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AD&D 3?? Perhaps some can help me find this


ad&d 3?? I am trying to recover a really neat PDF I found a while back. It was more or less the 3e rules but recreated with the all 1e AD&D art. Sort of a throw-back style layout with 3e rules.
I found it on a game designer's personal website, but I can't remember who... I'm thinking maybe Chris Perkins.
Anyways, I thought it was really cool, but I lost it in a hard-drive fiasco and I thought maybe the sages of the boards may know what I am talking about and direct me to it.


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wow, fast! and the man himself! I'm glad to find it again. btw, I really dig what you did with it, and I think a throw-back 4e edition would be super cool too.


wow, fast! and the man himself! I'm glad to find it again. btw, I really dig what you did with it, and I think a throw-back 4e edition would be super cool too.

Just so you know, I'm not THE Chris Perkins who works for WotC... I'm just a geek who happens to share his name.

Glad you enjoy my Castles & Crusades + D&D houserules!


oh, hmmm, well then, i guess you can't make a 4e throwback happen, but nevertheless, great job on those pdfs.


Great stuff! This is still one of the all time great retro-osr-clone projects. An obscure gem. I don't play it exactly but I've taken many an idea and enjoy browsing it.

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