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A Speed Character


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I've seen characters based on the ability to smash through any objects (your tanks), characters that can destroy an opponent with the fury of arcane magic, etc etc...

What I was really wondering was how could I make a character that was based on speed? You know, something along the lines of "I saw him in front of me one second, my eyes closed to blink and then I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was him." But I don't mean just movement rate or else I would just play a monk, but also fighting wise, like all you see if flashes of metal as an opponent is decimated to pieces in front.

I was wonder what could you put together to make that character, not strong, not highly intelligent, but just really really fast. Any ideas would be great.

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serves Gnome Master
Crothian said:
There are psionic powers that increase speed, or you can go with the monk.
There are actually psionic feats that increase movement as well... however, for what you are describing, the ring of blinking seems closest...

I think most important is the Dm giving good/cool descriptions of insane movement rates.



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Whatever else to make the character fast, able to hide (as in, plain sight), and of course, Jump, Tumble, and Spring Attack.


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doraemon8 said:
But I don't mean just movement rate or else I would just play a monk, but also fighting wise, like all you see if flashes of metal as an opponent is decimated to pieces in front.

Weapon finesse with a crazy dex sounds like it would best suit that image. It sounds to me like you want to play a Drizzt-esque character.


Psychic warrior, with possible the Ninja PrC, is what you're looking for. Maybe even Barbarian for the extra movement at 1st.


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A monk/psychic warrior can do this quite well. Great fun, too. There are a number of powers and psi feats that let you pull this off well. Let me think here...

Many of the psychoportive powers can be thought of as just moving really fast. Blur, Haste, Burst, etc, all work really well here. Speed of Thought and Mental Leap allow you to pull off some very impressive stuff. The 'Quicker than the Eye' feat from Song and Silence might be worth looking at, as well as Lightning Fists from Sword and Fist. That's what I played when I wanted a speedster character, and I found it was very effective, as well as being great fun. Not quite up to the standards of a tank in straight-up combat (poor to-hit rolls, mostly; even with a 22 Dex and Weapon Finesse I wasn't at the same level as someone with a high Str and a fighter-type BAB). However, it was very effective at setting up flanking and taking out spellcasting opponents. There are a few psi powers that will help out your combat ability; those are worth looking at.

Deja vu... I just posted about this character yesterday. Odd.


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Something like this?

Nyovne "the infidel" Sindweller
Name: Nyovne Sindweller
Race: Quickling (Small Fey)
Class: Quickling1/Ranger1/Rogue5/Ninja of the Crecent Moon10/Duelist1
Allignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: Erevan Ilsere/AL:Chaotic Neutral/Portfolio:mischief, change, rogues
Age: 126
Height: 2’9”
Weight: 28 lb
Sex: Female

Quicklings are small and slender, resembling miniature elves with very sharp, feral features. Their ears are unusually large and rise to points above their heads. Their skin ranges from pale to blue-white. Their hair is silver or white. Quicklings dress in fine clothes of bright colors. They are fond of silver and black, and often wear or adorn their clothes with these colors. Quicklings never wear any form of armor or cumbersome clothes.

Str 12 +1
Dex 44 +17
Con 23 +6
Int 25 +7
Wis 24 +7
Cha 19 +4

HD: 6d6+10d8+2d10+106
HP: 196hp
AC: 71
BAB: +13/+8/+3
Initiative: +22
Speed: 240 ft (Su, not doubled by boots)

Fort +19
Ref +43
Will +24

Hide +61
Move Silently +57
Jump +44
Balance +32
Tumble +25
Escape Artist +26

Spot +15
Search +12
Listen +16
Wilderness Lore +36

Open Lock +60
Disable Device +53
Craft (Electronics) +15
Use Computers +53
Profession (Electrical engineer [computing]) +53
Profession (Programmer) +53
Knowledge(Security systems) +53
Knowledge (Technology) +53
Knowledge (Programming) +53
Knowledge (Vehicles) +55
Pilot (Vehicles) +51

Quick Draw
Improved Unarmed Strike
Deflect Arrows
Flick of the wrist
Improved Two Weapon Fighting

(Gained by classes)
Two Weapon Fighting

(Gained by race)
Weapon Finesse (Dagger)
Spring Attack

Special Abilities:
(from classes)
Favored Enemy: Humans

Evasion: At 2nd level, a rogue gains evasion. If exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage, the rogue takes no damage with a successful saving throw. Evasion can only be used if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. It is an extraordinary ability.

Uncanny Dodge: She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker and she can no longer be flanked. Another rogue or ninja at least four levels higher can still flank.

Canny Defense: A duelist gains her Intelligence bonus as a bonus to AC, she loses this bonus when she would normally lose her Dexterity bonus to AC.

Monklike Armor Bonus: A ninja of the Crecent Moon gains her Wisdom bonus as a bonus to AC, she loses this bonus when she would normally lose her Dexterity bonus to AC.

Improved Evasion: The ninja takes only half damage on a failed reflex save.

Opportunist: Once per round, She can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee by another character. This attack counts as the rogue's attacks of opportunity for that round. Even a ninja with the Combat Reflexes feat can't use the opportunist ability more than once per round.

