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Additional Gamma World Origins


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I'm thinking of adding a few HOMEBREW origins for Gamma World; here is the first one. Tell me what you think.

Ape .......................................................................................
And After The Era of Man Came The Age Of The Ape
You are a sentient simian with the analytical mind of a logician and more muscles than a collegiate defensive tackle. Everyone should see you are far superior to any weak, furless, human and you don't mind knocking skulls together to prove it.
Appearance: You are a talking gorilla or any of the greater or lesser apes. You may use any armor, tool, or weapon available to other humanoids. The exact nature of your skin, fur, dress, and occupation depends on your secondary origin roll.
Ape Traits
Mutant Type: Strength; Bio; +2 to bio overcharge
Skill Bonus (Level 1): Gain a plus +4 bonus to Acrobatics checks
Uncaged Mind (Level 1): Gain a +2 bonus to Will
Prehensile Feet (Level 1): Reduce the distance you are pushed, pulled, or slid by your Strength modifier.
Ape Critical (Level 2 or 6): When you score a Critical Hit, the attack deals 1d10 extra damage, and you knock the target prone.
Ape Powers
[SBLOCK]Cracking Skulls Ape Novice
You snatch two adjacent foes with your long arms and smash their heads with resounding force
Encounter a Bio, Physical
Standard Action Close Burst 2
Target: 1 or 2 creatures
Attack: Strength + your level vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d10 + Strength Modifier physical damage and your target is "dazed" until your next turn.

Chest Thump Ape Utility
You bellow and beat your chest displaying to one and all your superior resolve and apish vigor
Encounter a BioImmediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: You fail a saving throw to end an ongoing effect
Effect: You re-roll your save adding a +5 power bonus to the roll. If successful, you gain 5 plus your level temporary hit points.

Tyrant Toss Ape Expert
You hurl a oil barrel, chunk of masonry, or other large piece of debris at your enemy.
Encounter a Bio, Physical
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: 1 creature
Attack: Strength + your level vs. AC

Hit: 3d10 +Strength Modifier + twice your level in physical damage and the target is "dazed" (save ends).

[/SBLOCK]Examples: Flying Monkey (Ape/Hawkoid), Kong (Ape/Giant), Spider Monkey (Ape/Cockroach), Space Ape (Ape/Xeno)
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the Jester

Yeah, I was considering doing something like that too- I played a mutated worm back in the day, and I don't see a way to recreate him out of the current origin list.

Although doesn't one of the forthcoming supplements have another 20 origins in it?


First Post
Yeah, I was considering doing something like that too- I played a mutated worm back in the day, and I don't see a way to recreate him out of the current origin list.

Although doesn't one of the forthcoming supplements have another 20 origins in it?

I just found out that "Famine At Far-Go" is comming out in October and will have another 20 origins which will superceed my "Ape" origin and all of my other current ideas. If I create more, I'm going to focus ones not covered yet.

AI (Not an android so "2001" or "Knight Rider". Maybe a data-glove (aka Pip Boy) your character wears?)
Alien (The sneaky thing about aliens is how well they blend in to a crowd of Gamma Worlders)
Fungoid (I am not a plant!!!)
Prescient (Empath, Hypercognitive, Mind Coercer; somebody looked up "psychic" in the thesaurus)
Gelatinous (Mr. Cube, I presume?)
Reanimated (For robots this means fresh batteries)
Arachnoid (Now you can be a Spider Plant)
Magnetic (Magnetic Empaths get all the girls)
Cryokinetic (Sequencially Obvious)
Mythic (LOL)
Simian (An ape by any other name)
Ectoplasmic (Slime Powers or Ghost or both?)
Nightmare (More likely a Dream Spirit than a horse)
Temporal (Do you have the time?)
Entropic (Rotting)
Plaguebearer (Rotten)
Wheeled (Motorcycle Centaurs)
Exploding (+Mythic = Mythbusters)
Plastic (Hopefully not an Action Figure)

As to your worm question:
1. A Rat Swarm could be a swarm of worms.
2. An Earthworm Jim character would be Android/Hawkoid if you ignored any capabilities he may possess as a worm.
3. A cockroach could be something that climbs walls such as a slug or snail but that wouldn't match well with its mechanics skill and reflex bonus.

A true "Worm" origin would be HB. Here's my take on it......

Worm ................................................
From The Earth We Come, And In The Earth We Remain
You know that worms are clever, subtle, and graceful and have no need of limbs or a ridged skeleton. You can see, hear, talk, and hold objects by coiling your lower body around them.

Appearance: You are a limbless, sticky, flesh-hose and those are your good qualities. The worm covers not only invertebrates, but non-venomous snakes, slugs, tape worms, leeches, eels, and limbless lizards.

Worm Traits
Mutant Type: Wisdom; Bio; +2 to bio overcharge
Skill Bonus (Level 1): Gain a plus +4 bonus to Stealth
Perseverance of the Downtrodden (Level 1): +2 to Fortitude
Writhe and Wriggle (Level 1): You are hard to pin down and have a +2 to defense bonus against attacks that would result in you being knocked prone, immobilized, or restrained.
Worm Critical (Level 2 or 6): When you score a Critical Hit, the attack deals 1d10 extra damage. If it is a melee attack, can move as a free action to any square adjacent to your target.

Worm Powers
Creepy Crawler Worm Novice
You are able to move through a crowd of enemies to reach your true target.
Encounter a Bio, Physical
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: 1 creatures
Attack: Wisdom + your level + Weapon Proficiency vs. AC
Effect: You shift a number of squares equal to your Wisdom Modifier even if they are occupied by others without provoking opportunity attacks before or after you attack.
Hit: 1[W] + Wisdom Modifier + your level

Plumbing Snake Worm Utility
You can squeeze through a narrow pipe, mouse hole, or burrow just below the surface of the soil
At Will a Bio, Physical
Free Action Personal
Effect: You can move normally through the top layer of loose dirt or sand, a narrow duct, or a pipe that only a "Tiny" creature could fit through. This utility is especially useful for sneaking up on a target. You can't wear armor or hold objects while squeezing or burrowing. A successful "Stealth" check means you remain undetected (unheared and unseen).

Strangle Hold Worm Expert
You use your body to bind your foe while you slit its throat
Encounter a Bio, Physical
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: 1 creatures
Attack: Wisdom Modifier + your level + W.P. vs. Reflex
Hit: 1[W] + Wisdom Modifier + your level weapon damage and your target is "restrained" until your next turn.
Sustained Attack: You can repeat this power each round on your target by spending a standard action and succeeding at another attack roll vs. reflex (as above). While holding your foe restrained you occupy the same square, you provide it partial cover with your own body, are hit by any area effects that hit your target, and grant combat advantage to any other creatures that wish to attack you. If you stop sustaining your attack or fail an attack roll your "strangle hold" is broken.

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