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Adult: Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge


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@kolvar: Yes, there does seem to be a fair ammount that could be put in a second volume. Once we have this one done then I'm sure that we can gather a few things together for the next one... :)

Well, since I seem to be going over all the feats from the Guide on my way to the spells here are some more. Only the Psionic and Meta-Psionic ones left after this.

As always, comments would be greatly appreciated? Good? Bad? Just let me know what poeple think of all this. I'm get the impression that this is so stupid no one wants to say anything about them.

Body to Die For seemed rather vague so I fiddled with it a bit.
Iron Celibacy was altered a little, mainly because it contradicted itself about how long the benefits were lost.
Sexappeal was renamed Sex Appeal (Anybody have any idea why the words were squished together like that?) and the definition tidied up a bit.

Body to Die For [General]
Your naked form is appealing enough to distract even those who wish to kill you.
Prerequisite: Sex Appeal.
Benefit: When you naked or are dressed in suitably revealing attire, any enemies sexually attracted to members of your gender and who can see you suffer a –1 circumstance penalty to their attack rolls and Initiative due to the distraction that you represent. This penalty increases to –2 for those who are attacking you as it is harder for them to ignore your body in such cases.
Penalties from more than one individual with this feat do not stack.

Iron Celibacy[General]
You have suppressed your sexual interests almost entirely.
Prerequisite: Wis 15+.
Benefit: You are immune to seduction, both mundane attempts or magically inspired ones such as the abilities of Nymphs, and may also ignore the effects of the lustful condition if you ever suffer from it.
If you ever engage in consensual sexual activity then you loose the benefits of this feat, regaining them only after you have gone at least one month without becoming sexually aroused.

Sex Appeal [General]
You can exude seductiveness with your looks and manner
Prerequisite: Cha 13+.
Benefit: By attempting to engage attention through any combination of provocative mannerisms, conversation, and attire you can cause any persons sexually attracted to members of your gender who can see you to suffer a –2 penalty to Appraise, Listen, Sense Motive, and Spot checks. Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus to Bluff and Pick Pocket checks against those persons suffering this penalty.
The penalty is temporarily negated if conflict breaks out in the area or from an individual if hostility is directed at them by you or any evident ally of yours. Anyone who you attack or otherwise cause major trouble for, and who becomes aware of who is doing so, is immune to the penalty in future unless they can be convinced that you have changed.

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Well, here are the next few feats. Any comments at all on them or any of the earlier ones would be appreciated a lot. Even saying to stop would be something.


Control Arousal [Psionic]
Your will is stronger than your sexual needs.
Prerequisite: Reserve power points 2+.
Benefit: While you retain 2 or more power points, you are immune to the aroused or lustful conditions unless you permit yourself to be effected by them. If you are effected by either of those conditions you may remove them as a free action.
Additionally, you may choose to recover from afterglow in twice as fast as would otherwise be the case.

Pleasure Touch [Psionic]
You can render someone more susceptible to pleasure through use of your power.
Prerequisite: Cha 13+.
Benefit: By expending 1 power point, you may raise the DC for the next arousal check of a person you touch by 4. If you are not already in contact with the target, and they are unwilling to be touched, then you must make a melee touch attack to effect them.
Your touch remains charged for a maximum number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier +1, or until your next touch. If you do not touch anyone, the power point expenditure is wasted.

Sexual Recharge [Psionic]
You can transmute your pleasure into power.
Benefit: Each time you orgasm, you may make an immediate Concentration check (DC 15) to immediately regain one power point. This feat may not increase your total power points over your normal maximum.
You may also attempt to regain a power point in this fashion during each round in which you are in an over-stimulated condition, suffering the normal -10 distraction penalty to the check for being over-stimulated.

Still Standing [Psionic]
Your psionic energy can help your body keep up with your desires.
Prerequisite: Control Arousal, male.
Benefit: By expending one power point during the afterglow period, you immediately recover from the afterglow and become aroused. If you choose to expend one power point during orgasm then you do not enter the afterglow period after orgasm, but instead become aroused.


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@Sorn: Almost done now, then on to the spells and power...

Here are all the rest of the feats bar two along with an explaination about what I have done which people might find odd.

Conductive Kiss has been replaced by Erotic Manifestation, due to the former having been overpowered compared to it's magical counterpart and was blowing Aroused Casting out of the water entirely.

Kiss Spell seemed to be merely a different version of Kiss Transmitted Spell so unless someone can point the usefulness of having both in the book, I'm not going to go over it.

Sexual Pheromones Secretion has become Pheromone Secretion and some actual rules have been put in instead of the former very vague definition.

Mind Over Sexual Endurance is still giving me fits, since at the moment it seems merely to be a fun way to end up committing suicide, so it is absent for the moment.

Erotic Manifestation [General]
You may use erotic acts as a channel for your power
Prerequisite: Manifester level 1st+.
Benefit: You are not required to make Concentration checks to manifest powers while having performing sexual acts
If you are performing any sexual act equivalent to kiss or one which is more intimate than that then any use of powers on your partner causes no display.

Improved Pleasure Touch [Psionic]
Your touch can make someone easily yield to pleasure.
Prerequisite: Pleasure Touch.
Benefit: By expending 3 power point, you may raise the DC for the next arousal check of a person you touch by 8. This increase supersedes (does not stack with) the effect of Pleasure Touch. If you are not already in contact with the target, and they are unwilling to be touched, then you must make a melee touch attack to effect them.
Your touch remains charged for a maximum number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier +1, or until your next touch. If you do not touch anyone, the power point expenditure is wasted.

Pheromone Secretion [Psionic]
Prerequisite: Cha 13+.
Benefit: By expending 1 power point, you may alter your own scent to effect those around you. You may apply a +4 circumstance bonus to any Charisma check, or check for a Charisma-based skill, which you make against any living being who has been within 5 feet of you for at least one minute. You retain this bonus for ten minutes for each point of your Charisma modifier.
The presence of strong winds or air tight barriers may reduce the area of effect of this feat or make it impractical.
This feat is a mind affecting ability.


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Somehow, this feels strange. We are sitting here for three quarters of a year and select stuff and create stuff. And than, Merior comes along and redoes everything.

Good work there, Merior.


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@kolvar: Thanks for the compliment.

If anybody thinks that I am butting in where I shouldn't, or wrecking what has already been worked through, then just say and I'll do something different. It is just that I have a sliver of perfectionist in me which nags terribly if I see something which seems to be "not right" and don't immediately try to fix it.

That said, here is the current version of Mind Over Sexual Endurance that I am fiddling with, but I still don't feel quite happy with it. Anybody have any suggestions?

Mind Over Sexual Endurance [Psionic]
Benefit: By expending 1 power point, you become immune to suffering from sexual fatigue for five minutes. This may be done as a response to failing a Fortitude save against such fatigue. You may continue sexual activities without the necessity of Fortitude saves against sexual fatigue during this period and may extent it by an additional five minutes by expending another power point when the duration would otherwise end.
If you use this feat to continue sexual activity for more than twice your Constitution score in minutes, you immediately become fatigued at the end of it's use and must recover from that condition rather than taking thirty minutes to normally required to recover from sexual fatigue. If you continue for more than three times your Constitution score in minutes then you become exhausted at the end of the use.


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Well, I have left Mind Over Sexual Endurance alone for the moment so that ideas can simmer away at the back of my mind about it. In the mean time I have a question for everybody:

What sorts of spells do you see as essential to have in the 'main' tBoUCK volume?

I am going through the spells, but thought that other people should have some input since this is a group project...

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