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Adamant's New "App-Pricing" Business Model


WIth the dawn of a new year, Adamant Entertainment has begun an experiment.

We helped to create the electronic-publishing market for the tabletop games industry over the past decade, and in recent years, we’ve seen the digital delivery of entertainment products grow in popularity. The mainstream growth of this method of delivery has given rise to the “App” — a convenient, packaged product, available at an impulse-purchase price. This is a model which we’ve made a big part of our business — our short-form PDFs were designed around this method.

As the decade has progressed, we’ve amassed data, and formed opinions based on the observation of that data. The two biggest take-aways for us have been: One, our “app-priced” products have consistently sold better than our more traditionally-priced work; and Two: that the best way to offer digital product is through cost and convenience.

A lot of media producers talk a lot about “piracy” — how to stop it, how to get around it, how to design their businesses to deal with it. This is folly. People want to support the things that they enjoy, and overwhelmingly prefer safe, legitimate sources to do so — as long as you make in convenient and make it reasonably priced. That’s all there is — there’s no stopping unauthorized file sharing, and it’s ridiculous to tailor your business to try and address it. Companies should instead spend their effort figuring out ways to make it easier for customers to purchase… which is what we feel our new experiment allows.

Adamant is dropping the price of all of our tabletop games PDF products to $1.99, across the board.

This is not a “clearance sale”, or only on older product — everything we have in PDF, including the new releases coming this week — $1.99, regardless of length. We think that the market has grown to the point where “app-pricing” (for lack of a better phrase) can generate sustainable business. We think that gamers will respond to a model based on ease-of-purchase and no-impact pricing. Most of all, we’re putting our money where our mouth is.

Call it an experiment. Call it putting theory into practice. Call it a leap of faith.

Care to leap with us?

Adamant Entertainment’s PDF Products are available at RPGNow.com as well as at DriveThruRPG.com.

For more information, interview requests, etc., contact Gareth-Michael Skarka at Adamant Entertainment.

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