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Aasimar Bardbarian opinions


For my next character I'm planning to play a Scourge Aasimar Barbarian but it's certainly not going to be your average Barbarian. This character is going to be a Barbarian first and foremost, but is also going to be the party face too.

The idea is for her to be a beautiful woman that likes to wear dresses(unarmored defense) and look nice in general, but she's not afraid to get her hands dirty if needed. She probably wears her hair in a braid while traveling and fighting, but lets it down in towns and cities. She will not look as strong as she's going to be. She's certainly not going to look like a barbarian. She is most definitely GOOD and I mean pure good all the time. She hates all things evil and will not tolerate evil acts in her presence. Originally I envisioned her being LG, but I'm kinda thinking NG or even CG makes more sense to her concept as I see her doing any and everything in order to snuff out evil even if it means breaking or ignoring the law. I see her as coming from a wealthy family and her entire reason for adventuring is to seek out and destroy evil. I am torn between the Noble and Courtier backgrounds as both fit and both offer Persuasion which is very important. I'm open to suggestions on other backgrounds. I considered Far Traveler as "All eyes on me" kind of fits. She will be overly kind and generous probably giving money to the poor and going out of her way to help the needy. I don't see her as naive but her flaw will probably be that she tries to hard to see the good in people and will possibly be a bit too trusting, but not ignorantly so. She won't be easy to take advantage of. Obviously, she is going to have an explosive temper.

Now for some mechanics

Almost 100% certain I'll be going Zealot Barb as it makes the most sense. Ancestral Guardian sounds decent though...

Rolled stats are 18, 17, 16, 15, 13, 12 so after racials I am pondering between-
18 Str, 16 Dex, (15+1)16 Con, 12 Int, 13 Wis, (17+2)19 Cha or
18 Str, 16 Dex, (17+1)18 Con, 12 Int, 13 Wis, (15+2)17 Cha

I get a free feat to start and will be starting at level 2 or 3. With my free feat I am leaning towards Diplomat which would give me Expertise in Persuasion and give me a nice Charm ability. It also gives me a +1 Cha which would make the first array start with 20 Cha and the second array would have 18.

Here is where I'm looking for opinions and advice. An investment in Bard makes a LOT of sense for her character. She is going to love singing and is going to have a voice like an angel. Inspiration dice is right up her ally too. Take a level in Bard hurts me mechanically but it adds so much thematically. 1 level Bard gets me 2 cantrips and 4 spells known. I would probably take Mending which sounds perfect for her, and Vicious Mockery which would have to be re-fluffed as her scolding an enemy as opposed to insulting it. As for spells, I don't really see her being a big spell caster so I would probably take mostly Rituals and always cast them as such. The one exception would probably be Cure Wounds which I could re-fluff as Divine magic pretty easily and all spell slots could be used for it. I love the idea of her having Cure Wounds because she will hurt her friends if she does her Aasimar racial transformation close to them so she would be able to heal them after the fight.

One of the things I am most unsure about is whether to stop at just 1 level of Bard or take more. 2 levels gets me Song of Rest and Expertise. 3 levels I would probably choose Swords for a Fighting Style and some defensive maneuvers. 5 levels get me short rest recharging Inspiration dice which is awesome. I don't think I'd ever take more the Bard 5 no matter what.

I could start Barb 1, Bard 1, and then take 4-5 more levels of Barb for extra attack and the Zealot's 6th level feature which is nice. I could take +2 Str or Inspiring Leader at Barb 4. I guess I'm just unsure about when/if to take more Bard levels.

I'm also torn about what kind of weapon she will use. I don't like the idea of her using a huge 2 handed weapon as that's too video game for me. I'm leaning towards longsword and shield, but I kind of like the idea of her TWF.

I'll be playing with an established group that I've never played with before, but I have known one of the guys a long time. His says their campaigns usually make it into the mid levels but doesn't think we'd ever reach level 14.

I'm open to suggestions on background, starting feat, fighting style, and to Bard or not and if so, when and how much. Also, how important is it for her to be proficient in the other social skills Deception, Performance, and Intimidation?

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41st lv DM
I'm open to suggestions on background, starting feat, fighting style, and to Bard or not and if so, when and how much. Also, how important is it for her to be proficient in the other social skills Deception, Performance, and Intimidation?

Background: I'd go Noble.

Starting Feat: Sure, go diplomat & go with the 2nd set of stats.
And if you then used your 1st ASI to boost your dex by +2 you'd have 4/6 18s. That's pretty plenty good by any measure. It's my xp here in 5e - as both player & DM - that you don't need to max out any stat. This isn't PF you know. Unless having the max is an important aspect of the character (not your "build"). So an 18 vs a 20 will work just fine. And 4 of them (with the potential to make all 4 into 19s later on) is as near the ideal as you'll ever likely come without cheating or magic.....

