inquisitors sent to Hillside District saw nothing wrong with this. Add it to the list of abuses.

May 21, cont’d
Have arrived at the Keep at the Village Near the High Pass Leading to the District of the Rich Hillsides Terraced for Growth. Kettenek help me if I have to write the name of the whole place again. From now on, it is the Keep at High Pass Village.

It is also heavily guarded. As if preparing to be attacked.

Myosho Hokuta (the husband, also Masa-san’s cousin who brought this whole matter to the Adepts’ attention) and Lady Oroko Cho (the wife and noble-lady) recounted the situation in greater detail than we had from Lord Ono. It seems we have made a close shave of the timing: Lady Oroko is expected to present herself to sleep with Lord Nishi tomorrow night, and the wedding is the following day. That wouldn’t leave us much time even if Nishi’s estate weren’t nearly a day’s travel away.

We have two tasks: determine whether Nishi’s rape scheme is a heresy (it seems they will not just take Savina’s word for it, although I don’t see why not) and punish those responsible. But the legal formalities make a hash of this whole thing. Nishi’s men will show up here tomorrow to collect Lady Oroko. She can’t refuse a direct order from her liege lord (even if that order is to sleep with him), and we can’t give her permission to decline until we've proven, with evidence and everything, that Nishi's actions are heretical.

In fact, according to Nyoko, by declaring that she won’t sleep with Nishi, Lady Oroko is already in defiance of her liege lord, which is against the law. Nishi’s men have probably already left for High Pass to collect her. So when they show up tomorrow, her choice will be to go with them, be killed for insubordination… or begin an open revolt by resisting with force. She has already chosen open revolt—knowing that if she does not die in battle, the Ring of Peerage will hand down an order of execution for treason. Death or death. Her husband has offered to go perform the rite in her stead, but she forbade it. She is willing to delay her wedding by one day, but (understandably) not for more. (“Would your Goddess of love demand that I forestall my love for my betrothed?” she demanded) And if we stay here to defend her—i.e., delay our investigation of Nishi—we’ll be violating our oaths as Inquisitors by defending an insubordinate woman without cause. Madness.

It is as if Savina has steam coming from her ears, and I can see why. What's the point of having a legal system if you can’t manipulate it?

It seems our only choice is to get ourselves over to Nishi’s estate, investigate, and get this declared a heresy before Nishi’s guards arrive here in High Pass. It is as easy as feeding cabbage to a goat…if the goat were a day’s ride away and the cabbage were protected by a small army.

Now it is dark; we will set out first thing in the morning.


First Post

A warm, late-spring breeze danced around the carriage as it drew to a stop before the ironclad doors of Lord Nishi's keep. Mena ignored its playfulness. If the Twilight Goddess expected it to trick them, to put them at ease, Mena would have none of it. The stone walls rising before them concealed their quarry: Lord Nishi, heretic and rapist. Mena had already braced herself to encounter him. An overbearing noble, blinded by his position to the cruelties he inflicts. In other words, one of Sedellus's favorite tools.

She stepped out of the carriage – Savina joined her – and stood by as Kormick pounded on the doors. Kormick, she noted without surprise, was skillful at pounding on doors. "Open for the Inquisition!" he hollered.

A moment passed. Kormick turned to Mena and Savina. "How long should we give them before we break in?" he asked.

Mena glanced wryly at the silent, faceless structure. "Breaking in might at least get their attention," she answered.

Then a little window slid open in the door and a man's stern face glared out. "The Inquisition has come and gone," he said.

Kormick opened his mouth to respond, but Savina beat him to it. "And has returned. We come as deputized Inquisitors from Lord Ono in Cauldron," she said. "As an Alirrian expert, I in particular will be reviewing the work of the earlier Inquisitors. Surely you have nothing to hide?" Her voice was sweetly diplomatic, but Mena heard the steel underneath it. Savina had learned so much in such a short time.

Nyoko had also left the carriage and now glided up beside them, her Adept robes and Sovereign features tearing the man's gaze away from Savina. "I am Nyoko of Cauldron," she announced. "I give you my formal word as an Adept that these esteemed heathens speak truth. They represent the Inquisition." The man studied the tattoos on her face for a moment, and then slammed the sliding window shut. A moment later, with a rumble, the great doors opened.

The man, who was wearing sturdy workclothes and several blades, bowed them into the inner courtyard. "I am Yutaka," he said. "Captain of Lord Nishi's guard. You will forgive my skepticism, of course. These are complicated times."

Yutaka glanced meaningfully around them: the inner courtyard, in contrast to the quiet exterior of the keep, was bustling. Castle guardsmen were oiling the mechanism that controlled a wicked-looking portcullis, rolling barrels of supplies into storage sheds, and making other siege preparations. Mena raised an eyebrow. “Precautionary measures," Yutaka answered her unspoken question. "The serfs grow restless. It is, of course, unthinkable that they would rise up against Lord Nishi, but…” he shrugged.

