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Adult: GUCK development forum IV


The EN World kitten
Since everyone has apparently begun to regroup, I just wanted to bring my own salutations to the fore. I regret that I was absent so long, but that's what happens when real life intrudes.

In a lighter note, I just received a very complimentary email from someone who had been perusing the GUCK website. We're definately reaching some of the people out there! I've reproduced it as it was sent to me below, since the credit belongs to everyone who worked on this:


Let me start by saying I am very impressed by the GUCK d20 conversion. The original was kind of more silly than not, but I always thought there was some great material there. The new one is fabulous – inclusive in scope, professional in design and presentation, and well thought out in content. Kudos all around.

Interestingly, several years ago, I had the idea to take some of the spells in the original guide and edit them to a more serious purpose, for use by a Eastern-style, sexually-themed spellcaster I was playing at the time. Well, that game fell apart, but the character intrigued me, especially inasmuch as she (a) was based around a much-maligned stat (Charisma), and (b) used spells that didn’t blow :):):):) up. Also, as a scholar of religion, I was interested by the fact that whereas almost every culture on earth that has a mystical tradition has spells or rituals that deal with fertility, sexual desire, and so on, a fantasy game was utterly silent on the issue. I resolved to continue designing serious, useful spells in this vein, suitable for use in D&D. While my project hit a bit of bump when d20 came out, it proceeded apace once I acclimated myself to the new rules.

Imagine my delight in seeing like minded individuals out there! I therefore send you some of my work in this line, to see if any of it strikes your fancy for use with your project. Good luck and best wishes.

L. W. S.

The spells that were included were attached in a Word document. I've been trying to post it here as an attachment to this message, but my browser is refusing to cooperate, so I'll try back again soon. Most of them seemed to be thematic of existing spells with the Kiss range included. Some seemed overpowered, but a few were quite interesting. I'll post back later to dissect them in more detail.

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The EN World kitten
Having been repeatedly foiled in attaching this as a document, I've simply cut and pasted the document that was included in the aforementioned email.

It occurs to me that there might be some spells that are, by default, ranged “kiss,” as per the Smooch Spell Feat. These have the descriptor Kiss Spell, and are collectively considered a special category of spells. Spells that have been memorized with the Smooch Spell Feat are also considered Kiss Spells.


Passionate Kiss [General]
The character may apply her Charisma modifier as a Save Penalty to targets saving against her Kiss Spells. Prerequisites: Smooch Spell

Although many cultures have a tradition of “charms” or “spells” relating to sex and desire, clearly placing them in the Arcane camp for our purposes, sex is also considered by some cultures to a be a fundamental force of the natural world. Especially in Indian and Mesopotamian cultures, the sexual act was magical not in what we D&D gamers would consider the Arcane sense, but in the Divine sense. In that vein, it might be appropriate to suggest that some of these spells, especially those that have to do with healing and so forth, are more appropriate as Druid spells (or for Clerics of gods of passion, etc) than Wizard spells. I leave their level designations inspecific for now.


Kiss Spell

Level: 1
Range: Kiss
Components: S
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One creature
Save: None

When a wizard casts this spell he engages a target creature in a passionate kiss. So engaged, the target is not aware of anything else, whilst the caster retains only vague awareness of other events. No concentration can be maintained (by either party), and no action of any kind may be undertaken. The caster determines the length of the kiss, and may choose to break it at any time. The caster may maintain the kiss even if damaged (damaging the target grants an immediate save versus spells, each and every time damage is inflicted, to break free), though physically separating the two parties, such as by knocking the caster down, will end the spell.

GOODNIGHT KISS (Enchantment/Charm)
Kiss Spell

Level: 1
Range: Kiss
Components: special
Duration: 1 minute/level
Casting Time: 1 action
Area of Effect: One creature
Save: Will negates (see below)

Upon kissing another creature, the target falls into a magical slumber which is in all ways identical to the effects of the sleep spell, except for the duration.

