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A supposedly great thing that I'll never watch again- Great media that left you cold

Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
Mmmm... well. I'm 44. Sometimes I find D&D (and the whole fantasy thing) silly. I definitely approve if somebody starts an editorial line with high profile stories and plot aimed to people without adolescence issues to cope with :)
let me say aimed at people accostumed to read high brow literature. My wet dream is WOTC hiring hi level writers and creatives to design out of the standard adventures in a product line called "D&D Experiments".

I've thought about that. I would wait about 10 years for the younger generation of writers reared on it to make its way through the pipeline, so to speak--Lev Grossman did a fairly highbrow trilogy that deals with the effects of the game within a modern-fantasy world--the wizards have played D&D and researched spells that copy Magic Missile and Fireball, among others. Being a DM involves storytelling for an audience, so it's not crazy there would be overlap with writers.

Personally I don't think 'highbrow fiction', with its focus on interiority, would work well as a D&D module--the guy's reflecting on his middle-aged angst, roll Wisdom save to see if he buys a new car/ breaks up with his wife? (Change gender/etc. of protagonists to your taste.) There are indie games that do these kind of personal conflicts, of course, but they don't sell all that well.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
It's like saying it's bad, but there are other things that just make me shake my head. Too many to get into, and almost all of them spoilers...but...for example...

Babylon 5 is over 20 years old now. I think that's beyond the need for spoiler protection.

You have this guy (Mordon) that has Shadows escorting him all the time. There are at least three of them surrounding him at all times. So...then we see him go through crowded markets with people all around him...and you go...just how are those three large spiderlike Shadows avoiding everyone that easily???

They are spider-like. Didn't you think of the walls?

Marcus Cole is an extreme Mary Sue.

Yeah. Nobody likes Marcus in retrospect.

I know many Babylon 5 fans will say this is not so, but it seems obvious to me that Sinclair was originally supposed to be the star and fill the shoes that Sheridan does.

You tell us what fans of the show will say, but utter things that show ignorance of what is common understanding among fans. Heck, this is all on Wikipedia, and the show's creator has been quite open about it. We are all quite aware that Sheriden was not the original intent.

We also know Michael O'Hare, the actor portraying Sinclair, developed severe and debilitating mental health issues during filming of the first season, and had to excuse himself from the production. This was kept quiet out of respect for the actor until his death, but at the actor's request, it has been public knowledge for nearly a decade.

So... maybe cut them some slack for having to make that switch, and also, don't speak for the fans, hm?

After the actor left the show it was rewritten with Sheridan in mind, and then with War without end they backfilled and retroactively created a story to make sense with what they had already done.

It is my understanding that the essence of War Without End was actually the original plan. O'Hare left the show with an agreement that if he could manage it he could come back and close that loop.

Too much religion or religious reference in my Sci Fi. I know many like it that way, but it was so heavy handed at times that it made me cringe.

So, interesting point here - the author is an avowed atheist. He finds exploration of spiritual and belief systems interesting, however.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
There's a few things I've actively been avoiding watching for no real reason.

The movie Titanic. Never seen it, don't want to, doesn't really interest me.
I have an amusing (to me) story about Titanic. It was out in the theaters. Me and a friend refused to see it. It got all sorts of rave reviews. Nope, we still wouldn't see it. Everybody talking about it. Nope. It kept going on. Nope. Finally, it had been in the theaters for something like six months. That was fricking unheard of - nothing lasted that long. Especially an overlong (by cultural expectations) movie that everyone knows the end. "Titanic sinks." So finally, after resisting so long, we went to see it.

No, there's no punch line. Just aggressive resistance that finally got worn away by it defying all norms by staying in the theaters so, soooo long. I enjoyed it, teared up at the appropriate parts. It wasn't amazing; I've never watched it again.

Anime also seem some don't get it doesn't interest me.
Anime is a medium. Black and white films (or photgraphs) don't generally interest me, same concept.


Elder Thing
Napoleon Dynamite and The Big Bang Theory both seemed to be made by and for the kinds of people who harassed and beat up on me and my friends in middle school.

No thank you.


Napoleon Dynamite and The Big Bang Theory both seemed to be made by and for the kinds of people who harassed and beat up on me and my friends in middle school.

No thank you.
I thought Napoleon dynamite and Big Bang theory was about making geeks be fun and win the day?
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Elder Thing
I though Napoleon dynamite and Big Bang theory was about making geeks be fun and win the day?
To non-geeks, they probably seem that way.

And I of course can't speak for all geeks; those programs have many fans and I'm not here to devil or shame anyone. But I found them both to be full of the same BS stereotyping my friends and I had dealt with for decades.


The EN World kitten
I can't bring myself to watch HBO's Game of Thrones. I sat through the very first episode, and that was enough to confirm that I just couldn't get into it. Having read the books, all I can see is what the TV show doesn't portray, and it just comes across as a pale imitation.


Napoleon Dynamite and The Big Bang Theory both seemed to be made by and for the kinds of people who harassed and beat up on me and my friends in middle school.

No thank you.
Definitely felt the same way about BBT. It always felt like it was laughing at geeks and nerds, not with us. Napoleon Dynamite didn't make me feel quite that way, for some reason. Maybe because it was presented more with just a "here's life" vibe, than stopping every 10 seconds for a laugh track?

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