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A Warlock Alone, Island Empire solo game

J. Alexander

First Post
Tergere Blue

What does Michael know about Tergere Blue. Is it a rare expesive dye or have a unique color.? How widley is it known off and does it have a following? Any idea of the price of items colored with it etc...does it have any special properties ?

Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 4, getting [12,4] = (16) Knowledge

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J. Alexander

First Post
Letter to Matthew Stormwarden

27th day of High Summer in the 2nd year of the 2nd year of the reign of Xenieda the First
Aboard the Retribution
Location at Sea

Dearest Uncle,

I take pen to hand to write of some recent developments that may prove helpful in reestablishing my branch of the familes fortune. As I have informed you, we have taken possession of a ship committing priacy named the Trident and renamed her the Retribution. the value of the cargo was not what i hoped, some 3000gp of assorted valuables, but I have developed several leads as to other profitable ventures and will soon undertake them.

I think the time has come to formally found the enterprise of "Storm and Company" using a logo of an scarlet script S transsfixed by a bolt of lighting done in black. I ask that you undertake the incorpoation of this crew with our family solicitiors and establish an account for it at "First Empire" Please arrange for the title of the ship to be formally transferred to the company. I wish for the stock to be divided as follows. M. Storm 60 percent. Grond Stonebuilder 5 percent, Nicholas Baron 5 percent, and hold 20 percent for Crew Shares.I am not sure how this will work or what is the customary format so any adivce would be greatly apprecated.

Further, should any family member wish to invest in our little venture, I am willing to distribute up to 20 percent of the stock to direct blood family. Based upon the current net worth of the ship and holdings now in our possession, I am contributing in excess of 100,000gp ( okay a little white lie lol but i do have hopes of it being that amount or close to it soon} in value for my stake so they price per share should be based upon the number of shares divided into 200,000 gp par value...that is of course if this is how a crew divides it's shares....

Also, if you could provide me with a list of potientail merchants or contacts that you or perhaps m y late father may have dealt with in these particular ports I would be most appreciateive of a letter of intoduction to them. ( List the ports in the zig zag pattern from Mermaids Rest to IceWatch.


M. Storm
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J. Alexander

First Post
Letter to Captain Honager Marin

27th day of High Summer in the 2nd year of the 2nd year of the reign of Xenieda the First
Aboard the Retribution

Dear Captain Marin,

Further information has come to me, that the pirates operating out of this area are in fact a resistance group struggling against the Dwarves in this area. While they are pirates in all but name and attitude, I have deemed it best to allow two to live so as to open up other sources of information within this area that may at some time in the future prove beneficial.

I have in my possession the names of the ships which were attacked and taken prize by them and their Shark Men allies and could perhaps acquire sworn statments to the fact that the ships were indeed lost to act of Piracey committed by Shark Men. Would this be helpfully to the ship's owners in the recovery of insurance etc? If so would there be a fee involved in providing this type of verification?

My next course of action, will most likely be a raid on the Shark Men in an attempt to eliminate this threat and perhaps free prisoners as well as secure funding for our voyaage to Icewatch.

With the taking of the ship, we also found some 3000gp in cargo, which i plan to trade in TERGER for provisions, and supplies as well as some of it's fine dyes. This should make the Retribution somewhat self sufficent so as not to burden you with a request for additionaly funding when you have already proven yourself to be more than generous.

This may mean a slight delay in the recovery of your son and crew, but as we really have no leads at this point, I am turing over any rock that presents itself in the hope of securing a qualified lead. We shall recover your son and crew and deal with those who took them or condoned their imprisonment in such a way as to make pirates and thieves shudder for generations to come.


M. Storm

OCC: Could i have an actual date for my letters...it will help me keep the chronology straignt"
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J. Alexander

First Post
Letter to Veroneek DeViree

27th day of High Summer in the 2nd year of the 2nd year of the reign of Xenieda the First
Abaord the Retribution

Neva Grandessa Veroneek DeViree
Castle DeViree
Codella on Pellona, Cambre.

Dear Neva Grandessa,

I have recently seperated from the company of young Master Swift and his employer, Captain Morwyn, having found them to be just as you described them to me. Needless to say, I should have let you deal with the young sea dog as you felt you should rather than interffering, but alas at that time he was a member of my party and owed what protection I had to offer.

At this time, I have no idea if Master Swift intends to honor his debit to you or if Captain MOrwn would step up and honor it as he should. Therfore know that when I find a suitable gift for a lady of your standing, I shall send it on behalf of my debit to you and that of Master Swift.

I shall be calling upon (Name of Port on the way to Icewatch) from which i will post another letter to you and hopefully a suitable gift.

Should you know of one or two sorceros of fledging ability who wish to adventure and join a newly formed crew, then I will be more than happy to recive them on board the Retribution as they will have an impecciable reference. They may contact me at the above port and should we find ourselves unable to reach a decsions in regards to their employment or joining of the crew, then I will be more than happy to pay them for there time and the cost of their passage.

Enclosed you will find a small token of my sinericty in regards to the offer of employment and should you know of no one then please keep it as a downpayment on mine and Master Swifts debit to you.


M. Storm

(Enclosed will be a draft in the amount of 100 gp endoresed over to her)
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J. Alexander

First Post
Font Colors

OCC: Just getting a couple of Font Colors to play with..Microsoft will not really let me change colors without a long script error session...so i cut an apsted some from the other campaing..could you do a reply with a blue and a purple at some poing...

It appears that Christopher may not have been the only theif, Michael has apparently stolen a boat. I suggest we make haste to port before Michael does and ruins our rescue

Gentlemen, I've just been told that Marienna has two doses of a revivication elixir. One is reserved for Master Marin's son, Allois, in case of the worst. Unless you object, I intend
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OOC: Tregeren blue is a dye made from a plant found only on Tregere. Attempts to grow the plant elsewhere have been unsuccessful. Appearently, the swamps of Tregere have just the right level of salinity and other needed minerals for the plant to thrive. It will grow in other areas, but doesn't achieve the special color elsewhere. It has no special properties though it is useful in certain alchemical formulas. Clothes made with this dye typically command a 50% mark up over an otherwise identical item with a more common dye. It is prized in the Shield arm chain in particular.


OOC: Note that you can do colors the same way you do spoilers. Here is an example, but please use [ ] instead of the {} type I will use for my sample. {COLOR=Blue}Here is an example.{/COLOR}

Here are some samples for you.



I use a black background so lighter colors are best. Given how many posts I have to read it would be appreciated if you could use fairly easy to read colors such as:







Once the water is out of the hold Michael and Grond make a careful search (taking 20 you don't get to roll just 20+6). They find a pair of boards down low that come away. These would have been below the water previously. There is a small space behind the wall here that goes up about 6 feet and is 3 feet wide and 18 inches deep. A small watertight cask is stashed hanging by a cord just above the level where the water would have reached previously. To reach it Michael will have to stick his head and shoulder into the space and reach up.

J. Alexander

First Post
Secret Carpetment

Michael will take 20 + 6 (search) and look for a trap...if it is a spot then it will be 20+4. If one is found he will attemtp to disable it taking another 20+4....

Sounds like Tergere blue might be a good trade item if it is not to terribley expenisve at it's source.......

OCC: I have annoyed you yet with the letters and trains of thought....:D ..i know lol but i am trying to get something moving here and honestly I am at a loss as to how to really generate leads so I am trying the old thorw enought paper at it and see if some of it sticks trick....

How fare is Tergere from Mermaids Rest?

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