Kiss Spell

Level: 1
Range: Kiss
Components: special
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action
Area of Effect: One creature
Save: Special

The opposite of the spell, Goodnight Kiss, will instantly awaken any creature sleeping. If the target is under the effects of magical sleep, this spell acts exactly as a Dispel Magic spell; if the character has been drugged unconscious, the caster may generate a Spell Penetration total which is then compared to the save DC for the drug/poison – if this roll exceeds the DC, the drug/poison is purged from the target and the target awakes.


Level: 2
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 rd/lvl
Casting Time: 2 hrs.
Area of Effect: Special
Save: n/a

This spell is very similar to the spell, scrying, in that it allows the caster to scry at a distance very similar to a crystal ball (qv). The differences are: the caster can only scry on someone she has had intimate relations with (this always counts as “very familiar,” for obvious reasons) or someone that person has had intimate relations with (though this is at a -25% penalty), and so on iteratively down the chain (at cumulative -25% penalty for each “link”). The caster must know who she is looking for, if she is mistaken about the individual’s identity, the spell will not work, which is enough at least, usually, to reveal that some mistake or deception has occurred. The caster can still attempt to cast spells through the scrying, at the usual stated chances.
The caster must have some memento of a sexual encounter with the individual in question; it need not have been freely given, or worth very much, so long as it is definitely connected to either the person, the place, or the time. For instance, a handkerchief belonging to the man, a book of matches from the hotel, or a picture taken at the time would all qualify; a dagger (one of many belonging to him and not a “personal” instrument), a map to the place where the encounter occurred, or a calendar marked with the correct day would NOT qualify.

LAYLA’S KISS (Alteration)
Kiss Spell

Level: 2
Range: Kiss
Components: special
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action
Area of Effect: One creature
Save: None

This kiss immediately dispels any Charm spell, breaks any spell which ensorcells the character’s emotions (such as Seduction, Fear, Friends, etc), and counters such magicks as Magic Jar, Trap the Soul, and other similar possessions, pitting the Spell Penetration total generated by the caster against the save DC of the magicks in question.

JEALOUS KISS(Enchantment)
Kiss Spell

Level: 1
Range: Kiss
Components: special
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 action
Area of Effect: One person
Save: Special

If the caster kisses a person under the influence of a Charm or Seduction spell of any sort, she may attempt to “steal” the person’s “loyalty” from the original caster, pitting the caster’s Spell Penetration total against the save DC of the spell in question. If successful, the subject’s “loyalties” are transfered to the caster of the Jealous Kiss spell, just as if she had cast the original Charm or Seduction spell in question. The spell retains its original duration, and any elapsed time still counts for purposes of determining the timing of the next saving throw permitted to the poor, passed-about victim, if applicable.
{Note: Yes, I know that this is the same as “Transfer Charm.” I thought “Jealous Kiss” had a nice ring to it.}


Level: 2
Range: 0
Components: V, S, F
Duration: 2 rounds plus 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 10 feet radius, plus 5 feet per level
Save: Will negates

When this spell is cast, a zone is created, centered on the caster, of the dimensions specified above. Within that zone, characters who are Horny or Lustful will, prior to engaging in sex or approching a potential sex partner, will attempt to ensure that any perceived competition for that partner will not, or cannot, interfere. This has no effect on characters who are not Horny or Lustful, and if a character leaves the area (perhaps in search of sex), he is freed from the effects of the spell. Thus, it is often to the caster’s advantage to present a likely sexual partner upon or immediately after casting the spell, unless one was already present. Affected individuals will attempt to act within their alignment, generally speaking – for instance, a LG character might simply ask another male character in the vicinity to leave so he could “be alone” with the “young lady,” while a pair of orcs might immediately set to fighting with one another to determine who will be able to mate with the captive. Affected targets are exempted from penalties to attack rolls, skill checks, or ability checks in the service of “getting rid of” potential competition. This spell does not extend the effects of any Status Conditions, nor does it create arousal in and of itself. It merely changes the way that affected targets react to the situation. Arcane Focus: A piece of jewelry worth at least 100 gp

SEALED WITH A KISS (Enchantment)

Level: 2
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day per point of Charisma
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One scroll or letter
Save: Special

