[AD&D 1e] Temple of Elemental Evil OOC

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
oh, the generation rules are 6 rolls, 3d6 each roll in this order:

and good luck, i think the dice roller was hacked.


First Post
Character A

A cleric or a woodsman? How about both?

Name: William
Class: Druid (Aspirant)
Level: 1
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: True Neutral

Str: 15  Hit: +0      Dmg: +0       Wt: +200       OD: 1-2       BB/LG: 07%
Int: 12  Lang: +3     Know Sp: XX%  Min # Sp: XX  Max # Sp: XX
Wis: 18  Mag Atk: +4  Sp Bon: 1 4th  Sp Fail: 00%
Dex: 11  Rea/Atk: +0  Def: +0
         PP: +xx%     OL: +xx%      L/RT: +xx%    MS: +xx%      HiS: +xx%
Con: 07  HP: +0       Sys Shk: 55%  Res Srv: 60%
Cha: 08  # Hnch: 03   Loy Bs: -05%  Reac: +00%
Com: xx  Effect: N/A

                      Base  Armor  Shld   Dex  Misc  Total
Armor:                10     08    -1     -x   +X    07

                      Base  Mod    Total
Para/Pois/Death:      10    +x     xx
Petr/Poly:            13    +x     xx
Rod/Stf/Wnd:          14    +x     xx
Breath:               16    +x     xx
Spell:                15    +x     xx

Weapon                Attack   Damage (S/M)  Damage (L)
Scimitar             +0       1d8+0         1d8+0 
Sling          +0       1d4+1         2d4+1
XXXX                  +X       XdXX+X        XdXX+X
XXXX                  +X       XdXX+X        XdXX+X

Languages: Common, Elvish, Goblin

Racial Traits: N/A

Class Abilities: 

Secondary Skills: Forestry

Equipment:            Cost  Weight
Leather Armor         05gp   XXlb
Sling +12 Bullets     15sp   xxlb
Scimitar              15gp
Wooden Shield         01gp
Boots, soft           01gp
cloak                 05sp
Backpack              02gp
large pouch           01gp
Rope                  04sp
Waterskin             15sp
Torch x3              03cp

Total Weight:XXlb     Money: 62gp XXsp XXcp

Age: 24
Height: 5'11
Weight: 220lb
Eyes: Light blue
Hair: Dark brown
Skin: Fair

General Spell Prep List
Purify Drink

Character B

Character C

No whammies!
Last edited:


First Post
Some nice rolls. Bravo!

Not bad at all. I was a little worried on the low Con and Charisma, but they don't really affect a character like they do in 3e. I'll work on B and C in the coming week, but they look to be viable as well from the quick glance. Although the Dexterity on C...


Thy wounds are healed!
Sorry to say that you need a CHA 15 to be a druid. But you could still be a cleric that worships nature, maybe someone who aspires to be a druid so goes out looking to right wrongs vs nature. Which would put you near the Deklo grove.



First Post
Sorry to say that you need a CHA 15 to be a druid. But you could still be a cleric that worships nature, maybe someone who aspires to be a druid so goes out looking to right wrongs vs nature. Which would put you near the Deklo grove.


Oops. Forgot that charisma was a prime ability for druids in 1e. Changed character to a cleric of Ehlonna.

Name: William
Class: Cleric of Elhonna (Acolyte)
Level: 1
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral Good

Str: 15  Hit: +0      Dmg: +0       Wt: +200       OD: 1-2       BB/LG: 07%
Int: 12  Lang: +3     Know Sp: XX%  Min # Sp: XX  Max # Sp: XX
Wis: 18  Mag Atk: +4  Sp Bon: 1 4th  Sp Fail: 00%
Dex: 11  Rea/Atk: +0  Def: +0
         PP: +xx%     OL: +xx%      L/RT: +xx%    MS: +xx%      HiS: +xx%
Con: 07  HP: +0       Sys Shk: 55%  Res Srv: 60%
Cha: 08  # Hnch: 03   Loy Bs: -05%  Reac: +00%
Com: xx  Effect: N/A

                      Base  Armor  Shld   Dex  Misc  Total
Armor:                10     06    -1     -x   +X    05

                      Base  Mod    Total
Para/Pois/Death:      xx    +x     10
Petr/Poly:            xx    +x     13
Rod/Stf/Wnd:          xx    +x     14
Breath:               xx    +x     16
Spell:                xx    +x     15

Weapon                Attack   Damage (S/M)  Damage (L)
Mace                  +0       1d6+1         1d6+0 
Sling   (SP)          +0       1d4+1         1d6+1
XXXX                  +X       XdXX+X        XdXX+X
XXXX                  +X       XdXX+X        XdXX+X

Languages: Common, Elvish, Regional

Racial Traits: N/A

Class Abilities: 

Secondary Skills: Forestry

Equipment:            Cost  Weight
Scale Armor           45gp   XXlb
Sling +12 Bullets     15sp   xxlb
Mace                  08gp
Wooden Shield         01gp
Boots, soft           01gp
cloak                 05sp
Backpack              02gp
large pouch           01gp
Rope                  04sp
Waterskin             15sp
Torch x3              03cp

Total Weight:XXlb     Money: 62gp XXsp XXcp

Age: 24
Height: 5'11
Weight: 220lb
Eyes: Light blue
Hair: Dark brown
Skin: Fair


Thy wounds are healed!
Glad to have you among the lurkers jackslate45

Maybe if the group does any hiring of hirelings I could get you in for the RP times - comes with your own red tunic ;)


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