Fighting style: Consider taking two weapon. That way, even if you do use sword & shield more often, you can do 2 wpn if the mood strikes/situation presents. Besides, as a barbarian with those stats you don't really need another bonus to defense or damage.

Class mix: There is no "hurting you mechanically" as long as you're making the most accurate version of the character you're envisioning. (same applies to feats/skills/ASIs/fighting styles, weapons etc). Follow the character & follow the campaign, not some pre-plotted build.
Right now you've got a Barbarian:1/Bard:1. If you get to start at lv 3 then you've got to decide wich one to make lv 2. In that case I'd be talking to the DM about what's gone on before game & go whichever way makes sense. After that? Follow the character & how plays developing as far as leveling.

Skills: Well? How important do you see intimidation & deception being to your character? And even without being prof. she's still going to be pretty good at them....
Performance - you've already answered that, at least as far as singing in concerned.

As weapons you might want to use daggers in the shape of hair needles.
One feat to consider also might be tavern brawler so you can actually use a needle and the bonus action grab and even use your fist.
You can easily swap str and cha so you will habe an even str score and 20 charisma.

On a different note: what spoke against monk instead of barbarian?

I would say sticking to one level of bard is sufficient for flavour, and the rest Path of the Zealot. You don't need to commit to any particular fighting style. I would go sword and board, or take polearm master feat.

Alternatively, if you want to dual wield, you could pick up three levels of Blade (Collage of Swords).


Thanks for the answers. I do know for sure that I want at least 5 if not 6 levels of Barbarian before I would consider taking anymore Bard levels.

I like Monk, but not for this character. I love the idea of the beautiful woman going into a rage, an then that rage having a whole other level in the form of the Scourge's racial transformation. I really love how they fit in together.

I had considered the Tavern Brawler feat and just not have her really carry any weapons. I don't want her to really look like a Barbarian anyway. I imagine her as having an unassuming build kind of like Wonder Woman. She's WAY WAY WAY stronger than she looks. I don't want this character looking like a white skinned She-Hulk.

I really want Inspiring Leader and that may very well be my Barbarian 4 feat choice instead of +2 Str. I also want Res(Wis) and that could be my next feat opportunity. I'm starting so far ahead of the curve on stats you're right I don't NEED to bump any of them. I just like the idea of her having 20 Str. We'll see I guess.

When I said I wanted her to sing, I didn't really mean get up on stage and put on a concert. I just mean in general like during short rests etc... More reason I like Bard 2's Song of Rest. I like that her voice can heal the party. I would possibly even refluff Inspiring Leader as her singing instead of giving a speech.


If you could finesse the Barbarian's Unarmoured Defence, might Paladin not be a better option than Barbarian? CHA mod to AC, perhaps?


If you could finesse the Barbarian's Unarmoured Defence, might Paladin not be a better option than Barbarian? CHA mod to AC, perhaps?

My only problem with this is an Aasimar Paladin is it's too obvious and stereotypical. I love the idea of unorthodox characters and a high Cha Barbarian face is a great example of that, and I have the stats to pull it off thanks to a ridiculous stat rolling method this group uses.

Plus, I love the rage idea and how the Scourge's racial stacks with it thematically.


Expert Long Rester
Scourge Aasimar make neat Barbarians, and the Healing ability they get is a nice get out of jail free card for a 14+ Zealot who is raging beyond death. Zealots Radiant damage also will work with unarmed strikes if you do go the Tavern Brawler Route.

I would be playing this right now if one of my party wasn't already an Aasimar and I didn't want to steal her thunder.


Scourge Aasimar make neat Barbarians, and the Healing ability they get is a nice get out of jail free card for a 14+ Zealot who is raging beyond death. Zealots Radiant damage also will work with unarmed strikes if you do go the Tavern Brawler Route.

I would be playing this right now if one of my party wasn't already an Aasimar and I didn't want to steal her thunder.

Yeah I wish I could play that 14 level character, but I've been told this group has never made it to level 14 and their campaigns usually stall out around level 10 or 11 in most cases. Taking a Bard level or more is pretty much giving up on ever seeing Barbarian 14. Still I feel like it fits too well to pass up.

I need to pick 3 1st level rituals out of-

Comprehend Languages
Detect Magic
Illusory Script
Speak With Animals
Unseen Servant

-and I like all off them but Illusory Script so I'm having a hard time deciding lol


Expert Long Rester
Yeah I wish I could play that 14 level character, but I've been told this group has never made it to level 14 and their campaigns usually stall out around level 10 or 11 in most cases. Taking a Bard level or more is pretty much giving up on ever seeing Barbarian 14. Still I feel like it fits too well to pass up.

I need to pick 3 1st level rituals out of-

Comprehend Languages
Detect Magic
Illusory Script
Speak With Animals
Unseen Servant

-and I like all off them but Illusory Script so I'm having a hard time deciding lol

My campaign is also ending around level 10. For story reasons and goodies level 5 Zealot is taking his next 3 levels in Ranger going Gloomstalker.

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