The Enchantress kisses the enclosure on a scroll or letter, marking it with a “seal” of her lip-print as she casts this spell. The magic in the “seal” then affects anyone handling it: anyone who comes into possession of the missive must save as thought they had been attacked by a Kiss Spell cast by the caster or do their honest utmost to see that the letter gets delivered to its intended recipient as soon as possible, free of charge, whether they know or care about either the individual who gave them the letter or the person for whom it is destined. If the character does not know the intended recipient then he will, if affected, do all he can to find out. Characters affected by the magic in the “seal” will preferentially give the letter to others who would be more likely to be affected by the magic (ie, those who are sexually compatible with the caster, for starters), though this is not a conscious choice and one that is made solely on the information they have at their disposal. While letters guarded by this spell do not always reach their intended target, they stand a much better chance.
The material component for this spell is a bright red lipstick with flecks or ruby dust, worth 100 gp per tube (10 applications per tube).

Kiss Spell

Level: 3
Range: Kiss
Components: special
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 action
Area of Effect: One creature and its dweomers
Save: Will Negates

This kiss spell is directed against a spell caster; if the caster fails to save versus the spell, any currently active spells he has cast are negated if the caster so desires. This Kiss Spell does not confer any special knowledge of what the mage has or has not cast, so most casters either just chose to play it safe and end all of a target’s spells, or already know of one they want cancelled.
The material component is a special lipgloss which contains sapphire dust, worth 30 gp per application.

SUCCUBUS BOON (Necromancy)

Level: 3
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day/level
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Area of Effect: Caster
Save: None

When enacting this spell, the caster marks herself with an arcane symbol across his stomach, painted in dye made from a plant with aphrodisiacal properties (the caster may have the symbol tattooed on, at a cost of at least 200 gp, which means that the material component for the spell is always satisfied). Once cast, the mage may then subsist on the energies and the elixer vitæ of the male orgasm (if the “component” of the spell is obtained from a non-humanoid species, the creature in question must be one considered “virile” or having a “masculine” affinity – e.g.: dogs, wolves, horses, bulls, etc). The energies and the ejaculate must be harvested personally, but one such partaking is equivalent for the caster’s purposes to a full day’s food and drink. After the caster has “fed” in such a fashion, s/he becomes suffused with the energies of life; within the next 12 hours, anyone (except the donor of the original “food” the caster consumed in casting this spell) having sex with the caster (both parties must orgasm) is considered to have partaken of a full day’s food and drink, up to a maximum of one person per two levels of the caster.


Level: 3
Range: Special
Components: V, S
Duration: 2 hrs + 1 hr/level
Casting Time: 1 action
Area of Effect: Self and anyone kissed
Save: n/a

When this spell is active, the caster can gain the ability to comprehend and communicate in the native language of anyone she kisses deeply and passionately (lasting at least a round). There is no limit to the number of languages she can “acquire” this way. Furthermore, she can “grant” the ability to communicate in any language she has so borrowed (but not a language she speaks normally) to anyone she kisses (each kiss can only accomplish one or the other effect). There is also no limit to the number of people she can grant languages to in this fashion. The ability to use the “borrowed” languages, for the caster or anyone “gifted” by her, only lasts for the duration of the spell.


Level: 3
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One creature
Save: n/a

The Enchantress weaves a special protection around herself or the creature touched. The heat of flame is nothing compared to the heat of passion; while the spell is in effect, the protected creature can absorb flame, heat or fire damage harmlessly and convert it to passion. The spell normally lasts 12 hours; each 12 points of damage absorbed reduces the duration by an hour (that is, absorbing 36 points of fire damage would reduce the duration to 9 hours). When the protection ends, the protected creature must slake the flames that have kindled in his heart and loins; the creature is Lustful until 12 hours from the time of casting has elapsed. Furthermore, upon the elapse of 12 hours from the time of casting, the fire damage absorbed is applied to the protected character… less 2 points for every gratification point the character has accumlated since the spell was cast. That is, if the character absorbed 36 points of fire damage, and then, during his Lustful state, accumulated 15 gratification points, he would still take 6 points of fire damage at the end of 12 hours from the casting of the spell.
The material component for the spell is a small ruby heart, worth at least 50 gp, which the protected creature must carry or wear. It is consumed at the end of the spell in a small puff of pink flame.