Poison Use: Ninjas are trained in the use of poison and never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying poison to a blade.

Fast Climb: The ninja can scurry up a wall at unbelievable speed. With each successful Climb check, the ninja can move half her speed as a move-equivalent action, or her speed as a full-round action. Furthermore, she retains her Dex bonus to AC while climbing.

Fast Sneak: When using Move Silently and Hide, the ninja can move at her normal speed without suffering a penalty to those skills.

Invisibility: The ninja can turn invisible (as the spell invisibility, but targetting herself only) once daily for each level of ninja.

Gaseous Form: You can assume gaseous form, as the spell, once per day for 1 round per class level. Using this ability requires a full-round action.

Silencing Attack: If the ninja successfully hits a flat-footed opponent with a melee attack, the opponent is unable to speak for one round. This prevents casting spells with a verbal component and shouting warnings or alarms.

Kuji-kiri: By making mystical hand gestures as a standard action, the ninja can render opponents helpless as if she would cast hypnotic pattern. The ninja can affect 2d4 +1 per ninja level HD with kuji-kiri, and subjects must make Will saves against DC 12 + the ninja’s Charisma bonus to avoid the effect. The hypnotic pattern lasts as long as the ninja continues to gesture, plus one additional round. The ninja can use this power once daily for each level of ninja.

Improved Kuji-kiri: The ninja’s swirling hand gestures are harder to resist. Kuji-kiri now affects 3d6 +1 per ninja level HD of creatures, and the Will save DC is 15 + the ninja’s Charisma bonus.

Always Sneaky: The ninja is always taking 10 on Move Silently and Hide. Unless the ninja wants to be seen or heard, make opposed Spot and Listen check to detect the ninja’s presence.

Blindsight: Using nonvisual senses, such as sensitivity to vibrations, scent, acute hearing, or echolocation, the ninja maneuvres and fights just as well in darkness as in light. Invisibility and darkness are irrelevant, though the ninja still cannot discern ethereal beings. The ninja’s blindsight extends for 60 feet.

Ethereal Jaunt: By focussing his ki, the ninja can become ethereal for a moment or two. Three times a day as a free action, the ninja can make an ethereal jaunt (as the spell of the name, except the duration is only 1 round).

(from race)
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day--dancing lights, daze, levitate, shatter and ventriloquism. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 6th-level sorceress (save DC 12 + spell level)

haste (ex): A quickling is affected by a permanent haste spell. This grants the quickling one extra partial action, either before or after its regular action. It also grants the quickling a +4 bonus to its AC. The quickling loses the +4 AC bonus anytime it would lose a dodge bonus. The quickling can jump one and one half times as far as normal.
This is a inherent bonus and cannot be dispelled or negated.

Natural invisibility (ex): A quickling is effectively invisible when in its natural climate (temperate) or when not moving. It loses this invisibility when it attacks.

Skills: Quicklings receive a +8 racial bonus to jump checks.

Feats: Quicklings gain the Spring Attack feat as a bonus feat.

Low light vision: All quicklings can see in dimly lit conditions as well as in daylight.

Dagger 1: ("Good Hand")
Attack: +38/+38/+33/+28
Damage: 1d4+2 + 8d6 (sneak attack)

Dagger 2: ("Off Hand")
Attack: +36/+31
Damage: 1d4+2 + 8d6 (sneak attack)

2x Dagger (+1 sure striking)

View of the infidel (These modern sunglasses grant the wearer use of the Darkaura ability, when placed over the eyes, these ebony glasses allow normal vision and reveal the state of health of all creatures visible to the wearer within 25 feet. These glasses indicate wether each is dead, fragile (3 or fewer hitpoints left), fighting off death (alive with 4 or more hitpoints), undead, or neither alive nor dead (a construct for example))

Webs of the infidel, gloves (Wearer gains spider climb as the spell, a +20 bonus to Pilot(vehicles), +20 bonus to Pick Lock, +20 bonus to disable Device and +6 enhancement bonus to Dexterity)

Belt of Health (+6 enhancement bonus to Constitution)

Diadem of the infidel (+6 enhancement bonus to wisdom, +20 bonus to Knowledge(Technology), +20 bonus to Knowledge(Programming), +20 bonus to Knowledge(Vehicles) and +20 bonus to Knowledge(Security systems))

Neclace of Intelligence (+6 enhancement bonus to Intelligence)

Vest of Protection (+5 deflection bonus to AC and +10 bonus to hide)

Amulet of natural armor (+5 natural armor bonus to AC)

Bracers of armor (+8 armor bonus to AC)

Tatoo of the infidels stupidity (+5 luck bonus, +5 to initiative)

The infidels Iridecent tatoo of ignorance (Wearer requires no food, water or air to survive)

You can run but you can't hide, Crystal (When held grants the person holding it +20 bonus to Wilderness Lore)

The Eighteen Lives of the infidel (Nine times when the wearers hitpoints are reduced to 0 or lower the ring automatically casts heal upon it wearer, 9 charges left)

