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Advancing magic?

Tinker Gnome

Maybe i chose a bad name for this topic. But i had an idea for a game In our world technology started out primitive, but has advanced though time. Well, what if you had a world that was the same, except with magic. It would work better with a generational type game though, in which you played the original PCs descendnats after a while. The world would start out as a low magic world, but magic would eventually start becoming more and more advanced. Until it became a high magic world. So, what does everybody here think of thid idea?

Sorry for any typos in my post. :(

EDIT: I just realized this should probably be in House Rules, but you get more replies here. But a mod can move it if they want.
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Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
I think its a fine idea. Its the kind of thing that would need to play out over a very long haul - unless you managed to put some fantasy time-travel in there so that people could jump back and forth between "tech" levels.

I'm going to do something similar in my new campaign world - I plan on having technology advance (mystical, alchemical, and mechanical) over the course of years. I might advance the timeline 50 years each time we start up a new game - I haven't decided exactly how to handle it.


First Post
Keep in mind that advancing technology and advancing D&D magic are not even close to interchangeable in their effects. Technology is a leveler but D&D magic instead exagerates the differences between the "haves" and "have-nots". Any peasant schmuck can pick up a gun and shoot the baron, he can't even concievably harm the wizard overlord as Average Joe can neither wield nor create the tools of power in High-Magic Land. Consequently, you'ld probably see an oppressive oligarchy emerge out of any "realistic" treatment of advancing magic. Much more power and wealth but concentrated in very few hands.


How would you manifest the feel of high magic? The best way I can think of doing that is to plan ahead and limit some of the available magic in the "old ways" and then as time advances, there are new spells added to those available to the world. Specifically speaking, some of the advanced versions of the more basic spells and all would be good candidates for "high / advanced magic" spells that are developed over time by improving the exhisting versions to a higher level.


A suffusion of yellow
Have a look at this thread Fantasy Arms Race it covers magical development from primitive times up to Classic.
and personally I'm currently developing the early iron age (Cressia-Stempa-Jinn) era as the new setting for me to play (I'll do a pbp game here too)

btw the best way to do an advancement over time type game is by playing Nations - something like Birthright - or even smaller scale villages.

Trying to do history games at the individual PC level is too hard with standard DnD - unless you simply declare that the adventure takes a year to resolve and this was the result...

Hee. Fantasy Arms Race. That was my idea. Hee. :)

Anyway, I've seen something vaguely related to this in my home game. I wanted to promote magical dueling, so when one of the players made a wizard character, I set up a few adventures so he'd have to duel other mages one on one to get clues, or advice, or just prestige. And I realized my player is really smart, because after I set up the rules, he started thinking of all sorts of ways to use different spells to abuse them. Everything was nonlethal, but the first time he suggested his opponent surrender, I realized I needed to make things tougher.

So I decided in the future, word of his manuever would get out, and though most of the mages were evokers, they'd figure out a few ways to get around being charmed into submission. One plugged her ears so she couldn't hear what a mage suggested, and this gave the PC wizard a bit of a hard time. When he figured out what she'd done afterward, he came up with his own counter: before his next duel, he casually walked up to his opponent and said, "If you see me make this gesture," and he mimed falling over, "that means I want you to surrender."

It would have been a great way to get around some of the other anti-charm methods, but she'd managed to steal his spell components.

After a few sessions, we'd come up with all sorts of standards and techniques for spell dueling. I'm sure if the player had stayed, we could have developed a whole mini-culture around magical duels. Certain spells that are really useful in battles like fireball fall beside mild ongoing damage that can disrupt your opponent's concentration, like acid arrow, or flaming sphere. People actually used counterspells. We made up house rules on using a Bluff check to make it seem like you're casting a different spell than you actually are, so your opponent who makes his Spellcraft check will take the wrong defense. It was great.


First Post
There are two paths of thoughts I have had on this.

The first is my homebrew called the veil worlds. Basically the world is an independent set of three worlds. Earth(science world), Eidren ( medieval fantasy), and the plane of the gods, were everything is magical.

The world progression of Eidren is split into Ages and each has room for several campaigns. Basically the magical power level and the type of campaign will put it in a certain age. And each age might have a different system. The first age could be played with an edited modern or sci-fi game in the beginning of the age, and a Mage or high magic system at the end of its age. While a standard D&D game will happen in the 4th age. This may help show difference in power levels, however each system needs tweaking or a logical lead into the next system.

Age 1 Settlement.
Eidren is initially inhabited by dragons and other intelligent decedents of the dinosaurs. However, just before World War III breaks out on earth, several government groups found a path to the world of Eidren. To make sure humanity was not wiped out, a secret migration occurred. These migrations caused a land conflict between dragons and humans, dragons are the obvious superiors over the humans, since human science fails rapidly on Eidren. It’s not till humans discover magic that they can win. Several bio-modifications including what later became dwarfs came from this period. The rift between the worlds lasted only a time before being closed off, leading to everyone being stuck.
SYSTEM(Run using D20 modern with some high magic added. Maybe White Wolf going to Mage the Ascension)

Age 2 Mage Wars
Eventually humans drive back the dragons. However in increasing greed the rare types mage fight over power. This rips the land apart and destroys much of civilization in it’s wake. This also drains magic in the world into almost nothing.
SYSTEM(Mage the Ascension, done in a war game style)

Age 3 Birth of Magic
People surviving the holocaust Disdained magic and Eidren became much like earth’s medieval ages. Slowly magic crept back into the world. It had been long enough that many believed no such things existed, while other clung to the fear caused in the Mage wars. Magic is not powerful, but since there is so little any mages can command great respect by mere illusions and bluffs.
SYSTEM(D20, but with lower powered magical class with distinct flavors. Sprit masters, Chance spinners, and demonologist)

Age 4 New Gods
Eventually a set of new gods shows up. Basically they herald the entrance of true clerics. It times when magic is accepted and many use it as a path to power. Wizards and sorcerers show up as more methodical and less chancy use of magic. Though some of the more powerful of the older classes are still around like demonologist and seers.
SYSTEM( this uses the standard D&D systems with some racial changes and NPC classes to fit the flavor of the world.)

Basically for me I just pick the type of campaign I want to do and place it in this world. Although I plan to run the 3rd Age before the 4th just to give some world background in the later areas.


The other idea I just had reading this is you might steal from myths like Arthurian legends or others. Start with Greek/druid campaign then run a slightly post Arthurian were Author just died and old druid magic is replaced by new religious magic.

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