Level: 4
Range: Medium
Casting Time: 1 action
Area of Effect: 1 creature capable of lust
Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S
Save: Will negates

This spell is related to The Fires of the Heart Burn Hotter. It converts the heat of passion into literal flame. Damage is determined per the target’s status:

Horny: 1d6, Lustful: 2d6, Delirious: 4d6
Aroused: x1, Peaked: x2, Climaxed: x3, Ecstasy: x4
Unwilling: x1/4, Fatigued: x1/2, Exhausted: x1/4, Recovery: x1/5

The damage is fire-typed, but does not affect anyone aside from the target, even someone directly in physical contact.
This spell is a prime candidate, clearly, for use with the Transmitting Orgasm or Transmitting Sex Feats.


Level: 4
Range: 0
Components: V
Duration: 2 turns/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Caster
Save: n/a

This spell is similar in effect to the Fourth Level Wizard Spell, Polymorph, with the following exceptions: the caster can only transform herself into a creature of whose type she has had intimate relations with, and the caster gains all the special, though not spell like or spellcasting abilities, of her new form. For instance, if she transformed herself into a dragon with Polymorph, she would not get the dragon’s spell casting abilities or his breath weapon. If she used Intimate Familiarity, she does get the breath weapon, but still not the spell casting abilities. Note that the caster is not transforming into the creature she had intimate relations with, just an exponent of that species.


Level: 4
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 10 rounds/level
Casting Time: 1 rnd
Area of Effect: 10’ radius
Save: n/a

This spell creates a zone into which only creatures who are capable of feeling or experiencing sexual passion can enter. Creatures who are asexual by nature (such as Golems or Slimes), those who are no longer capable of experiencing physical love (such as eunuchs), or those who are enchanted in such a way as to no longer have any interest whatsoever in sex cannot enter. The zone is centered on the caster and moves with her. Creatures barred from entering who are at least twice the caster’s HD can make an effort to enter, in which case they must make a Will save; if successful, they can enter, but take 1d4 damage per level of the caster for doing so.

Level: 4

This spell is identical to the Fourth Level Druid Spell, Animal Summoning I, except for the following: the caster calls men, not animals. She must specify a general type, such as “longbowmen,” “construction workers,” “elven wizards,” or “eligible bachelors.” The respondents are under no specific compulsion to aid the caster, but the spell does grant a +4 bonus to Diplomacy checks for when they do arrive, and renders them at -4 to save versus any Charm type spells she may cast on them when they do arrive. All other limitations, including the HD limit and the maximum number of creatures affected, still apply. This spell is sometimes called “Personals Ad.”.

Level: 4

Except for the name and the level, this spell is identical to the Fifth Level Cleric Spell, Raise Dead. Additionally, the caster cannot raise anyone who has never known either physical love, or romantic love for another.


Level: 5
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: One hour
Area of Effect: Special
Save: None (target must be willing)

