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Could this be what the 1e MMIII would have been? ;)

All the OD&D and 1e monsters from Dragon magazine. I did both a pdf and this hardcopy. (A TON of manual typing as formatting on the pdfs was really bad). Only for my personal use only of course, since I don’t own the IP. I do own the original magazines and CD collection, FWIW, so basically I just kit bashed my own material. But I can’t share, so don’t ask.

In fact, I recently found out that no one really knows who owns the IP. When WoTC released the digital Dragon CD collection, they got into trouble because many of the creators said they held the rights. Turns out, TSR record keeping was horrible, and no one knows what those original contracts were for all of the folks who submitted monsters to Dragon. That’s why despite WoTC selling reprints of 1e books, you’ll never see them do something like this. Which unfortunately is pretty sad.







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This book is so beautiful, both in itself and for the memories it evokes. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks. Here's some more info for those curious:



And for the real nerds among us ;) :

Appendix 1: Monsters By Issue

1 - Bulette
2 - Remorhaz
4 - Mihalli, Vriyagga
5 - Ankheg
6 - Death Angel
7 - Prowler
12 - Byakhee, deep ones, great race, Old Ones, mi-go, shaggoth
13 - Nasthrapur
13 - Kappa, oni, tengu, yuki-onna
14 - Cursed Crimson Crawler
14 - Jarnkung
14 - Ulik
16 - Humbaba, scorpion men
17 - Archangel of mercy, angel of healing, angel of wrath, seraphim
20 - Amaku (guardian spirits), Tuna-of-the-Eternal-Waters, Vahine-hae
23 - Bed of spikes, green death, mine, orca, sea centipede, sea dragon, sea griffon, water dagger, water grabber
24 - T’ien Lung, Shen Lung, Li Lung, Pan Lung, Lung Wang, Yu Lung
26 - Lower soul, lost soul, vampire-spectre, sea bonze, Celestial stag, goat demon
26 - Barghest
27 - Horast
28 - Satan, Belial, Astaroth
28 - Slinger
29 - Whiz-bang beetle
29 - Adaro, agunua, dogai, figonas, ghosts (variants), hatuibwari, koevasi, marsalai, ndengei, ogre (variant), origoruso, porpoise girls, sky maidens
30 - Curst
31 - Ukuyatangi
32 - Scorpiorc, koasp, antold, woblin, skag
32 - Crawling claw
33 - Frosts
34 - Vilkonnar, Kailiff
35 - Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, Angels of the Ninth Order
36 - Krolli
37 - Neutral dragons (crystal, topaz, emerald, sapphire, amethyst
37 - Prowler, jarkung, elemental demons, the Oracle (aka the Stalker)
37 - Vulturehounds
38 - Brown dragon, yellow dragon, orange dragon, Tiamat, Bahamut
38 - The flolite
39 - Groundsquid
40 - Werelion, wereleapord, werejaguar, weresabre, weredire, wereram, wereweasel, weresloth, werebadger, werebison
40 - Fire-eye lizard, flitte, wingless wonder, huntsmen
41 - The Silkie, tomb tapper
41 - Marquins
42 - Saraphs, the Appolyon, asperim, Hacamuli
42 - Quatsch, necroton, well spirit, sandbats, swampbats
43 - Amazon, tolwar, lythlyx
44 - Koodjanuk, cryoserpent, ice golem
44 - Orc-kobold, Orc-goblin, Orc-gnoll, Orc-bugbear, Orc-hobgoblin, Orc-ogre
45 - Skyzorr’n, sand lizard, dust devil
46 - Gaund
47 - Wirchler, aruchai, Phoenix, Fury, mapmaker, flard, sugo
48 - Water-horse, golden ammonite, sea demon
49 - Nogra
50 - Kzinti
50 - Giant vampire frog
51 - The winged folk
51 - Dark dwellers, piranha bats
52 - Rhaumbusun, pelins
53 - Argas, oculon, narra
53 - Triffids
54 - Boggart, stroan, incubus
