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About Reveille

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Teflon Billy

I'd like to see an olive branch forwarded to Reveille from the officialdom of EN World welcoming him back if possible. I think this would be the best way of healing any wounds or ill feeling out there.

Care to elaborate on that?

How would saying "all is forgiven" to the guy who played us for saps "Heal any ill feeling"?

I think it would look like a massive and inexplicable lapse in moderation policy...and be something of a slap in that face to those who wasted prayers and worry on this.

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On the other hand, this is just a message board. He didn't scam anyone out of money. He didn't kick any puppies or steal any candy from babies. I'm not condoning what he did, but calling it 'monstrously cruel' seems a little overboard to me.
I don't know the guy, and I didn't post in the thread. But lots of people I like and respect apparently think - or thought - well of him. A good many people worried a good long time about whether or not he was okay. And to inflict this much misery - even if it's diffuse or casual - absolutely is kind of monstrous. And it's certainly inexcusable.



World of Kulan DM
Also I was a bit suspicious that this girl would transcribe these 5 names of D&D Gods and--without knowing what they were--come and report them to a D&D forum.

All kinds of bells went off.
That made me very wary but I had to take it at face value. This is Rev we're talking about. He's always appeared to be incredibly nice.

I'm worried that he might be troubled in some manner. I very disappointed in him. I've considered him a great friend for a long time.

This hurts. :(


I think it's important to keep perspective. Yes he might have worried some people, and yes, it's definitely wrong to do such things. But on the other hand, it's just a prank, and a totally harmless one at that.



I think it's important to keep perspective. Yes he might have worried some people, and yes, it's definitely wrong to do such things. But on the other hand, it's just a prank, and a totally harmless one at that.

Something that inflicts emotional harm is not, by definition, harmless.



World of Kulan DM
I imagine there is a fair chance that a few board members have had a loved one in a coma before. I can't imagine this hoax would have been a very nice experiece for them.

Olaf the Stout

Note: I've thankfully never had to deal with a family member or friend in a coma before.
I have. :.-(

My brother fell ill suddenly several years ago and went into a coma. There was no chance he'd wake up. After they took him off the respirator, my family and I watched helplessly as he slowly slipped away.

It hit us all really hard. It crushed my mother. She cried like a baby. I've never seen her like that. All those emotions came flooding back when I read that Rev had fallen into a coma.

Now I find out he was faking it as some sort of sick joke. Well, I'm not laughing. :mad:

I don't post a lot, but I followed the original thread pretty closely. Support from the community was profound and moving - as an optimistic kind of guy, maybe that's what we should be concentrating on. Once again, ENWorld demonstrates that it's a remarkable place.

And I don't think prayer is ever wasted.


World of Kulan DM
I don't post a lot, but I followed the original thread pretty closely. Support from the community was profound and moving - as an optimistic kind of guy, maybe that's what we should be concentrating on. Once again, ENWorld demonstrates that it's a remarkable place.

And I don't think prayer is ever wasted.
That's a great sentiment, Sep. (It's just really hard to take right now.) EN World is a great place, and I will continue to be a part of this community until the day it ends.

The thing I'm now worrying about is that there might be something wrong with Rev, pyschologically.

Foundry of Decay

First Post
I have to echo that I'm drained by this, emotionally. All of my friends have been either losing or having the threat of losing their jobs, my own is in question, a couple close friends are dealing with, albeit minor, medical issues of their own.

So when I saw the original post, I felt shattered.

When I read about his 'heart stopping' episode, I was made to re-live that shattering feeling of having a close friend die from a botched heart surgery. He too was in a coma, woke up briefly, and passed away after a series of cardiac arrests that evening.

So for me, it hit a raw nerve, and while I didn't know this person, I did follow the story closely and like many others hoped he'd wake up. I sent all the good vibes I could.

So I'm taking what others have from this experience. I have a bit of my faith in humanity restored in seeing how genuinely concerned people here were. The support I saw in the main thread was quite incredible.

I hope this fellow gets some help. Some serious help. Its obvious that there's some degree of mental anguish or trauma going on with him. But I'm happy in that I won't ever have to see him post again. Not after this level of emotional fraud.

Care to elaborate on that?

How would saying "all is forgiven" to the guy who played us for saps "Heal any ill feeling"?
Did he play us for saps? Or was he craving attention? I had the feeling more the latter. I'm just concerned that any further negative reaction could push a fragile personality over the edge - and that is something that would be a far greater issue for the boards than what we have now.

So maybe it might not heal ill feelings as much as minimize any further complications and issues.

Is there more going on here than what has been expressed by PC? Are there further issues behind the scenes that would obviously change my point of view? I'm only just going on things as presented.

Teflon Billy said:
I think it would look like a massive and inexplicable lapse in moderation policy...and be something of a slap in that face to those who wasted prayers and worry on this.
To a point, and I respect your opinion on this. I'm just worried about the guy, that is all. Maybe he needs those prayers more than ever at the moment?

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

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