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adding 25K of powers to artefact weapon of Truth?


I've taken over running a shared world campaign with a high level group and an artefact that was hinted to have more powers that might be discovered later.

The PCs just finished an adventure gained a lot of loot, and hit 16th level.

The PCs are strong, have high stats, and a ton of items.

The paladin had quested for this sword, recovering it from the banewarrens, then purging it of its former corruption and restoring it to its original holy status.

I took over DMing the campaign at that point.

Now the paladin wants to use his share of loot (25,000 gp) to go on a religious vision quest or whatnot to see what new powers he can discover in the Sword of Truth instead of spending his money on things like improving his amulet of natural armor another plus or two which he feels would be effective (he has a 30 AC already) but roleplaying wise boring. He said he will be happy with whatever he discovers even though he is not choosing it, etc.

So there is room to do this in the history and I like the story flavor here of this option, I just need to come up with an appropriate add on power to an epic artefact sword that is 25K gp appropriate.

The Sword is called the Sword of Truth, it is a +2 epic good cold iron longsword evil bane, arcane user (spell or spell ability) bane, does a targeted dispel magic on crits, and grants its wielder True Sight. Evil wielders gain a negative level as do arcane wielders. Not clear if it was used in Clash of Gods War where they amalgamated as single champions squaring off on Good/Evil/Neutral alignment axis. It prohibits wielder from speaking a knowing falsehood. In past used in church trials to get truth out of suspects.

Yes, grossly powerful, but he still does less damage than the PC dwarf fighter cleric when that PC gets going large and in charge.

If it was a normal sword I could easily figure out a power, but it is an artefact and the gp cost for adding a power on I'm fuzzy on in my head.

Here are the powers I was thinking of and possible limitations.

Turns opponents hit (on crit) back to original shape if in alternate form (Save). [he has not hit a shapechanger yet]

Dispels automatically (no dispel check) illusions on opponents struck (on crit). [Don't think anybody with an illusion yet since cleansed]

Grants wielder darkvision (although the paladin generates 4th level magical light as a prc ability already).

Illumine struck invisible creatures revealing their presence (fairy fire on strike)

Bonus on Search checks

Bonus on Spot

Arcane Sight

Zone of Truth power

Discern Lies

Intelligent magic item powers

Any suggestions on what is appropriate for 25K?


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First Post
Smite Falsehood:

A paladin, having completed a vision quest gains this ability when wielding the sword of truth. At the paladin’s option, he may spend a smite attack on his weapon, causing the weapon to radiate a bright white aura. During this time the paladins eyes glow with an unearthly wisdom. He may touch the sword to one sentient being during which time, he gains the benefit of the zone of truth, less the creature succeed a Will save (DC up to you). However, unlike the spell zone of truth, the subject is compelled by the sword to answer any question given it so long as the question is clearly not phrased so as to indicate guilt (hey, the weapon is honorable after all). The paladin my sever the connection by removing the blade and upon doing so, the blade returns to normal and the shining wisdom fades from the user’s eyes.

I’d recommend a time limit (10 minutes maybe or 10 questions) and make the ability usable only 1/day.


First Post
It could grant Extra smite attacks?

Or to make a true artifact.. make the paladin count as 1 or 2 level higher, when determin level for any of his abilities.. (this might be Waaay to much for 25k gold thought)

Btw 30 AC at level 16 isn't that much, is it?


Goolpsy said:
Btw 30 AC at level 16 isn't that much, is it?

30, and 34 vs evil creatures(which is most opponents). It feels like a lot as many, many things miss him all the time, particularly when I throw lots of lesser opponents at the party.


First Post
Could be the money, but my party are level 21 now, and everyone except the armorless fight (no casters .. wierd) have an AC of +40, and they've had this since dunno level 18 or 19


dedicated said:
Could have it give the wielder true site abilities
ie see through illusions and see invisible creatures
(but only him)

It already does that. Full true sight for wielder.

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