55 - Allosaurus, deinonychus, teratosaurus, therezinosaurus, tyrannosaurus rex, apatosaurus, brachiosaurus, diplodocus, plateosaurus, anatosaurus, iguanadon, parasaurolophus, ankylosarusus, triceratops, stegosaurus, pteranodon
55 - Devil spider, surchur, dyll, poltergeist
56 - Shroom, colfel, gem vars
57 - Phooka
58 - Sull, beguiler, Magenta’s cat
59 - Bleeder, stymphalian birds, spriggan
59 - Demonic Knights of Doom
60 - Pooka
61 - Firetail, light worm, umbrae, tybor
62 - Faerie dragon, steel dragon, grey dragon
63 - Astral deva, movanic deva, monadic deva
64 - Planetar, solar
65 - Baku, Phoenix
65 - Yellow dragon, orange dragon, purple dragon
66 - Jann, dao, marid
66 - Euparkeria, compsognathus, miniature animals, vulture, carnivorous flying squirrel, hawk/falcon, animal skeletons
67 - Barrel spider, boleadore spider, net-throwing/fishing spider, crab spider, daddy longlegs, jumping spider, raft/swamp spider, spitting spider, trap-door/purse spider, whip spider, wolf spider
67 - Grugach, valley elf, cooshee
68 - Ascomoid, basidirond, phycomid
68 - Koalinth, marine vodyanoi, fresh water sea hag, mottled purple worm
69 - Time elemental
69 - Ustilagor, zygom
70 - Werejaguar
74 - Arack, scintillating dragon, night dragon
74 - Electrum dragon
75 - Abishai, Amon, Bael, bearded devil, Belial, Bitru, Glasya, Hutijin, Mammon, Mephistopheles, Moloch, spined devil, Titivilus
75 - Amduscias, Malphas, Nergal, Bist, Caim, Lilis, Arioch, Biffant, Merodach, Alocer, Focalor, Caarcrinolaas, Melchon, Naome, Chamo, Balan, Bathym, Gaziel, Cozbi, Gorson, Herodias, Agares, Machalas
76 - Lilith, Tartach, Bileth, Baftis, Neabaz, Barbatos, Abigor, Zepar, Baalphegor, Bele, Adonides, Barbas, Bifrons, Bensozia, Adramalech, Phongor, Buer, Bune, Morax, Rimmon, Zagum
79 - Gremlins
83 - Baba Yaga
84 - Rakshasa knight, rakshasa lord, Ravanna “King of Rakshasas”
86 - Galadur, telperan, glissan, baltir, tabur, orrek, quark, nalg, durocib, haudhla, veeru
89 - Amitok, Killer Beetle (Aratha), Bohun Tree, Cantobele, Corkie, Explodestool, Fachan, Flailtail, Glasspane Horror, Giant Horseshoe Crab, Ihagnim, Millikan, Peltast, Giant Pitcher Plant, Seastar, Scallion, Giant Shrike, Sind, Star Leviathan, Giant Venus Fly-Trap, Vurgen, Killer Whale
90 - Sinister, night hunter, werebat, hundar, gloomwing, azmyth
91 - Armaros, Azazel, Cahor, Dagon, Duskur, Kochibel, Malarea, Nisroch, Rumjal, Gargoth
91 - Goristro (Major Demon)
92 - Scalmagadrion
94 - Thessalmera
94 - Belabra, giant betta, bhaergala, phase dragon, ekrat, fireball fly, firestar, flamewing, hurgeon, giant lightning bug, lillend, orgautha, rekeihs, rummele, urisk, viltch, great wyrm, xaver
95 - Chimpanzee, giganopithecus, gorilla, orangutan
101 - Alcor, avari, automaton, bogeyman, burbur, creeping pit, dracones, forchoreai, gargorian, gu’armori, hamadryad, hawkdragon, lhiannan shee, mantimera, metal mimic, orpsu, pilfer vine, righteous clay, sea giant, tener, thendar, tundra beast, wind thrower, yale
102 - Bushdog, coyote, dhole, dingo, feral dog, fox, hunting dog, jackal, wolf, dire wolf
102 - Huntsman
108 - Pernicon
110 - Dracolich “Night Dragon”
111 - Peridinium, gonyaulax, ceratium, noctiluca, paramecium, amoeba, elphidium, globigerina, dictyostelium
112 - Aetosaur, Ankylosaur, Carnosaur, Ceratopsian, Marine Chelonian, Coelurosaur, Crocodilian, Deinonychus, Cyndont, Dicynodont, Ichthyosaur, Mosasaurus, Nothosaurus, Labyrinthodont, Ormthopod, Ornithomimosaur, Phytosaur, Placodont, Plesiosaurus, Pterosaurus, Pliosaur, Prosauropod, Proteosuchian, Pseudosuchian, Rhynchosaur, Sauropod, Scelidosaur, Stegosaurus
