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Adult: Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge


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Talking of conditions, I mentioned a few posts back that I was trying to redo them a little. Nothing major has changed, but I have attempted to make them clearer than they are in the Guide at present. The overstimulated and sexually delerious conditions are based off of Lily Inverse's version posted earlier in the thread.

I altered things so that character who are both aroused and horny may take 10 on any skill, rather than any non-sexual skill. This was mainly due to the thouhgt that if you are in that state, who you really have the patience to take your time over a seduction or a bout of lovemaking?

Another change was to makes sexually delerious gives a fixed, although large, penalty to Will saves. For some reason stripping out the Will bonus can get complex when you have various stats figured out in advance for NPCs so I was trying to be nice and helpful while keeping the spirit of it...

As always, comments anywhere in the range of 'I think it is stupid because...' through to 'I think it's great because..' would be appreciated.

Aroused: Physically ready for sex. A male character is erect and ready to penetrate; a female character's nipples and clitoris are hardening and her vagina is lubricating.

Male characters may cause themselves to become aroused as a free action.

Aroused characters recover 2d6 minutes after they are no longer being sexually stimulated. A male character, however, must succeed on a Will save (DC 16) at the end of each 2d6 minute period after stimulation has ended in order to recover.

Aroused is a less extreme state of arousal than peaked or over-stimulated.

Horny: Strongly desiring sex. Character who are horny suffer a -5 circumstance penalty to Will saves to resist any seduction attempt, this penalty overlaping rather than stacking with any penalty for being lustful. Any female who is horny gains a +2 circumstantial bonus to any Charisma or Charisma based checks when dealing with sexually compatible males.

If a character is both aroused and horny then they distracted enough that they may not opt to Take 10 on any skill.

Under normal circumstances, a character who is horny remains so until they climax, are injured, or are shocked somehow such as having cold water thrown on them.

Lustful: Feels a powerful sexual attraction to another being. Lustful characters suffer a -10 circumstance penalty to both Sense Motive checks and Will saves against seduction attemtps made by the object of their attraction, this penalty overlaping rather than stacking with the penalty from being horny.

Characters who are lustful will often initiate seduction attempts of their own. Characters of evil and chaotic alignments may attempt to rape these objects of lust if their attentions are rebuffed.

Peaked: Nearing orgasm. A character who is peaked suffers a -2 circumstance penalty to all skill checks and must make a Concentration check (DC 15) to cast spells or to make any skill check not related to gaining sexual pleasure.

After 1d4 minutes a peaked character becomes aroused.

Peaked is a more extreme state of arousal than aroused and a less extreme state of arousal than overstimulated.

Overstimulated: Trapped on the verge of orgasm. An overstimulated character is incapable of casting spells, suffers a -10 circumstance penalty to skill checks and cannot perform any Intelligence based skills. These penalties do not apply to the character's use of the Sexual Prowess skill. Addtionally, they suffer a -5 morale penalty to saving throws and a +10 bonus to arousal checks which can not be foregone.

An overstimulated character will agree to do almost anything to be allowed to achieve climax and must make a Will save (DC 20 + offering character's Charisma modifier) to resist agreeing to any such offers.

Each minute a character remains in this condition, they must make a Will save (DC 18), failure indicating that they suffer 1 point of temporary Wisdom damage. If this ability damage reduced them to 0 Wisdom, they become sexually delerious rather than suffering the normal effects of being reduced to zero in that ability score.

Over-stimulated is a more extreme state of arousal than aroused or peaked.

Sexually Delirious: Overwhelmed by sexual pleasure. A sexually delerious character is also concidered to be helpless as they mindlessly respond only to sexual stimulation until they become too exhausted to continue. Males in this condition are aroused, horny, and remaining aroused after each orgasm. Females who are sexually delerious are peaked and return to this condition after orgasm.

Additionally, sexually delerious characters are highly suggestable and suffer a -20 penalty to Will saves. Other characters may make suggestions to them as though the character had been effected by a hypnotism spell, taking five minutes to make each suggestion register properly.

