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Adult: GUCK development forum IV

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Well, I made some progress, and cut some corners. Certain features are not enabled yet, and there's still some (metaphorical) wet paint, but the new GUCK Development Site is open for business.

The design will change over the next few days, and a few extra men options will appear (e.g. the downloads section is not working yet) over the course of the next week or two. There is also some housekeeping yet to do (e.g. taking comments out of the old body-text and turning them into actual comments, adding descriptions for the GUCK artwork, etc.).

However, I think we can get the ball rolling now, and open up the site:


By all means, post in the forums. And if you run into any errors, please let me know ASAP.

Aquarius Alodar

First Post
Bastoche said:
Cool. Thanks!
What he said, because, among other things, there were somewhat scanty details on something that, from what I remember, would make a pretty sweet side-project - a plane of existence that looked like a hybrid transitive/outerplane- portrayed as spiritual sexuality incarnate, from where one could drop in on almost anywhere in the multiverse, with one stipulation- there had to be someone else at the destination performing some kind of sex act, else the transplanar teleportation would not work. Of course, I may be remembering this all wrong, anyway.


First Post
What about this Spell

Hello, this is my first time on this site(So be gentle ;) ). I have read the Guide dozens of time and I really liked it. So I hope you like this one for the book(Maybe be used as a curse)

Opposite Reborn
Level: 7
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100f t. + 10ft./level)
Target: One Creature
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: No

Transforms the target in child of the opposite sex and random race. After four rounds he/she becomes the age what he/she first was.
Also this happens:

1. The target will forget what he/she was. (no save)
2 Others, who know him/her forget what he/she was before the transmutation, as if he/she was always like this.(no save)
3. Has a new history.(Please help me with this one)

Random Races:

01-20 Elf
21-30 Dwarf
31-40 Halfling
41-50 Gnome
51-60 Half-Elf
61-70 Half-Orc
71-80 Half-Dryad
81-90 Half-Nymph
90-100 DM Chooses

Material Component: A little skirt or little pair of trousers.

Example: Grunt, a wizard cast this spell on EAD, and he(EAD)fails his saving throw(Oh...Did he :D ). EAD becomes a little girl and rolls on the Random Races, and becomes a Half-Nymph. After four rounds, he become again 30 years old(He was that before the transformation.)

I hope that it was in good English.
Also I hope you all like this, please change things if you like and make it even better.
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First Post
Wild Surges (Adult Wild Magic)

You can also use the Wild Surges of Gypsyjinx
(They are unbelieveable real :cool: )


Wild Surges Affecting a Female Spellcaster :

45 Caster begins each conversation by saying "My breasts tells me..."

48 Caster bets her clothing that she can lift a horse over her head

178 Caster is immune to any and all sexually transmitted diseases(That's all the girls want)

Wild Surges Affecting a male Spellcaster :

24 Caster becomes an exact copy of the next woman he sleeps with

203 Caster refers his penis as his "better half"

171 Caster is naked exept for a carefully placed sock(Red hot Chilli Pepers style)
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First Post
Is this thread dead or something? :(

1. Oh why, did it just died this thread???, when it became very interesting.
2. Where can I help with the ideas for GUCK???.
3. Can anyone use the Resurrect Spell on this thread? ;) .

What about this:

The PC must roll this also in the Character Generation:

The sexual orientation of the PC:

0-25: Hetero
26-50: Bi-Sexual
51-100: Gay/Lesbian

PS: What about clubs and shows???.

Selma said:
The PC must roll this also in the Character Generation:

The sexual orientation of the PC:

0-25: Hetero
26-50: Bi-Sexual
51-100: Gay/Lesbian
According to the d20 License guide, players get to choose character attributes like race, gender, social class etc. I think sexual orientation would also fall under this category. Basically one of the design decisions of D&D 3.x is "Player's Choice" rather than rolling whenever possible.

Having said that, I'm curious as to why you believe that 50% of all heroes are homosexual?


First Post
Some Heroes are

Why I think that 50% are homosexual:

1. That's because they like to hold things that are large ;)
2. Perhaps, they feel more homosexual, but cannot go out of the closet, so they play to look and act as a hetero.(You don't have to shame for your orientation.)

Are there any homosexual or Lesbian RPG adventures for them to play???

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