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[Adventrue] Lord Ogglebottoms Odd Tasks II: The Mysterious Imlach Island


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: DMDanW, ignore that part about minions

Martelai quickly recovers from surprise attack which, on second thought, wasn't so much of a surprise. He glares at the one he burned, focusing Delban's attention squarely on poor creature. He then teleports back toward the group and his hands flash with eldritch fire hitting it squarely in the chest. Immediately, Delban's fire flares and redoubles it's agony.

Minor: Curse Young 4
Move: Ethereal Stride to F6 if it counts as mud, E6 if F is water
Standard: Eldritch blast vs Young 4 Ref; damage; curse (1d20+6=24, 1d10+5=13, 1d6=6)

concealment, +2 to defenses TENT
young 4 cursed

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First Post
Zharne points with his hand at the creatures facing his ally, the paladin of doom, then the druid raises hand and says,"into the water with you!" and a wind of cold slashes at the beast and forces them closer to the puddle of water then he walks over to Gloom and asks, "mind if I join the 'fun'?"

Gellan dashes forward as the insectoid creatures erupt from the ground, landing a heavy blow on one of the beasts threatening Martelai. His tattoos flash red as he strikes, and the echoes of a roaring cat are faintly audible in the air.

Martelai quickly recovers from surprise attack which, on second thought, wasn't so much of a surprise. He glares at the one he burned, focusing Delban's attention squarely on poor creature. He then teleports back toward the group and his hands flash with eldritch fire hitting it squarely in the chest. Immediately, Delban's fire flares and redoubles it's agony.

[sblock=Status Update]
Good Guys
Gellan – HP: 28/33; HS: 9/9; AP: 1 <= Used Hunters Quarry & Swift Panther Rage

Gloom – HP: 35/39; HS: 11/11; AP 1 <= Divine Challenge on Young 2, used Blood Fury Longsword & Longtooth Shifting

Martelai – HP: 23/38; HS: 9/9; AP 1 <= Has Concealment, used Delban's Deadly attention

Minharath – HP: 29/29; HS: 8/8; AP 1

Thorn – HP: 30/35; HS: 10/11; AP 1

Zharne – HP: 22/36; HS: 9/9; AP 1

Leonard - HP: 20/20; HS: 1/1

Bad Guys
Young 1: Hit Points -24, AC <19, Fort <14, Reflex <24, Will ? <= Bloodied, Gellans Quarry till end of turn.

Young 2: Hit Points -39, AC <19, Fort <14, Reflex <24, Will ? <= Bloodied, Under Glooms Divine Challange

Young 3: Hit Points -8, AC <19, Fort <14, Reflex <24, Will ?

Young 4: Hit Points -35, AC <19, Fort <14, Reflex <24, Will ? <= Bloodied, cursed by Martelai

NOTE: I missed updating Martelai's hit points to reflect the damage taken - It is now correct....




GM: Only Minharath and Leonard (and Messar) to go for this round


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First Post
Minharath glances back at Leonard, then focuses his attention on the two creatures standing together.
[sblock=Actions]I'd like to make an insight check, to observe the creatures for signs of intelligence (+13). If it seems like they are intelligent, call out "Strike to disable if you please, gentlemen! I do not believe these are mere beasts!" Either way, take the following action:
Astral Seal on the Bloodied Young2. +9 vs. reflex, On hit: -2 to all defenses and the next ally to hit it regains 5hp.[/sblock]


First Post
Minharath glances back at Leonard, then focuses his attention on the two creatures standing together. A soft glowing light appears around the one creature. As you watch the actions of the beasts to determine their intellectual capacity it is quickly apparent that although they may use some tactics their mindset is very primitive and bestial.

Messar takes a step up beside Martelai, spear held forward and holding his ground, possibly guarding Martelai's flank, but more likely just not wanting to get involved in the fight.

The two creatures beside Gellan constantly thrash about with their claws, inflicting scrapes and scratches to his legs and lower body. The first creature scurries to the side and lashes out with its claws which penetrates the halflings defenses. As the first creatures strikes the second uses that distraction to land a blow of it's own as it drives its claws into Gellans thigh.

One of the creatures by Gloom feels compelled to attack him and it rushes forward swing out with its claws to little effect. The other one beside it seems a little smarter and makes it way around Gloom, making sure to stay out of his reach and then coming at him from behind. It's tactics prove wise as it is able to find a weak spot in Glooms armor and it drives a claw deep into the shifters back.

As the small creatures furiously attack the ground erupts in front of Zharne as another creature burrows out of the ground, this one larger than the others. It thrusts forward with its claws, catching the druid by surprise and scoring a hit.

The ground not far from Martelai also shudders as another of the larger creatures burrows out. This one though, instead of rushing forward, quickly leans forward, thrusting its shoulders towards you. As it does so a pair of jagged spikes loosen from its carapace and fly towards Martelai and Messar. The first spike flies harmlessly by Martelai. The second one embeds itself into the chest of poor Messar. Immediately the poor lizardman looks ill and his muscles tense and twitch.


Messar steps froward and readies to attack anything coming around toward Martelai.