Character normally recover from this condition when they go to sleep or falls unconscious, but the penalty to their Will saves persists until they have had at least eight hours of complete rest.

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Lily Inverse

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On conditions: Looks like about what I meant, but the penalty to will saves makes it nearly impossible for a SD character to make any saves except when the levels are REALLY getting up there. The reason for just stripping out the Will save is to make it ZERO. Excepting a Wisdom penalty, most characters simply aren't in posession of their faculties enough to bring training OR natural aptitude to bear in resisting mental influence (IMO, if the original writer cares to dispute this I'll happily go with another interpretation.)

However, the flat -20 is easier to do. Maybe put the more complex version in a sidebar as an alternate rule?


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Merior said:

Aroused: Physically ready for sex. A male character is erect and ready to penetrate; a female character's nipples and clitoris are hardening and her vagina is lubricating.

Male characters may cause themselves to become aroused as a free action.

Aroused characters recover 2d6 minutes after they are no longer being sexually stimulated. A male character, however, must succeed on a Will save (DC 16) at the end of each 2d6 minute period after stimulation has ended in order to recover.

Aroused is a less extreme state of arousal than peaked or over-stimulated.

Female characters should have a possibility to make themself aroused somehow. Maybe you should ad for the male characters "if at least one hand is free"?

Horny: Strongly desiring sex. Character who are horny suffer a -5 circumstance penalty to Will saves to resist any seduction attempt, this penalty overlaping rather than stacking with any penalty for being lustful. Any female who is horny gains a +2 circumstantial bonus to any Charisma or Charisma based checks when dealing with sexually compatible males.

If a character is both aroused and horny then they distracted enough that they may not opt to Take 10 on any skill.

Under normal circumstances, a character who is horny remains so until they climax, are injured, or are shocked somehow such as having cold water thrown on them.
A character should have the possibility to get down from horny over a period of time.
Is ther at the moment in our system any mechanism to become horny on a natural way (i.e. without spells)?

Lustful: Feels a powerful sexual attraction to another being. Lustful characters suffer a -10 circumstance penalty to both Sense Motive checks and Will saves against seduction attemtps made by the object of their attraction, this penalty overlaping rather than stacking with the penalty from being horny.

Characters who are lustful will often initiate seduction attempts of their own. Characters of evil and chaotic alignments may attempt to rape these objects of lust if their attentions are rebuffed.
Lets call this penalty something different than circumstance. For example lust penalty. Just to make it clearer, that these penalties will not stack.
How do I come down from Lustful?

Peaked: Nearing orgasm. A character who is peaked suffers a -2 circumstance penalty to all skill checks and must make a Concentration check (DC 15) to cast spells or to make any skill check not related to gaining sexual pleasure.

After 1d4 minutes a peaked character becomes aroused.

Peaked is a more extreme state of arousal than aroused and a less extreme state of arousal than overstimulated.
Other conditions to get out of peaked?
How about save penalties vs. suggestions/ charms/ domination attempts? (probably there should be something similar with lustful)

Overstimulated: Trapped on the verge of orgasm. An overstimulated character is incapable of casting spells, suffers a -10 circumstance penalty to skill checks and cannot perform any Intelligence based skills. These penalties do not apply to the character's use of the Sexual Prowess skill. Addtionally, they suffer a -5 morale penalty to saving throws and a +10 bonus to arousal checks which can not be foregone.

An overstimulated character will agree to do almost anything to be allowed to achieve climax and must make a Will save (DC 20 + offering character's Charisma modifier) to resist agreeing to any such offers.

Each minute a character remains in this condition, they must make a Will save (DC 18), failure indicating that they suffer 1 point of temporary Wisdom damage. If this ability damage reduced them to 0 Wisdom, they become sexually delerious rather than suffering the normal effects of being reduced to zero in that ability score.

Over-stimulated is a more extreme state of arousal than aroused or peaked.
OK, here are the saves vs. suggestions. But I still think, there should be something similar with peaked.

