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Doesn't this thread belong in Meta?


Morrus, my advice to you is this: take the money and run. Barbados is nice. So's Hawaii. I'm sure you've had your eye on some solid gold d20s; now's the time. I actually have some lovely swampland in Florida which I could be persuaded to part with.

It's time to load up on the bling-bling.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Tarrasque Wrangler said:
Morrus, my advice to you is this: take the money and run. Barbados is nice. So's Hawaii. I'm sure you've had your eye on some solid gold d20s; now's the time.
For goodness' sake, man! When I tell you about my top-secret supervillain plans, I don't expect you to immediately go and tell everyone!


I got dice older than you.
Teflon Billy said:
These questions of accountability are saddening.

I'm not sure what peopl think has gone on here for the last day or so, so let me bring you up to speed.

A Guy we know--who runs a website we hang out at--got into dire financial straits becasue if that website.

He (no, not him, a group of his friends) asked the website community to help out.

LEGIONS of them did so.

That's all. There was no public offering of stock, no formation of a board of directors...nothing like that.

Anyone who thought they were "investing" their money in anything misunderstood. You weren't asked to invest; you were asked to give.

So don't go banging the table demanding a business plan or expecting input into the way things are run. You were asked for help and, God bless you, you came through.

Feel good about that. Don't get all "how is *my* money being spent? I demand to know! I am an investor!"

Because you aren't.

You're "one of the gang"

So yeah, I'm at this party you know. And the keg goes dry. A hat is passed around and I throw in a fiver. If I don't get my $5 worth, I'm gonna whoop some butt.

whatever. give me a break. I gave to keep the party going. TB is right on, as usual.
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Morrus said:
You'll all probably be interested to hear that some of the money has already been used. Cyberstreet has already been paid $2000, and all ENnies costs from earlier this year have now been repaid to the various people who were owed. That's all debt cleared, which was my first priority.

We're a little worried about tax etc., because we don't want to be taxed by the US government and then by the UK government, but we should figure out the best way to handle that soon. Apparently Joe has a tax lawyer in the family. :)

He's not a tax lawyer, he's just a tricky asian.... (Suzi's dad! *and his lawyer* :D)

The taxes on our end are taken care of everyone. More to Morrus! (and the UK government :))

joe b.

Tom Cashel

First Post
I guess I'll just admit the fact that a.) I'm currently stinking drunk, and b.) I didn't contribute one red cent.

I'm just hanging around, watching the outpouring of emotion over continuing to have the privilege of posting messages to each other on a light gray/dark gray/black backgorund, as opposed to the evil backgrounds offered by rpg.net, nutkinland, and Monte's yellow-and-black "Okay Your Turn" wasteland.

I guess my emotional investiture is about equal to my fianancial investiture.

Not trying to make any point...just saying is all. I am the "self-appoinetd board cut-up" (according to Darrin), after all.


First Post
Morrus said:
You'll all probably be interested to hear that some of the money has already been used. Cyberstreet has already been paid $2000, and all ENnies costs from earlier this year have now been repaid to the various people who were owed. That's all debt cleared, which was my first priority.

and some of us appreciate that greatly :)

i have had a decent sum tied up here and tried to be polite and patient about it (hope i was :) ) and many others were owed large sums, these people were patient, i think all those who gave will see a great reward, heck most of them have been getting it long before they contributed :)


romp said:
When someone contributes money to an endeavour in a public fashion (i.e. soliciting donations) there should be some accounting as to where that money is going.

The difference is that no one should assume Morrus has any bad intentions for that money. Morrus has a very good track record for running ENWorld responsibly and well.
OK, I've been very quiet about all this financial and technical maintenance, but I'm VERY glad that many other people feel as I do, and had the courage to speak up about it.

Yes, courage - it is not easy to stand up to the very vocal majority that does not like opinions and questions being asked that they don't like.

It is VERY distressing to once again see Morrus being placed on a pedastal like a saint that can do no wrong, and that fair questions are being shouted down, on the disgusting facade of "board harmony", or close to that platitude. :rolleyes:

There are some serious questions here that NEED to be asked, and while I think it's wonderful that many of the members of this board are generous to a fault, I feel that it is high time that Morrus stopped being so reserved and secretive and was more forthcoming about where the money comes from, and where it goes to.

Not because he feels he owes it to the members because they bailed him out, but because being secretive is not a smart, mature way of having a Community, and he feels a responsibility to make each and every member feel good about his custodianship of ENWorld.

For me personally, I have asked him repeatedly to share information thru the years, and unfortunately have not been overly happy with the results.
When Eric was in charge of running the site, I and others asked him questions, and I seem to remember he was adequately forthcoming in his answers.

Now, Eric and many others who know Morrus personally (I do not) seem to be very trusting of Morrus' efforts, so that is a big character testimonial. I don't believe for a second that Morrus has any 'bad intentions' for the money.
But from where I see it, there are many questions that should be answered that would make me (at least) feel much more comfortable about the way Morrus is running the site.

Whether that's here in this thread, or more properly in a Meta thread, that is Morrus' decision. Heck, it's his decision to even reply at all. I, for one, certainly hope (and frankly, expect) that he would want to communicate his efforts on the site's behalf.


This thread belongs in META

romp said:
When someone contributes money to an endeavour in a public fashion (i.e. soliciting donations) there should be some accounting as to where that money is going.

I agree that it is very wise for anyone who relies on voluntary contributions to cultivate trust by publishing accounts. I trust Morrus and I bought my community supportership: I don't want to see accounts. But if he publishes accounts he will make more people trust him and may sell more supporterships.

I cannot agree that anyone has the right to give money without mentioning that strings are attached, and then demand anything later. If you're offering a trade on investment, you say so at the time. You don't give a gift and them demand a quid pro quo afterwards.

Finally: anyone who considers that he is an investor in ENworld because he made a belated contribution to its costs in a time of crisis, and is therefore entitled to the rights of a shareholder in a company, is sadly deluded.



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