Gellan takes 4 damage from their 'Gnashing Horde' ability (aura 1).
Young 1 shifts to D10 and attacks Gellan; 23 vs AC, hitting for 5 damage.
Young 4 attacks Gellan; 18 vs AC, hitting for 10 damage
Young 2 shifts to J3 and attacks Gloom; 12 vs AC - Miss
Young 3 moves around Gloom to L3 and attacks Gloom; 28 vs AC, hitting for 10 damage
Adult 1 burrows out of the ground and attacks Zharne; 22 vs AC, hitting for 11 damage.
Adult 2 burrows out of the ground and launches toxic spikes at Martelai and Messar. 10 vs Martelai's AC - Miss, & 19 vs Messar's AC, hitting for 10 damage, 5 ongoing poison & Slowed.


[sblock=Status Update]
Good Guys
Gellan – HP: 9/33; HS: 9/9; AP: 1 <= Bloodied, Used Hunters Quarry & Swift Panther Rage

Gloom – HP: 25/39; HS: 11/11; AP 1 <= Divine Challenge on Young 2, used Blood Fury Longsword & Longtooth Shifting

Martelai – HP: 23/38; HS: 9/9; AP 1 <= Has Concealment, used Delban's Deadly attention

Minharath – HP: 29/29; HS: 8/8; AP 1

Thorn – HP: 30/35; HS: 10/11; AP 1

Zharne – HP: 11/36; HS: 9/9; AP 1
<= Bloodied

Leonard - HP: 20/20; HS: 1/1

Messar - HP:10/20; <= Bloodied

Bad Guys
Young 1: Hit Points -24, AC <19, Fort <14, Reflex <24, Will ? <= Bloodied, Gellans Quarry till end of turn.

Young 2: Hit Points -39, AC <19, Fort <14, Reflex <24, Will ? <= Bloodied, Under Glooms Divine Challange; -2 to all defenses & next ally who hits regains 5 hit points.

Young 3: Hit Points -8, AC <19, Fort <14, Reflex <24, Will ?

Young 4: Hit Points -35, AC <19, Fort <14, Reflex <24, Will ? <= Bloodied, cursed by Martelai

Adult 1: Hit Points -0, AC ?, Fort ?, Reflex ?, Will ?

Adult 2: Hit Points -0, AC ?, Fort ?, Reflex ?, Will ?



[sblock=Terrain Features]
- The grass looking squares are normal terrain.

- The brown looking squares are Mud, and are difficult terrain (2 squares to move through)

- The water looking squares are knee deep water, and are difficult terrain and require a DC 10 Athletics check to move through or you get stuck (immobilized) until you break free.

- The gray rocky squares near the bottom of the map between the water and grass are slick wet rocks. Moving over these require a DC 12 Acrobatics check. Failure means you fall prone and slip into the nearest water square.


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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Martelai turns his attention on new threats. Quickly assessing the situation he moves away from the big bug and shoots another bolt toward already wounded yount, trying to free Gellan.

Standard: Eldritch blast vs Young 4 Ref; damage; curse (1d20+6=16, 1d10+5=13, 1d6=3) - if that drops it Young 1 and Adult 2 are cursed (rod of corruption) and martelai teleports 3 squares (blackleaf gloves)

- once I know how this goes, I'll add in move (because if I teleport I can use move to curse additional creature)

Move: todo
Minor: todo

[sblock=Martelai Stats]
CURSED: young 4
EFFECTS: shadow walk concealment, +2 all defenses

AC: 17 Fort: 15 Reflex: 16 Will: 17
HP: 23/38 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 9

Level 1: Sacrifice to Caiphon
Level 2: Improved Fate of the Void

Eldritch Blast
Dire Radiance

Dilettante: Cutting Words
Ethereal Stride
Delban's Deadly Attention

Blackleaf Gloves Teleport

Decree of Khirad

Elixir of Will
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First Post
[sblock=DMDanW]I'd like to know what happens to Gellan (as a result of his racial power) before taking my turn. If he's still bloodied after it resolves, this will be my turn:

Minharath strides toward the center of the field, his hands pressed flat together before him. Chanting softly, his eyes flow with the color of soft firelight, a glow that quickly expands in all directions, then fades. The badly wounded feel their injuries fading with the light, taken away by magic.
[sblock=Actions]Move action: Walk to F5.
Standard Action: Healer's Mercy
Target: Each bloodied ally in burst.
Effect: Each target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6+8 hit points. You are weakened until the end of your next turn.[/sblock]
If Gellan is not bloodied, then I don't want to waste Healer's Mercy just yet. Instead, my turn will look like this:

Minharath strides south, with a brief glance at Gellan. Seeing the Halfling is holding his own for the moment, he focuses on the enemy to the south. A rush of golden light expands in a circle about Minharath as he chants. As the light passes, the wounds of allies close, and enemies seem disoriented by the spell.
Minharath turns his gaze then to the wounded druid, and with a single word commands his wounds to fade.

[sblock=Actions]Move Action: Walk to H2.
Standard Action: Cast Beacon of Hope (Close Burst 3)
Target: Each enemy in burst.
Attack: +7 vs. Will Hit: The target is weakened until the end of its next turn.
Effect: You and all your allies in the burst regain 5 hit points, and your healing powers restore +5 hit points until the end of the encounter.
Minor Action: Cast Healing Word on Zharne Redcloud.
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 2d6+13 hit points (this includes the bonus from Beacon of Hope).[/sblock][/sblock]

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