[AD&D 1e] Temple of Elemental Evil OOC


First Post
We're picking one from the three to start with. After we burn through our first three characters (Because who are we kidding? We're going to burn through them) you can feel free to make a character with a more, shall we say, "forgiving" character generation method. And I'll check over your equipment for you Scott.

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Thy wounds are healed!
Whatever you do don't do math after the fifth one. :p

I'll check them I'm really tryign to figure out 1e encumbrance. It can't be as easy as I think it is.

And Fenris we are picking one form the three. Oh and I think your 6 STR 3 INT character has to be a fighter.

Under INT it says INT 5 "Here or lower the character can only be a fighter." Think that chumps the minimum STR 9 needed.

With the 17 CHA why not be a leader instead of a warrior and get all your henchmen to fight for you. Or at least till you find some Gauntlets of Ogre Power. ;)



Thy wounds are healed!

Hey who says my character is going to die. I thought he might if I rolled low on the HP but I got a 9!

A 9 out of 10! And DT got a Perfect 10!

We are going to kick some major butt at the moathouse.

But just in case...

What method are we talking about? I like 4d6 re-roll all 1's and arrange in any order you wish. :p



First Post
I'm just guessing on the dying thing. Maybe we'll pull through. Hopefully we'll pull through. I think it's better to be pleasantly surprised. In any case, Scott, I've got your equipment sorted out. One issue was that you missed the conversion rates. There are 20 sp to 1 gp, so you've got more money than you thought. On the other hand, you're weighed down a lot more than you thought as well. You're nearly at your encumbrance limit.

As an aside, please don't ever make me do that again because it took a while :p. I think we can afford to be a bit laissez-faire with mundane equipment unless it's really heavy or bulky.

                               Wt(gp)       Cost
Backpack                        20          2 gp
Bedroll                         50                2 sp
Blanket, Woolen                 20                     5 cp
Cloak                           30                5 sp
Pin                             --                4 sp
Gloves, Kidskin, Pair           --          3 gp
Boots, Soft, High               30          1 gp          
Belt                             3                3 sp
Tunic, Woolen                   --                     5 cp
Tinderbox w/Flint and Steel      2          1 gp
Iron Spikes x12                120                1 sp 2 cp
Hammer                          10                5 sp
Rope, 50 ft                     75                4 sp
Grapnel                        100          1 gp
Lantern, Hooded                 60          7 gp
Oil, 4 Pints                    40          4 gp
Candle, Wax x10                 50               10 sp
Torch                           25                     1 cp
Pouch, Belt, Large              10          1 gp
Quiver (1 Score (20) bolts)     30               15 sp
Rations, Standard, One Week    200          3 gp
Sack, Large                     20                1 sp 6 cp
Thieve's Tools                  10         30 gp
Twine, Linen 100'               20                     8 cp
Scroll Case, Bone               50          5 gp
Vellum, Sheet x20               --          6 gp
Quill Pen                       --                1 sp
Chalk x5                        --                     5 cp
Waterskin, Half Gallon          50               15 sp
Whetstone                        5                     2 cp
Studded Armor                  200         15 gp
Crossbow, Light                 50         12 gp
Dagger x3                       30          6 gp

TOTALS:                       1310        100 gp  7 sp 6 cp

REMAINING GOLD: 19 gp 12 sp 4 cp


Thy wounds are healed!
                               Wt(gp)    Cost
Backpack                        20       2 gp
Bedroll                         50       2 sp
Blanket, Woolen                 20       5 cp
Cloak                           30       5 sp
Pin                             --       4 sp
Gloves, Kidskin, Pair           --       3 gp
Boots, Soft, High               30       1 gp          
Belt                             3       3 sp
Tunic, Woolen                   --       5 cp
Tinderbox w/Flint and Steel      2       1 gp
Iron Spikes x12                120       1 sp 2 cp
Hammer                          10       5 sp
Rope, 50 ft                     75       4 sp
Grapnel                        100       1 gp
Lantern, Hooded                 60       7 gp
Oil, 4 Pints                    40       4 gp
Candle, Wax x10                 50      10 sp
Torch                           25       1 cp
Pouch, Belt, Large              10       1 gp
Quiver (1 Score (20) bolts)     30      15 sp
Rations, Standard, One Week    200       3 gp
Sack, Large                     20       1 sp 6 cp
Thieve's Tools                  10      30 gp
Twine, Linen 100'               20       8 cp
Scroll Case, Bone               50       5 gp
Vellum, Sheet x20               --       6 gp
Quill Pen                       --       1 sp
Chalk x5                        --       5 cp
Waterskin, Half Gallon          50      15 sp
Whetstone                        5       2 cp
Studded Armor                  200      15 gp
Crossbow, Light                 50      12 gp
Dagger x3                       30       6 gp

TOTALS:                       1310     100 gp 7 sp 6 cp

REMAINING GOLD: 19 gp 12 sp 4 cp

Hey just wondering how you came up with these numbers? Are they in the DMG?

If the above is right then my numbers are way off.



First Post
I've got prices from the PHB, or I just accepted Scott's prices on things that didn't appear in there since they seemed reasonable. The encumbrance in gp came from Appendix O in the DMG, or was my best guess or was a combination of the two.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I was thinking of a unique idea such as a dwarvin fighter thief named scott dewar from the land of forgotten realms.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
can we do this please?

I keep forgetting to address a proposal: fighter specialization mentioned in the osric.

[sblock=Weapon Specialization]
Weapon Specialization (optional): With the permission of the GM, weapon
specialization may be selected during character generation. If weapon
specialization is not selected during character generation, it remains
forever unavailable to the character, barring some magical or divine
intervention. If weapon specialization is in play, fighters may take a
second proficiency in the same weapon as the first, granting them one
extra attack every 2 rounds with the weapon (hence 3/2 attacks with
a melee weapon at 1st level, 2/1 at 7th and 5/2 at 13th), +1 to hit
and +2 damage owing to their skill. Specialization costs one proficiency
“slot” for melee weapons and crossbows, and two “slots” for missile
weapons other than crossbows.

double Specialization (optional): For melee weapons that are not
polearms or two-handed swords, a third weapon proficiency may be used
to specialize further; this increases combat bonuses to +3 to hit and
+3 damage with the weapon.

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