115 - King cobra, black mamba, gaboon viper, rattlesnake, flying snake, sea snake, rock python, ram python, boa constrictor, anaconda, ringed snake, saw-edged scaled snake
116 - Brain coral, sea centaur, giant clam, giant grouper, morana, giant porcupine fish, electric ray, sawfish/sawshark, giant sea anemone, sea titan, undine, weed giant
117 - Gith dogs, Xotzcoyotl
118 - Opilionid, spider cat, phoenix spider, polar spider, giant bolas spider
119 - Anuchu, giant capybara, wild halfling, leshy, luposphinx, musical spirit, sashalus, wendigo, whispering pines, wood giant, wood golem
119 - Uldra
122 - Chepekwe, silwane-manzi, chemosit, dingonek, nzefu-loi, getiet, utuchekulu, tyerkow, nunda, ngojama, unthlatu, ingogo
125 - Radiance quasi-elemental, steam quasi-elemental, mineral quasi-elemental
126 - Dracula (Vlad Tepes), vrykolakas, baobhan sith, ch’ing shih
127 - Xador’s fluid, quagmire
128 - Ash quasi-elemental, vacuum quasi-elemental, dust quasi-elemental, salt quasi-elemental
129 - Shiverbug, iceling, snowfury, frigidarch
131 - Greater aboleth, noble aboleth, ruler aboleth, grand aboleth
133 - Neries, diopatra, vanadis, eurythoe, glycera, sabella, terebella, pectineria
134 - Dragotha
134 - Aquatic dragon, icthyodrake, astral dragon, weredragon, fang dragon, sand dragon, stone dragon
135 - Tibbit “cat-were”
137 - Antelope, bison, giraffe, hart, musk-ox, okapi, seals, tapir, walrus
137 - Alticamelus, ambelodon, arsinotherium, astrapotherium, short-faced bear, giant bison, cattle (auroch), deinotherium, gigantopithecus, glyptodon, macrauchenia, moropus, sivatherium, ground sloth, uintatherium
138 - Bloody bones, skleros, dry bones, gem eyes, shock bones, galley beggar, walking dead, hungry dead, colossus, le grand zombi, ghula, baka, gelloudes, spirit-ghoul, black annis, wendigo, callicantzari
139 - Searechter
139 - Lock lurker, lybbarde, metalmaster, serplar, thylacine
140 - Glyptar, magebane, quezzer, scythetail, xantravar
141 - Black troll, caiveh, cynamolgus, diurge, jor, rock troll
146 - Cobra dragon, obsidian dragon, gray dragon, rainbow dragon, draken, minidragon
146 - Crystal drake, demon drake, faerie drake, shadow drake
149 - Av, bahtel, kiita, vor, wandega
150 - Cessirid, embrac, kigrid, saltor
151 - Wang-liang
151 - Sch’theraqpasstt (Major Demon), histachii

You have critters from two articles I wrote for 137. By that point, I think the IP gets a lot clearer, as my contract specifically says that the Publisher gets all rights from the Seller if the article is accepted, so WOTC should have all rights to them. But I have no idea about earlier issues and contracts from the pre-Moore era of Dragon...


The standard for magazine articles was first print rights only, any reprint would require a new arrangement with the author who owned the work. Once that got settled in courts companies started specifying in contracts that article authors gave up all right to the work, work for hire type arrangements. That way the publishing companies as owners of the work could reprint in various ways without the original authors involvement (or further payment) as the authors were no longer the owner of the work.

You could try to locate the original authors or their heirs or assigns and negotiate for a new publication, but that would be a big difficult project.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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