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A WH40K Movie, Possible or Not?


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Umbran said:
I'd hazard a guess that the production values you want are not available without the budget and technical expertise that exists only from American movie productions.

I think you're grossly underestimating the skill of foreign crews, and on budget, I have to disagree also.

If you've seen Nightwatch, it's quite amazing what they did with 4 million dollars. Production values which easily rival and at times surpass a great deal of Hollywood movies. It's no secret that crews and actors are very much overpaid in Hollywood productions. Especially considering that the quality is often lacking.

To the OP: I'm no expert, but I think the market for a hard-core military sci-fi with some heavy religious elemenets which bucks convention is small.
Your best bet is a well done anime.

*I* would definately like to see a movie in this universe, done in the way you have described it. I would also like to see a movie based on the Starcraft and Warcraft universes. The former with all the political incorrectness and gory action.

At least Legendary Pictures bought the rights or at least to right to film a Warcraft movie, so we might get to see that someday.

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Cronicles of Riddik always seemed like a good '40k' movie.

Gaunts Ghosts or Eisenhorn would be a better basis then Space Marines. In the end Space Marines are only good at being realy hard core... you cant realy connect with them.


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Sorry for Delay, now that the storms have passed by I'm back online.

Umbran: Hollywood is very skilled, essentially the problem is that the executives who control the purse strings are painfully averse to anything that might be even slightly controversial and wedded to a formula of elements to include in their film that aren't compatible with the WH40K setting. Regarding budgets and production values I have to say that after seeing Nightwatch they could pull off a 40K movie with the right director, Hollywood has suffered from massive budget bloat and now that the production values of some foreign outfits is catching up there are alternatives.

Rykion: Heard about both of them haven't seen any trailers though.

cignus_pfaccari: Either of your suggestions would make excellent movies. I just figured the best way to introduce the setting more broadly was with something that has some similarities to existing movies and can dump you in with limited explanation. A 'nid invasion makes a good starting point shows many of the aspects of the setting without requiring lengthy explanation and allows a broad canvas to paint the terrible scope and bleakness of the setting without delving into esoteric subjects right away. And the Space Marines can make excellent protagonists if done well, they wouldn't be like typical movie protagonists but generally the greatest complaints about most movies are how formulaic they are at least they could break out of this and show something truly different.

Joker: I agree, Nightwatch showed that outside of the bloating nausea that is Hollywood you CAN get a good movie made with a budget that would be infinitessimal by their standards. Ultimately even a small market can produce a profit if you don't have to deal with a Hollywood budget and Hollywood actors. But I think that the market could be much bigger than is commonly accepted. Before LoTR how many people thought there was any makret for fantasy movies? The market is directly attributable to the quality of the movie, a well made movie will attract people far outside the expected market. An animated movie would probably be the best bet anyway regarding how out there the setting is, and the only place you seem to be able to find that quality of animation is Japan. But it absolutely could NOT be drawn in anime style, 40K is at its core the antithesis of anime so you'd have to get them to draw in the style seen in existing 40K art which would probably be hard.

Ibram: Chronicles of Riddick had a vaguely 40k flair but the real thing done well would be so much better. Gaunt's Ghosts could be turned into several very good movies depending on how you cut it up. Eisenhorn would be great as well as would Ravenor, but it should probably come after the initial one. You want a relatively straightforward, minimal explanation introduction to the setting that people can grab hold of easily. Thus I figured something based on Warriors of Ultramar would be good. It has aspects of straightforward alien invasion movies, the enemy is very cthonic in nature and unambiguous. It allows you to showcase both the Imperial Guard and the Space Marines in their respective roles. Especially if you run the Space Marine narrative from the angle of Captain Uriel you get a picture of the inner humanity of them. Their need to protect civilians, the loss of a normal life, the mental scars their struggles inflict. And the presence of Inquisitor Kryptmann can pave the way for more movies delving into the Inquisition.


HeavenShallBurn said:
Joker: I agree, Nightwatch showed that outside of the bloating nausea that is Hollywood you CAN get a good movie made with a budget that would be infinitessimal by their standards.

Having watched Nightwatch, I really didn't think it was that good. Interesting premise, but the storyline was a bit too complex to follow, and the effects needed to be better to tell the story they were trying to tell (kind of an "Oedipus from the father's point of view" to me, I think).

For a Warhammer 40K movie, you could make a lower-budget one (Hell, Serenity/Firefly was made for only 30 millon or so, and turned out pretty well!) that stayed away from big-budget CGI setpieces, and focused on a smaller unit in a no-win situation, and come off with something close to the 13th Warrior in fatalistic tone and scope. Doing bunches of Orks/Space Marines/Eldar would be cool, but couldn't be done well, I think. A unit of Marines in full armor, stalking and being stalked, would smack of the Aliens 2 movie, but could be made sufficiently different to give a fun thrill-ride experience.

The important part I think would be to maintain proper horror-quotient levels thoughout. That way, the creators wouldn't miss the dark humor they need to target to make the audience sympathetic to the protagonists' plight.


A Wicked Kendragon
I'd really want any first movie to be a Rogue Trader film, about a rogue trader. You can do pretty much anything with that premise, including a romantic sub-plot. Rogue traders get around.

And a proper WH40K rogue trader would give Han Solo a real run for his money. ;)

Nuclear Platypus

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Well I'd suggest a movie involving one of the Space Marine Chapters (GREY KNIGHTS!) with the antagonist being Tyranids (too Aliens / Starship Troopers tho), Necrons (Terminator-ish) or just Chaos Marines, complete with mutations.

Heck, something along the lines of the opening sequences of Dawn of War or Dark Crusade would work. I'll load up Dawn of War just to see the Marines charge up the hill against the Orks.


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I declare that any 40K movie that doesn't use the Horus Heresy as its basis is dumb. C'mon, that's awesome! The old story by Bill King that had the Emperor and his guards teleporting to Horus' battlebarge was effin' SWEET.

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