The Eighteen Lives of the infidel (Nine times when the wearer fails a save against a death effect or -spell the wearer automatically makes the save, 9 charges left)

Warping Cloak (As cloak of displacement major, 50% miss chance against wearer)

4x Silent Portal Disc (Can be attached to any object or surface with a simple command word, when placed on a window, door, portal ect it is effected by the spell silent portal and makes no sound when used or opened. Each disc can be used once per day)

Nyovne’s laptop, the infidels tool (Grants user after entering correct password and protocolls a + 20 bonus to Profession(Programmer), +20 bonus to Profession(electrics engineer[Computing]) and a +20 bonus to use computers, water proof, anti-reflection screen for clear view even when light shines upon it and comes with touchscreen ability)

The infidels alibi (Double the wearers base speed, add a +10 bonus to move silently checks, grant the wearer constant use of the pass without trace ability, grant a +30 bonus to jump checks and the wearer has no limitations to distance or height jumped, grant a +10 bonus to balance checks. The two special powers of these boots are that the user can walk over liquid/non-solid surfaces but only when he is using the run option. The other is that the user can jump from any height and land without only taking 1d6 damage no matter what the distance he fell/jumped, this only works when he lands on his feet and doing so takes a balance check that starts at DC 0 and increases with +1 every 20 feet the user jumped. The two special powers of these boots are that the user can walk over liquid/non-solid surfaces but only when he is using the run option. The other is that the user can jump from any height and land without only taking 1d6 damage no matter what the distance he fell/jumped, this only works when he lands on his feet and doing so takes a balance check that starts at DC 0 and increases with +1 every 20 feet the user jumped.)

Equipment (In Hewards Handy Haversack):
Backpack (waterproof and airtight)
Thermo Sleepingbag (waterproof)
10 Power Cells (for laptop)
10 Batteries
Carbonfiber Crowbar
2 pieces of chalk
Trail rations for 10 days
Sack (waterproof and airtight)
Masterwork Electronical Engineer Tools
Spare electronic parts and circuits
2 bars of soap
Masterwork Thieves tools
Climbers Kit
Headset (Earspeakers and minature microphone)
Portable Satelite Connection Modem
Scrambling device to scramble radio transmissions
Equipment to hook up onto another system or computer (standard cables hardware)

Lots of datadiscs containing backups of all software and knowledge known to Nyovne and abvailable on her systems. This contains all possible software available to her at this moment and alot of selfprogrammed software.

3 Sound Bugs (A single Soundbug can generate sound levels of up to 75 dBm peak, easily loud enough for a group of people to enjoy music together, or listen to the sound output from a laptop presentation or a camcorder video. Two Soundbugs can be linked in parallel to generate full stereo sound (from a stereo source) with a significantly increased sound output level:
-Turns any hard, glossy surface into a sound source
-Generates sound levels of up to 75 dBm peak
-Two Soundbugs can be linked in parallel to generate full stereo sound
-Dimensions: 3.8" x 2.1" x 1.5")

Small Handcomputer, attached on back of her right hand (GPS and Enviromental Information, as airpressure, temperature, humidity, aircomposition and radiation, waterproof and touchscreen)

Quick Acces Touchpad, attached to the back of her left hand (Small waterproof and equipped with touchscreen ability, this small device grants Nyove quick acces to her BeowulfNode and her laptop with only a tap on the back of her hand. Can call upon information and insert information directly without needing to take out the Node or her laptop itself for quick interaction and basic tasks like calling upon stored information)

Bleutooth (a advanced infrared datastream connection kit which can be used to interact with systems at a distance up to 300 feet, waterproof. This system uses a spread spectrum, frequency hopping, full-duplex signal at up to 1600 hops/sec. The signal hops among 79 frequencies at 1 MHz intervals to give a very high degree of interference immunity. Up to seven simultaneous connections can established and maintained)

Firegreen (Extremely bright green laser at 532 nm wavelength;
-Output power of <5mW (Class IIIa Laser Product)
-Range of approximately 9,000 ft (2600 m) in darkness
-1.1 mm beam diameter at source
-Momentary push button switch
-Solid, heavy duty construction
-Constant wave output (as opposed to pulse output)
-Class IIIa Laser
-Powered by a diode with a lifetime of 3000-5000 hours
-Can be used for: projection on low clouds, signalling, and most importantly to transger digital data from sendernode to a recepternode almost instantly but must make direct and uninterrupted contact, interrupted contact will be autoresumed when possible)

2x iSun (The iSun Portable Solar Charger is a complete solar charger for small electronics. It comes with plugging accessories that will enable you to run over 90% of all small electronics. The travelling geek can use it to run a cell phone, PDA, laptop, etc. The gadget geek can use it to run a GPS, FRS radio, two-way radio, cell phone, hand-held games, digital camera, and a portable mp3, minidisc or CD player.
If you need more power, it is possible to connect multiple iSun units together. The iSun comes with 9 connector accessories, plus 2 small suction cups that can used to attach the iSun to a window)

5pp and 5gp and 5sp and 5cp on her at all times. She has acces to 8471gp funds on her bank account.

Voidrunner's Codex

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