This is an intriguing version of the geas spell. The preparation for the spell involves the creation of a special ink which requires the blood of all parties to be bound by the contract (see below), the sweat of dryad, the semen of a paladin, and the bile of a naga or a harpy. Also required are a quill made of a feather plucked from a bird which has never known freedom, and parchment made from the skin of a wild stag. As you can see, given the material components, most master/slave agreements are of the more conventional sort. Still, the use of this spell, while less common than conventional D/s arrangements, is not entirely uncommon, though it is typically only employed by masters who believe they have a particularly valuable slave or (ironically) by very paranoid masters. Note also that the spell is sometimes used for entirely non-sexual purposes.
After the ink, quill and parchment – as well as the participants – have been gathered, the spell is cast. At this point, the one who is to be Master writes the terms of the contract – duties, responsibilities, rights, limits, etc – on the parchment. When he is finished, he signs it. Those who are to be party to the agreement (that is, those who have a role which is spelled out in the contract) sign the contract with their names and their titles as referred to in the document. The signatories must sign with a willing heart, not coerced or controlled by magic, though the caster is free to misrepresent the nature of what they are signing in order to obtain a “willing” signature (for instance, a caster could not force someone to sign under threat of death – their heart isn’t in it when they sign, so the magic won’t work. On the other hand, if he told the person to sign that they were agreeing to become the next king – just sign here – and they signed eagerly, then that person is just S.O.L.).
The writing of the contract and the signatures must be completed before the next sunset or sunrise after the spell was begun. Once this event has come to pass, the contract is “sealed.” When the contract is “sealed,” its magic takes hold. From that point on, the signatories are bound to obey the contract or suffer dire penalties. Whenever an infraction is committed, or a situation of infraction is created, the responsible parties in the contract are immediately aware of it. At this point, the responsible party (or parties, if there are such, though they must decide unanimously) may choose to inflict, magically, any or all of the following punishments: pain, loss of sexual pleasure for 1D6 days, 1D4 temporary Constitution damage, or a temporary sexual insanity lasting 1D6 days. Characters reduced to 0 Constitution this way are dead irrevocably, excepting a wish.
There are a few ways out of the contract. First, some slave contracts have nullification clauses written into them, wherein one of the parties involved may void the whole contract simply by stating the desire to do so. Some contracts are for a specific duration, or set to expire upon the occurence of a certain event. In these cases, when the contract expires, it vanishes in a puff of pink smoke and the signatories are freed from the spell. The contract may be broken by a wish (or temporarily suspended for a duration of 1D6 days by limited wish), an attonement accompanied by sincere conversion to the faith of the casting cleric, or by dousing the original copy of the contract in holy water and then burning with the clerical spell produce flame.
Note that the spell must be cast in the presence of all components and intended signatories. Signatures or corrections added to the contract later have no effect on the binding of the spell. The nature of the spell makes it clear, in general terms, what it is meant to accomplish – those present are almost certain to understand that they are about to be asked to commit themselves to an agreement which will be enforced by magic. Destruction of the contract in any way other than the one specified above has no effect on the spell or the original terms of the agreement; the spell itself does not provide the signatories with any special knowledge of the terms of the agreement (thus, destroying the contract in some conventional way has the singular effect of reducing obedience to the terms to a matter of guesswork). The magic enforces the specific letter of the contract only.

LOVER’S KISS (Necromancy)

Level: 7
Range: Touch (Kiss)
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: One creature
Save: None

To cast this spell, the mage utters a sincere plea on behalf of the target, who may be crippled, deranged, comatose, petrified, trapped in stasis, magically asleep, etc etc – even dead, so long as he perished no more than one turn prior to the administering of the kiss. The plea must be sincere; that is, the caster must have some deep and pure reason to want to save this person. True love is the usual reason, but deeply held convictions about helping others, or even a passion for a certain cause to which this person is vital are just as valid. Mere friendly acquaintance with someone is not enough; not everyone that the caster adventures with will be eligible for the benefits of this spell. If the DM feels that the plea is sincere, and that the character is acting in accordance with his true feelings on the subject, the spell immediately breaks any and all curses, dispels possessions or malign magics, repairs injuries, restores lost abilities and levels, and even brings the dead back to life (in full and perfect health). There is a price, however; both the caster and the benefeciary are now permanently geased to the effect that they may not harm, or facilitate the harming of, each other, and must in fact seek to aid each other should there be a perceived need, to any length short of grave physical peril. Need for association is not included in the geas, so two individuals so affected who do not normally like one another may remove themselves far apart from each other’s presence, so as to avoid being entangled in one another’s lives. Any given creature can only benefit from this spell from a given caster once without danger. Further applications to the same person entail that (a) the spell will fail and (b) cost the caster 2 points of Constitution, permanently. The geas may not be broken by any power save a god or goddess of love, and the Constitution loss may not be restored, though if some other magickal effect or item were to grant the character a point or points of Constitution, it would function normally.