Enough comments? (g)
Good work

For the older versions look at the link you find for my homepage or try http://www.netbook-of-uck.net

I am working at a compilation of the stuff that can be considered final at the moment. Should be done by tomorrow (mainly spells and feats from this thread. Will add the conditions, when they are considered done).


First Post
Kolvar, sounds good. Let me know when you have your compilation finished. It would probably be easiest if you just upload all the finished items to the site, and then send me the URL.

Can't wait to get going on layout.


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kolvar said:

Female characters should have a possibility to make themself aroused somehow. Maybe you should ad for the male characters "if at least one hand is free"?

Hmm... I think that you are right there about having a hand free and I'll make the appropriate change.

As it is you can always spend the time to use Sexual Prowess (even untrained) upon yourself regardless of your gender to get up to aroused or further. I was planning on mentioning that method in the revised How Sex Works section.

A character should have the possibility to get down from horny over a period of time.
Is ther at the moment in our system any mechanism to become horny on a natural way (i.e. without spells)?

Hmms... does eight hours or an hour seem most reasonable for recovering over time?

And, as far as I can tell, no there isn't any method of becoming horny naturally. If you can suggest when that might happen short of alchemical concoctions, magic, or such like then I will gladly listen.

Lets call this penalty something different than circumstance. For example lust penalty. Just to make it clearer, that these penalties will not stack.

Err, arousal penalty? Desire penalty? For some reason I am a touch leary about adding bonus or penalty types, but if people think it is better that way then I will change it.

How do I come down from Lustful?

There isn't any way listed to come down from lustful that I can easily think of, though I must admit that I see it as a kind of obession which would be caused and thus recovered from in different ways.

Other conditions to get out of peaked?

If there is a need, I would probably say the same sort of ways that you come out of being horny. On the other hand, it normally lasts a short enough time that this would probably not be relevent.

How about save penalties vs. suggestions/ charms/ domination attempts? (probably there should be something similar with lustful)

Do you mean in general or ones which play on their state?

OK, here are the saves vs. suggestions. But I still think, there should be something similar with peaked.

Saves vs. suggestion while overstimulated? That is a mistake on my part in missing it out. How does a Will save (DC 10 + Charisma modifier of persuading character) sound? Do remember that you already have a chunk of a penalty on you...

Enough comments? (g)
Good work

You can never have enough useful comments! :)

Thank you anyway for all of these and I will try to keep them in mind.

@Lily Inverse: I can understand your argument here, but there is the counterpoint that when you have characters with good enough Will saves to counter this penalty they have a will which can hold up even under this sort of 'punishment'. Those with lesser wills simply crumble under any sort of pressure when in this state.

Writing up as a sidebar sounds like a good idea though and I promise to do that for the other version of this.


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@Merior: I ment general suggestions ("Oh please, I do everything for you ...", "How about a new car?", "everything, but ...").
And I think we should give a general time to get out of those conditions.
About becoming horny: well I would probably translate horny as "Geil", wich would mean, that the person is even more aroused and can not think about anything else. This would be triggered by either being aroused and then getting some stimulations (even seeing something stimulating). something between aroused and peaked.

@sorn: I will.


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@kolvar: I think that the problems is that from the way horny has been described in the Guide I tend to think of it more in the same way that an animal is in heat or in rut. An overwhelming need for sex rather than it being a state of arousal.


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Naughty Tentacles

Has there been any discussion of all new badly behaved monsters in the new Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge? For example the infamous Hentai tentacle beasts, anatomically correct golems, incubi, so on? And maybe a little more explaination about old favorites such as succubi and mariliths? Maybe something about doppleganger "professionals"?


First Post
@Merior: than we should probably state something along the line, that horny, as we use it in the guide, is something not normally felt by humans (and we could create a new player race, that is subject to hornyness (g)).

@kilmore: there is the tentacle master, the recondite pawn and the hentai expansion.
And we got an entry for the succubus.

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