“And what of those men?” Mena asked, nodding towards a troop of soldiers who were mounting up.

"They are preparing to leave for High Pass, to fetch Lady Oroko here in accordance with my Lord's will and that of our Lady Alirria," Yutaka explained in neutral tones.

"Yes, wonderful," said Kormick. "How bold of them to show no fear about that mission, even though our presence here suggests that they may soon be convicted heretics dying very horrible deaths." He spoke loudly. Sure enough, the soldiers heard him, and Mena caught a few alarmed looks.

Yutaka looked faintly sickened, too, but all he said was, "If you will come this way, I will see that my Lord is informed of your arrival."

He showed them into the castle, where another man, this one dressed in simple but expensive robes and armed only with the ceremonial wakizashi, met them.

"I am Kawazu Kameyo, seneschal of this Estate," he said, bowing. "I will bring you before my Lord Nishi."

He said nothing more, and they followed him in silence as he stalked down a stone hallway and escorted them into an audience chamber. The two elevated chairs at the far end were unoccupied, and the sunlight didn't reach this room, causing the huge stained-glass holy symbol of Alirria set in one window to seem cold and drab. The lofty ceilings only made the shadowy room feel more like a high-walled trap. Kawazu left and the door thudded shut behind him.

"Be on your guard," Mena murmured to Tavi.

"Constantly," he said. Kormick's hand was resting on the haft of one of his warhammers. Arden lingered by the door where they'd entered, her wary eyes meeting Mena's briefly before scanning the room. Savina inspected the holy symbol. "It's accurate," she concluded.

Then they all heard a raised voice coming from behind a second door near the two thrones. The voice grew louder as its owner grew closer, and suddenly Mena could make out words: "—could not have waited until tomorrow?! In our Lady's Name, we were just about to—" The door crashed open and in swept a young man in ostentatious robes, adjusting a heavy medallion of office around his neck. He was followed by a finely dressed woman and Kawazu, who looked cowed but called out, "Inquisitors, my Lord and Lady Nishi will hear you now."

Lord Nishi flopped into his throne. His wife seated herself primly beside him. "Cocky looking bunch, aren't they?" Lord Nishi asked no one in particular as Mena and the others walked forward. "Not bowing, even in the presence of a Governor?"

Lady Nishi said nothing. She merely looked down at the floor before her. "They are heathens, Nishi-san," murmured Kawazu apologetically.

Kormick didn't bow. "We are here on the authority of Lord Ono," he said. "I assume you know why."

"I must say, I don’t know why,” complained Lord Nishi. "I’ve been through this once, and I can't believe I have to go through it a second time." He pushed himself to the edge of his chair. "Persecution, that’s what it is. Persecution plain and simple. As I have repeatedly told my household, my vassals, and the first batch of Inquisitors, I'm practicing the rite just like it says to in The Lady's Ways. We're converting the district to public Alirrian worship the right way, everything above-board, and this rite in particular, tiresome though it might be, does provide a way for me to get to know my people better, that's all you need to know, are we done now?"

"Lord Nishi," said Kormick, "That is not even close to all that we need to know. Where did you say you first learned about this rite?"

Nishi rolled his eyes and flapped a hand at Kawazu. "A glass of something, Kawazu, instantly." Kawazu stepped to a sideboard, poured a single glass, and presented it to his lord as Nishi continued. "I'll trust you've studied up on the situation – you know that my wife comes from a long line of Alirrians, yes? That they lived in secret during the years of persecution prior to the Affirmation? And that I converted to her religion when we married? Well, then, we inherited her father's library when he died, vast dusty piles of books, ghastly, so much reading, and among them was The Lady's Ways, very important, very thick, and it spells out exactly what my duties are. I love my wife –" he paused to lift his glass to the lady beside him, who smiled back, tightly – "and I wish to honor the religion that she has brought to my house. So … I'll do what I must."

"How can you imagine that you must commit rape?" Savina burst out. "Alirria would never condone your committing such cruelty against your people."

"Cruelty to them, is it? Have you considered that this isn't easy on me, either? There were three weddings in one day last month! I was exhausted! It never stops! I barely have any energy left for my wife! But this is what worship of the Lady demands, and so it shall be done. And don’t think you can intimidate us into doing otherwise."

Mena was speechless. The others were speechless, too. This was not exactly the calculating villain they had expected.

Mena still didn’t like him.

Foolishly taking their silence for satisfaction with his answer, Nishi leaned back in his chair. "I imagine you'll insist upon staying for a few days, anyway, and asking everyone questions, making your report look good," he said airily. "Do as you must, et cetera, et cetera. Kawazu will show you around the place. Kindly don't trouble me and my wife if you can help it, though?"