First Post
This is such a great project... I remember using the original back in the day of 2nd Edition. I know you are currently working on rewriting it for the d20 system, and I was wondering if you would be interested in a submission for a new item that we devised in a campaign, or if you simply wish to focus on the rewrite of what you already have.


First Post
*gets a big stick and starts hitting all the piles of work starting gang up on him* Argh... work got me firmly in its grasp, but I do occassionally swing by and see what's going on here.

Anyway, I do have a copy of BoEM, and I agree wholeheartedly with our Mistress of Spells. It's a great book, but we still have our niche (and yes, our project is free...)

I am certainly still on board as far as final proofread and layout goes. Other than that, well, I'll have to see what I can do with the limited time I have. Only time will tell.

One thing though is that we really need to focus on getting the remaining sections done. Squabbling over spell details isn't going to get us any closer to finishing up. If you look at it, there isn't all that much left to do, and once that's all done, we can flesh out some of the sparser sections. That'll get us GUCK v1.0

After we have that, then's the time to go through more spells, additional PrC's, etc. using web-enhancements or revisions in the base volume.

Reshana said:
This is such a great project... I remember using the original back in the day of 2nd Edition. I know you are currently working on rewriting it for the d20 system, and I was wondering if you would be interested in a submission for a new item that we devised in a campaign, or if you simply wish to focus on the rewrite of what you already have.

Submit, submit and oh, submit. We are way past a rewrite of the original material, so the more new stuff, the better. Welcome aboard.

Erila of Sune

First Post
Okay, I know Sorn said no squabbling over spell details, but I think the new ones need to be gone over, and I'll do that now.

First: No new "Kiss" spells. We're using a feat(Or two) to handle that variation. This is how we've chosen to handle it, and the express purpose is to avoid confusion.

All right, that said I'll throw out my comments

Many of the spells that remain after throwing out the 'kiss' variants are simply too powerful. Second level is too much to cause people to fly into a berserk rage (even potentially) and the degree of protection afforded by the flame spells also seems out of proportion to their level. Our Raven's spell's seem to have been made with the philosophy that being fundamentally sexual has no effect on a spell's power level.

Slave's Contract: This one is actually fairly interesting, though. It /does/ fill a niche, although it might be better to do it as a magical item and/or series of magical items.

Slave Contract: These magical items come in three forms. The normal Contract is limited to functioning for one year from the date signed, a Greater Slave Contract may function for up to five years, and a True Slave Contract functions until the conditions specified are fulfilled, or life.

Regardless of the level, all such contracts have certain basic similiarities. Each one must specify at least one duty for one signitary to perform, and that person must recieve at least reward specified from another signitary. By the same token, penalties for failure to comply must be written into the contract at the time of signing, and may duplicate any spell effect up to third level with a single target. These penalties are magically carried out on either party in the event of failure.

The Greater Contract differs slightly. While it may be used in the manner of a normal contract the specified reward can also be in the form of a spell effect placed upon the 'slave' signatory. Either spell effect, or both, may be of up to fifth level.

A True Slave's Contract is a rare device indeed, and considered illegal in many lawful societies. This is because, in addition to allowing up to seventh level spell effects, the 'slave' who signed the contract immediately falls under the effects of a powerful Suggestion that makes her seem happy and eager to fulfil the terms of the contract. Since someone might be influenced via magic or coercion into signing, it is often impossible to prove whether or not the signee was willing at the time of signing to do so once this form has been signed.

In all cases, destruction of the [i[contract[/i] ends its' magic.

Well, ideas on the above? Also, I think it may be time to move into the re-write and review of the PrCs in general. Who was responsible for that? (If that person isn't around, I'll do it.
Last edited:


First Post
Thanks for responding. :)
This item was concieved during 2nd Edition play, but it could easily be altered to fit a 3rd Edition campaign. Also, my character never fully explored the capabilites of it, so you can pump it up or tone it down if you feel it to be overpowering.

Reshana's Bag of Pleasure

Reshana created this bag out of irritation when she found it difficult to find partners and appropriate places to indulge herself while out on the road. Unfortunately it backfired somewhat, and is considered to be a semi cursed item, and is not something anyone of good alignment would use willingly.

