Adamantium myths (need help)


Mad Scientist
Hi everyone.
As a material scientist I work everyday with materials that would be considered magical. But for once we need info on a magical material:
I need to know every thing about adamantium/adamantine/adamantite. In particular where does this myth comes from and what does each myth describe it as? I know this metal isn't only in DnD (since Adamantine is the name of a variety of yellow saphire and the name is derived from "HARD")
I know that the ENworld is the best place to ask for obscure fact like that ;)

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First Post
What I know about Adamantium comes from Marvel Comics.

1. Wolverine's claws (and bones) and Captain America's Shield are made of it.

2. It is a secret/lost formula.

3. Once Adamantium is "formed" it can never be "re-formed". You can't melt it down and start over.

My brother and I once talked about this, we decided that as the last step, after the proper metals were shaped, something was added which caused a chemical reaction turning it to Adamantium. So there is no "molten" Adamantium. It isn't Adamantium till the chemical reaction. After the chemical reaction it is PERMANANTLY whatever shape it you made it.

4. Finally, if somehow something ever breaks an object made of Adamantium (usually requiring a sun exploding) then the object is PERMANANTLY irrepairable.


MavrickWeirdo said:
What I know about Adamantium comes from Marvel Comics.

1. Wolverine's claws (and bones) and Captain America's Shield are made of it. ...
Hmm... useful information, if one's ever in need of implants... :) Sorry, Abri - not a clue.


First Post
there is also another in Marvel comics called vibranium, which is able to absorb sound and become stronger. I believe that Captain America's shield is a mixture of vibranium and adamantium, but I could be wrong. I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but I think I read somewhere that vibranium is a bit stronger and better than adamantium.

There are also references in the Final Fantasy games to adamantite, a metal you need to get to forge the sword Excalibur.

Lord Pendragon

First Post
That's almost right. Cap's shield is made of Adamantium+ , the only know occurrance of it. It was created when a scientist attempted to fuse adamantium and vibranium together into a single, more powerful alloy. Unfortunately, there was a mishap during the experiment and the exact process by which the Adamantium+ was formed is unknown.

Tratyn Runewind

First Post

Posted by abri:
I need to know every thing about adamantium/adamantine/adamantite. In particular where does this myth comes from and what does each myth describe it as? I know this metal isn't only in DnD (since Adamantine is the name of a variety of yellow saphire and the name is derived from "HARD")

"Adamant" or "adamaunt" were simply old terms for diamond, deriving from Greek "adamas" or "adamantos". Their usage was not always consistent, since diamond was more or less defined as the hardest gemstone, and, without modern chemistry, that inevitably got corrupted into "the hardest gemstone we've encountered around these parts" in some places. The terms were also used sometimes to refer to lodestones, and thus to magnets in general.

In literature and gaming, Adamant is the gemstone in Nenya, the Ring of Water, one of the three Great Rings of Power held by the elves in the works of Tolkien. As mentioned by others above, the hardest metal that ordinary humans in the Marvel Universe can produce is called "Adamantium". From the 1st Edition Dungeon Masters' Guide, "Adamantite" is the material from which the most powerful magical weapons were made (Adamantite also appears in the G-D-Q series of modules, which may predate the DMG). And in the RPG RuneQuest (or at least in its Glorantha setting), "Adamantite" is the nigh-indestructible crystallized essence of pure Law itself.

Posted by MavrickWeirdo:
3. Once Adamantium is "formed" it can never be "re-formed". You can't melt it down and start over.

My brother and I once talked about this, we decided that as the last step, after the proper metals were shaped, something was added which caused a chemical reaction turning it to Adamantium. So there is no "molten" Adamantium. It isn't Adamantium till the chemical reaction. After the chemical reaction it is PERMANANTLY whatever shape it you made it.

4. Finally, if somehow something ever breaks an object made of Adamantium (usually requiring a sun exploding) then the object is PERMANANTLY irrepairable.

Marvel has established that certain "resins" are used in the process of creating the alloy Adamantium, the strongest substance that can be manufactured by "ordinary" human industry in the Marvel Universe. The actual manufacturing process is officially a U. S. government secret, and though others have stolen or discovered it, they are not eager to share the details either, so it is not public knowledge. Marvel has also established that finished adamantium can be worked by powers that can manipulate it at the molecular level. Magneto has done it, and I think the Molecule Man may have as well.

Posted by demon_jr:
I believe that Captain America's shield is a mixture of vibranium and adamantium, but I could be wrong. I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but I think I read somewhere that vibranium is a bit stronger and better than adamantium.

Yes, as Lord Pendragon mentioned, Cap's shield is made of a unique Adamantium-Vibranium alloy that was the result of a so-far irreproducible industrial accident. It is stronger than "pure" Adamantium or Vibranium. Vibranium itself is quite strong, though not stronger than Adamantium, and comes in at least two distinct forms. One of these absorbs "vibratory" energy to increase its own strength (though too much can cause it to explode), and the other causes nearby metals to liquefy.

In the Marvel Universe, powerful magic and alien super-technology can produce materials of hardness comparable to Adamantium, such as Uru (the material from which Thor's hammer is made, possibly stronger than Adamantium) and the material of the Silver Surfer's board (created with the Power Cosmic by Galactus himself).

Hope this helps!


First Post
number 3 is also pretty much a trait of Titanium. Once it has been put into a shape it is very hard to get it out of that shape. Anything better than titanium woulf have the same property but even more so.



Explorer has the following definition for "adamant", which apparently dates back to Latin literature:


\Ad"a*mant\ ([a^]d"[.a]*m[a^]nt), n. [OE. adamaunt, adamant, diamond, magnet, OF. adamant, L. adamas, adamantis, the hardest metal, fr. Gr. 'ada`mas, -antos; 'a priv. + dama^,n to tame, subdue. In OE., from confusion with L. adamare to love, be attached to, the word meant also magnet, as in OF. and LL. See Diamond, Tame.] 1. A stone imagined by some to be of impenetrable hardness; a name given to the diamond and other substances of extreme hardness; but in modern mineralogy it has no technical signification. It is now a rhetorical or poetical name for the embodiment of impenetrable hardness.

Opposed the rocky orb Of tenfold adamant, his ample shield. --Milton.

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