The party continued to be speechless until Kawazu had shown them to a suite of rooms for their use. Only after the door closed upon the seneschal did Tavi say, slowly, "I guess … Lord Nishi was … misled?"

"How could someone be that misled?" asked Savina.

"He's like Nyoko here," said Kormick. "He was raised a certain way, can't see beyond it."

"He is not at all like Nyoko," said Mena. "Nyoko has brains."

"Excellent point, Dame Mena," Kormick conceded. "So we're all basically agreed, then, that Lord Nishi is an idiot and therefore entirely unlike Nyoko."

"So Witnessed," declared Nyoko heartily. Twiggy suppressed a giggle, Rose chuckled, and Tavi grinned, announcing: "Hey, Nyoko just made a joke!" Nyoko didn't smile, but she had a twinkle in her eye, and Mena liked her more for it.

Savina brought them back to seriousness. "If Lord Nishi was truly tricked into committing these crimes," she said, "then he is a fool, but he isn't the heretic we're looking for. We're looking for the person who tricked him."

"Who would do such a thing?" wondered Twiggy. "And why?"

Mena thought back over the many ways that Sedellus sowed dissent and discord. Sometimes, troublemakers were more effective when they undermined and discredited their opponents instead of attacking them outright. "We may be dealing with an undercover agent of the Tide," she said out loud. "Someone who wants to make Alirrian worship seem evil so that people will turn against it."

"That could be anyone here," said Tavi.

"Well," said Kormick. "Let's start asking questions."


First Post

Their questions led them first to the keep's library, where the book called The Lady's Ways—the one that Lord Nishi cited as his source for the rite—was stored. Kawazu, the seneschal, took them there personally.

Twiggy found the library faintly depressing from the moment she entered it, though at first she couldn't quite say why. It was a perfectly fine library: nowhere near as big as the Adepts' library in Cauldron, of course, but comparable to the di Raprezzis' library back home. Many old, ornate, fascinating books lined the shelves. Then, as she stepped closer, she saw that the books were covered in a fine layer of dust. And, after Kawazu pulled The Lady's Ways off a shelf, he set it on a dimly lit table surrounded only by stiff, uncomfortable-looking chairs.

Ah ha, thought Twiggy, realizing what the problem with the place was. This room and these books are not owned by people who love reading.

The book Kawazu had placed before them, however, was beautiful: it had tooled leather covers and, as he opened it, Twiggy glimpsed rich illuminations accompanying the steady hand of a master scribe. Kawazu began flipping pages, but Mena held out her hand to stop him.

"If you would be so kind, Seneschal, we will take it from here," she said.

Kawazu looked nonplussed. "It is unacceptable for me to leave you in here alone with the collection," he said. "These are valuable books—not that you would harm them deliberately, of course, but unintentional damage—"

"I am quite certain we will handle your lord's books with great care," said Mena.

"We love books," Twiggy explained.

"These books are unusually special," said Kawazu, continuing to balk. "They belonged to my Lady Nishi's father—most of them were copied and decorated by his own hand—"

"Did he do this one?" asked Twiggy, glancing again at the fine scribal hand on the pages of The Lady's Ways.

"Yes," Kawazu said warily.

"It is crucial that our investigation be untainted by your influence," said Kormick. "I propose a compromise. Step aside and let us work, but remain in the room and tell us to stop if we—I don't know, set fire to things or whatever it is you fear."

"Not so long ago, the Inquisition would eagerly have burned these books," said Kawazu, without humor.

"Those days are past now," said Savina. "You can trust us. Please?"

Twiggy glimpsed Nyoko twitch with some kind of impatience, but Kawazu relented. He took up a silent and watchful position by the door. As soon as he was out of the way, Twiggy, Mena, and Savina practically pounced on the book. Mena began turning pages with great care.

They flipped past page after page of Alirrian aphorisms, Alirrian prayers, and Alirrian rites. The text was sparse, and there were lots of pictures. It was not, Twiggy thought, a particularly deep book. In fact, though it was beautiful, its content was bland and so obviously orthodox that nobody even needed Savina to confirm it. Then, finally, on a page just like the others, they found it: "The Rite of Joyous Union." They leaned in closer to read…

As two people are joined in joyous union into one family, and as all who owe their allegiance to their liege lord are unto them as part of a family, so too shall the liege be made part of the family by taking one of the partners to their bed the night before the wedding.

There was a silence as they all took it in.

"Lord Kawazu, you said that Lady Nishi's father copied this book?" said Tavi finally.

"Indeed, Inquisitor-san. He was a fine scribe; these books were his in every sense of the word."

"And where is he now?"

"He died of pneumonia nearly a year ago."