Reshana's bag resembles an ordinary backpack/traveling bag that a normal adventurer would carry. But inside the bag is an interdimensional space similar to that in a Bag of Holding or a Portable Hole (all restrictions for putting one inside the other would apply). Upon entering Reshana's bag, you see a large main room full of pillows and bedding, rather like a harem room. In the middle of the room an exceptionally large cushion covers a hot tub/bath tub for bathing and frolicking. Off to the side against a wall is a cabinet full of jewelry, fine erotic clothing, sensual toys, oils, etc (these CANNOT be taken out of the Bag as they are part of it, same goes for the bedding and such). Against the other 3 walls are a large number of mostly empty shelves, floor to ceiling. Reshana's original plan called for the shelves to be filled with figurines similar to the Figurine Of The Willing WonTon (seen in the original Guide).

Depending on who has owned the bag previously, there may or may not be a number of figurines on the shelves. They will resemble people of all races and types if they are present. The bag is cursed in that, if the owner sees a person on the street that they find attractive and wish to have sex with, they must roll a Wisdom check (2nd Ed). If they fail, the person ends up as a figurine within the bag, unless the owner makes a direct attempt to seduce and bed the victim. The bag has no effect on persons the owner has already bedded, so if they realize the bag is beginning to activate they may flirt with the person, woo them, seduce them, and if they are successful, the Bag's attempt to imprison them will be negated. Once the victim is inside the bag they are transformed into a figurine until the owner removes them from the shelf. Once awakened, the bag casts a charm person/love spell upon the captured individual who will then wish to please the owner of the bag.

Reshana was quite horrified by this development and tried to destroy the bag, but it IS a cursed item. So far she has been able to free 2 people that she inadvertently caught by bringing their figurines outside the bag, casting a Dispell Magic and making a Wis check (2nd Ed). She has averted the capture of several others by successfully seducing them.

It is unknown to me (the player) whether the owner can choose to fail a Wisdom check and Reshana never tried to do so. It is also unknown to me as to whether a saving throw on the part of the victim is required, as my DM always used the bag as a plot device to get Reshana in trouble(possible saving throws for inprisonment and for the charm spell after the capture may apply). She feels very badly about the people still caught in the bag (but true to her chaotic nature she does disport herself with them... at least she can make the best of the situation). Reshana is currently on the run from mutiple kingdom governments as she is suspected in the disappearance of several high ranking nobles.

This is probably considered a very powerful item, DMs may tweak the bag to better fit the campaign and levy harsh consequences on the owner for its use. Fee free to revise the bag and how it works as you see fit to avoid abuse, or pump it up for evil minded campaigns. :)


First Post
Okay, I know Sorn said no squabbling over spell details, but I think the new ones need to be gone over, and I'll do that now.

And you are right... it needs to be done... I'd just like to avoid lengthy discussions on very small details that don't really go anywhere.

Reshana, looks very good! I like it. We'll need to come up with some 3.0 rules to replace the Wisdom checks, but that shouldn't be all that hard.

Erila of Sune

First Post
For Reshana's item, I think a Will Save of a DC equal to 17 + the caster level of the item is suitable for the Wisdom checks. The requirements to INTENTIONALLY craft such a thing should probably include Suggestion, Sex Slave, and probably some form of Leomund's Tiny Hut, in addition to the requirements for a bag of holding.

Reshana: It might help if you ask you DM to post his version of the item here.


First Post
I talked to my DM (hehe I'm married to him, he's quite tickled that I submitted this item), he says that yes the owner may choose to fail the Wis check.

There is no saving throw for the victim to avoid capture, similar to teleport spells, you don't have the option to save.

He also said that once in the bag, the person is in an extra dimensional area that is completely under the owner's control and as such he treats it as if they were transported to another plane that the owner is the overlord of (I thought it was only Ravenloft realms that worked that way, but apparently planes and certain other extra dimensional spaces do also). So they do not get a saving throw for the charm. He says also that if the owner is a caster, any spells that they cast within the bag on another person/entity do not get a save because of this.

Everything else is as stated in my description. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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