"Well, if we cannot talk to the man himself," said Savina, "then I think it's time we spoke with his daughter."


As the party waited in Lady Nishi's parlor for her appearance—and she seemed to be taking her time—Nyoko decided to bring up something that had been troubling her.

"Honored heathens, if I may…" she ventured. Nearly as one, they all politely turned to her.

"Yes, Nyoko-san?" asked Savina curiously.

Nyoko stared at them, in their solemn Inquisitorial robes, and wondered how to say what needed to be said. "You—" she began. "You might need to know—You are the least convincing Inquisitors ever! How do you expect to get anywhere by being so nice?" She had not expected to let the words burst out in quite that way, but she had spent the entire morning being so flummoxed.

There was a slight pause as the party absorbed her words.

"I have been accused of being many things," said Kormick. "'Nice' is not one of them."

"Honored Justicar," said Nyoko, "I happen to think that you are nice, in your way, and I appreciate that. I appreciate that about all of you: you say please, you offer compromises. But while you are acting as Inquisitors, you must be cold, aloof, and dangerous."

"I hope you're not suggesting that we should have killed that peasant who did not bow to us on the road," said Mena, sounding cold, aloof, and dangerous.

"It would not be my role to suggest such things or not," said Nyoko. "I merely point out a matter of protocol. You did not teach him to respect you as he ought. The same is true here, with Seneschal Kawazu-san, for example. If you don’t command proper respect, you will get none."

"But surely respect can be earned in many ways," said Savina. "Sometimes you earn it by making people feel comfortable and respected themselves."

"Savina, again you surprise me with your knowledge of Undian tactics," said Kormick. "I wouldn't have believed you knew about the Mutton Jig."

There was another pause.

"I'm sorry?"

"You know, you know: when you lure the mark in for a rich meal and many drinks before stabbing him in his very full gut. That said, Lady Nyoko, I also take your point. There may come a time when straightforward force is required."

Nyoko seized the opening. "I propose a system of signs," she said. "If, during the rest of the investigation, you say or do something that is far too friendly for an Inquisitor, I will stroke my eyebrow." She demonstrated carefully. "If circumstances become such that you ought to threaten them with the full weight of your Inquisitorial power, I will tug on my ear."

She wasn't sure they were paying as much attention as they should. Savina, for example, was still gaping at the Justicar's reference to his homeland's dismal-sounding mealtime traditions. That's all I can do, Nyoko concluded silently. Anything more, and I'll be interfering with an Inquisition, not simply offering instruction about protocol. Nyoko bit her tongue, and moments later, the door opened. As Lady Nishi stepped into the room, emanating privilege and resistance, Nyoko waited to see how these inexperienced Inquisitors answered the noblewoman's silent challenge.


Just to keep everyone up to date -- it's deadline-o-rama here in Halmae Central, so we're all a bit crazed. "Law & Order: Hillside District" will update soon!



I've been reading this thread lately, after recently finishing the original Welcome to the Halmae. Both have been very fun reads, and as everyone else who follows along, I'm eagerly awaiting the next update! :) I just figured I'd take this opportunity during the lull to express my admiration for the players, characters, writers and, of course, DM for this imaginative group! Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us. :) I hope your game endures for years, as well as your endurance for updating us here!!

Also, and not to go too off topic I hope, let me say how much I love "Leverage"! I see it mentioned here from time to time, and I really enjoy it! The characters totally make the show, and it's no surprise to me that the same is reflected in this story hour. It seems almost a synchronicity bordering on predestinat- oops, sorry, slipped into Giles-speak there for a second! ;)

Anyway, thank again and please keep up the great work!!


First Post
Wow, SolitonMan, thanks for the very kind words! We have so much fun playing, and I'm really enjoying sharing that fun with more people by writing the Story Hour. As I mentioned 'way back at the beginning, this is my first time playing any role-playing game, and I was ... skeptical ... but Fajitas and each of my fellow players have won me over to the ranks of enthusiastic DnD'ers more completely than I ever expected to be won. Collaborative improv storytelling is basically one of the best hobbies EVER.

Thanks again!


First Post
[Whoops, posted twice by mistake when really I was just trying to add the "PS" that appears below: look for an update tomorrow. Anyone know how to delete duplicates?]

Wow, SolitonMan, thanks for the very kind words! We have so much fun playing, and I'm really enjoying sharing that fun with more people by writing the Story Hour. As I mentioned 'way back at the beginning, this is my first time playing any role-playing game, and I was ... skeptical ... but Fajitas and each of my fellow players have won me over to the ranks of enthusiastic DnD'ers more completely than I ever expected to be won. Collaborative improv storytelling is basically one of the best hobbies EVER.

Thanks again!

PS: Look for an update tomorrow.
Last edited:

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